

  • QOTD-SUNDAY 9/25: Can you identify any weight loss 'downfalls' that you are prone to and if so, what can you do to curb them over the next nine weeks? My husband and I are very social, and we get together with our friends at least 3 days/nights a week. It always involves food and alcohol. Besides the extra calories, we are…
  • Saturday: What made you decide that now was the time to start your weight loss journey?” 9/24/2011 My journey didn't start today....I've been on it for my whole life! I was never a petite girl, but in high school, I was athletic and strong. I weighed 155 pounds when I graduated from high school. Fast forward 14 years, and…
  • I would like to join too please!!
  • Hi fellow brides! I've been using MFP regularly this year, and I've lost 8 pounds. 45 days or so until my BIG DAY, and I need help to reach my goal of 175. I love to workout, but my weakness is wine, cheese and ice cream. PLEASE help me stay motivated! 1. Name: Tessa 2. Age: 32 3. City: Fort Lauderdale, FL 4. Occupation:…
  • I made this recipe last week, and it was so good, I'm making it again tonight! It makes great leftovers too! Thanks for sharing!
  • I hope that one day I can cut and paste this same message in my profile! I truly think that weight loss is a mental challenge, it's all about believing in yourself and staying focused on a goal. WAY TO GO! And thanks for the inspiration!
    in NSV! Comment by tessacope2 January 2011