chicletgirl21 Member


  • Hello everyone!:flowerforyou: I have been crazy busy lately! Remember when I said that I needed to do more things for myself? Well I have been swimming everyday and have been going out shopping and eating with new friends I have met here at the apartments. I also have been having friends over for dinner and then we watch a…
  • Michelle, This is the link to the swimming pool exercises I found. She did mention some that you said, but there are a few more too. She uses a noodle and a beach ball and even suggests a weight belt and water dumbell. I think I will get the beach ball and the dumbell.…
  • Barbie - Prune puree? I've heard of prune juice but I don't think I have seen puree? I have heard of substituting applesauce for the oil, but never prune puree. Does it change the flavor at all? You use it in chocolate mixes only (cakes and brownies)? Are the calories a significant drop by using this instead of oil? Where…
  • :flowerforyou: Hello everyone! I just wanted to reiterate just how important you all are to me. You know since I have been on this site, my son has moved out, men have come and gone in my life, my mom has come in to my life and we have our own personal hell we deal with together, friends have come and gone, but all of you…
  • :cry: Barbie I was so sad to hear about Haifa's passing. He was awfully lucky to have a mom like you though and luck ran with him when your paths crossed at the rest stop. He lived a long happy life with you and knew he was loved. I just came on briefly to check in, no time lately. Mom is back on in-home therapy since…
  • :flowerforyou: Barbiecat1:flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Barbie! Have a great time Barbie on your birthday! Chiclet
  • Well I went out swimming on the 4th in the evening. There were only a few fireworks to see (bummer) but still I really enjoy swimming at night. I told my guyfriend I did that and he said the same thing Mimi did. don't swim by yourself. He started lecturing about murderers and rapist and I looked at him and said, "I am in a…
  • Have a wonderful 4th of July everyone! I decided to stay home vs going to the block party I was invited to. I started thinking about it....leaving at 4:30pm not coming home til after 10pm probably. That's a long time to leave mom and she would probably need a change. Plus even if I tell her where I am going she forgets 2…
  • Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou: Well it's almost eleven and I have finally sat down to read posts. I haven't had much time to post but I am always reading. I have been swimming every other day now for about a week and a half. Yesterday I didn't have time all day, so I ended up going in at 9pm. I had the pool to myself and all…
  • Feeling better today. I don't feel so tense and wired! Took the puppies to the groomers today. I have never done that before. They are both short hair dogs and don't really need "grooming" per se, but they both were stinky from rolling around in bugs they find and squish in the grass. Now they are sparkling white and they…
  • I HATE THES ON AGAIN OFF AGAIN MOOD SWINGS I AM GOING THROUGH LATELY!:explode: I am either mellowed out or majorly upset and could rip someones head off! Yesterday mom had a physical therapy appt and the therapist told her that she would be evaluating her for Medicare. (Medicare requires this in order to approve more…
  • I was afraid to check in this morning to see how you responded to my "rant". I knew when I got off last night that this was not how I normally feel. I really do think it is my TOM coming soon, but still it brings out my hidden feelings. Mom is 76 years old and cannot walk unassisted to the bathroom on her own and can…
  • :smile: Went to the doctor today for my mom to check out her wound from her fall. Doc says it looks good and just cut off the dead skin that I wouldn't do. Gave me some medicine and bandages for her and told me to change them daily. So that's cool. She can still continue her physical therapy so no need to cancel any…
  • I forgot to ask. What the heck is a fish pedicure. After reading Mimi's thing about them nibbling your feet, I was like no way does she really mean that......does she??:noway: And what happens to the fish afterwards? Does it die? Also Mimi, you are very brave to cut your puppy's nails. I have never been able to do that.…
  • :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone! Have been super busy this week with doctor and therapy visits for mom. She fell down last Friday and tore some skin off of her leg. After all the edemas she had last year the skin finally healed but is paper thin, so when she fell she hit something and tore it. I couldn't get her up myself,…
  • :flowerforyou: Hello everyone! Today I went swimmming for the first time in our senior housing pool. It is a very pretty pool and they even have a jacuzzi! The pool itself is not heated, but it has been relatively warm here the last few days and today it was hot, so I had a break in the day and I had my new swimming suit…
  • Well went shoping for a bathing suit today. I found one that I liked and tried it on. It fit nicely and was a size 18, (down from a size 28, old bathing suit THAT I NEVER GOT TO WEAR....too embarrassed at how I looked in it!:embarassed: ) Not so this time, I feel comfortable in it. Next Tuesday we start our water aerobics…
  • Okay I know this has nothing to do with anything other than that I just LOVE frogs. :heart: Well I was going to say that my June goal was to do water aerobics, but this morning I pulled out my swimsuit and tried it on and it looked like a dress on me. I just stood there looking at myself in my closet mirror shocked at what…
  • Hello Everyone!:flowerforyou: Wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes. I didn't have the internet on at that time due to the move. Got it turned on today and my phone so life is good now. When I was without my laptop I felt disconnected and lost. I do everything with my computer. That and cell phones, how did we…
  • Hello Everyone!:flowerforyou: Wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes. I didn't have the internet on at that time due to the move. Got it turned on today and my phone so life is good now. When I was without my laptop I felt disconnected and lost. I do everything with my computer. That and cell phones, how did we…
  • :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone! Mimi Your picture is beautiful. I remember a long time back when you were talking about dyeing your hair brown. So nice to see you with the color now. You are gorgeous! Robin Happy anninversay! You are so lucky to have someone in your life that you feel so good to be around. I agree with the…
  • :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone! Lynn's account was probably deactivated by 'My Fitness Pal' through a weird glitch. It happened to me and when I went to sign in it wouldn't let me use my username or password. I had to create a brand new name and re-enter everything I had lost. Food, friends, measurements everything! She is…
  • :frown: Well today I went to the doctor and weighed in for the month. i only lost 3 pounds. I knew it wasn't going to be a big loss, but I was disappointed anyway. Before mom moved in I had bigger losses and was walking further and in less pain. Now they are small losses (stress eating chocolate bars once in awhile) I am…
  • :flowerforyou: HI Guys! Michelle:flowerforyou: Wish I was amazing my mother as much as I amaze you!:laugh: She just doesn't get it and i dont think she ever will. So I just trudge on.... Today we booked Access to take us to the Mall to pick up my mother's new glasses (that I made her get). She was using those maginifying…
  • :happy: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYN!!!:drinker: Amanda: I'm glad to see that you did well with your surgery. I was wondering when you were going to settle down and finally have it done. I am glad that you are past it and healing well. You were in my thoughts.:flowerforyou: SallyCC::smile: Good luck on your Weight Loss Challenge…
  • Chiclet here. Thanks to msh (Mary) who found me posting on the March thread. I swear I thought I was on April when I posted. Thanks!:drinker: Now posting correctly: Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou: So much to say, but so little time...honestly. I have not been able to check in in over 6 days! Well today I give our 30 day notice…
  • Maxymom:flowerforyou: You said, " Can you find a private charitable advocate for you and your Mom? And have you had her checked for Alsheimer's yet ? If it's that, biploar meds won' t help but hurt. Another thing, if you/she have too many assets, spend them down, or move them so they fall in a different category" What do…
  • :flowerforyou: \Michelle I have to agree with Viv. It is being banned by more and more veternarians everyday due to it being considered inhumane and cruel. Cats use their claws for scenting and protection, not to mention they need to be able to scratch an itich if necessary. But this is especially a bad idea if the cats…
  • Hello Everyone!:smile: :flowerforyou: Barbie I read all the time that you are cleansing. What exactly do you mean and how do you do it. What is the purpose of it? Well I have news. You will notice that I do not say good or bad news. Because honestly I still can't figure out what it is. After my husband left my son and I, I…
  • Took my mother to the doctor today to get her checked out. The doctor was pleased to see my mother standing and moving around her examination table. I had her pessary (sp?) shipped from Washington to have it reinserted for her bladder. I didn't tell her that was one of the reasons we were going there today, because she had…