phreekles Member


  • Thank you so much for the link! I've been looking for something like this for ages to keep track of how much is a healthy amount to put on week by week. So far I've put on 10 lb and I'm currently 19 weeks (which is supposed to be a normal amount according to the calculator). This is my second pregnancy and I'm really…
  • Can't believe how quickly July is approaching!!
  • Well done on your loss. Also, your boys are too cute!
  • Just wanted to thank Kayjosh2422 for setting all these group challenges up and motivating sooooo many people to achieve their goals. Well done everyone for all the lb lost and wish you all the best of luck for the next challenge! Overall, I only managed to lose 10 lb but I'm pretty happy to lose any lbs, I'm still heading…
  • ha! better than I expected.... No, I'm 26
  • 26 .........but your username and quick math make you younger!
  • Well done everyone, total losses have been amazing so far considering its only been a month! SW: 158 #1: 156 #2: 156 #3: 155 #4: 153 lb total: 5 lb I feel like I'm finally cracking this weight loss malarkey! I've found when I stick to my calorie goals each day (especially on fast days) then I'm more likely to lose weight…
  • SW: 158 W1: 158 W2: 156 W3: 155 Lost 1 lb this week. I was aiming to lose 2 lb this week but i had a huge and scrumptious slow roasted shoulder of lamb with roast potatoes cooked in lamb fat :S which was nearly 1000 cals when my daily allowance is about 1200! I'll try to do better next week :smile:
  • Well done everyone, you have all made some great losses! I'd prefer to weigh in on Fridays which is why I'm posting so soon after the 2nd weigh in.... sw: 158 #2: 158 #3: 156 lb 2lb loss this week - I'm happy with that! I think sticking to my calorie goals and keeping up with my fast days has helped a lot.
  • Jan 5th: 158 lb Jan 14th: 158 lb No loss this week...need to be stricter with my cal goals each day!
  • SW: 189 lb (21/09/14 - just after giving birth :) CW: 158 lb (05/01/14) Easter goal: 138 lb UW: 133 lb Total weight to lose: 25 lb Thank you so much for this forum- I find these group challenges really supportive and motivating!
  • Well done on your loss - that's amazing! I find the 5:2 diet is the only way my body will let me lose weight. I've even tried sticking just to the 1200 cals a day MFP sets you to but I didn't lose any weight with that! I also love the fact that on non-fast days I get full more easily and so eat smaller portions due to…
  • Hi mums! I've also recently had a little boy (in September) and my goal was to lose the baby weight plus another stone (4 stone or 56 lb in total). So far I've lost 25 lb mostly straight after the birth but have since started up 5:2 intermittent fasting as I'm not breast feeding anymore. I'm finding this method suits my…
  • I know just how you feel! I'm also a first time mum with a one month old. I lost about 25 lb last year before getting pregnant then put all that back on plus about 20 lb more! I'm back to taking long walks with the dogs and bubba everyday as well as restarting intermittent fasting (as I'm not breast feeding anymore as baby…
  • Congratulations ad good luck ladies! I too recently found out I'm pregnant with my first (maybe 9 weeks - haven't had scan yet so not sure!) and I'm also due in September. I originally lost around 25 lb in the summer and I have put on about 15 lb back on since then by going off the wagon! So far in the 1st trimester I have…
  • Same here! For the past three months I have been mostly off track and have put on 10 lb and I really really want to get back into eating and exercising right. Really helps knowing I'm not the only one :)
  • Back up to 128 lb. ugh. Desperately need to get back on the dieting bandwagon but seriously lack the motivation
  • Thanks for the advice! I def think strength training is the way to go, and Pilates might be an excellent place to start. I'll give it a try today! :)
  • I've started to feel uncertain about my weight loss at the moment. For the past month or two I've pretty much stuck around the 9 stone point (126 lb) even if I under eat or over eat, it seems my body wants to stay at that weight. My goal was to reach 8 1/2 stone (119 lb) but I'm starting to think my body is rebelling…
  • I read the title as "Looking for a boyfriend on a bulk" - thought it might be a chubby chaser post...
  • Aw thank you - so are you! :)
  • Sorry to hear that and great to have you back! My weigh on Sunday was 124 lb so I lost 2 lb last week :)
  • I had a pretty good week food-wise except I went clubbing last night and drank my day's calories in alcohol so feeling extremely hungover today! However, I have still managed to lose weight which I'm pleased about. My NSV for this week is that I've finally been able to fit into uk size 8 jeans - for the first time in my…
  • No worries - good to have you back! Well, my week has been mixed again, mostly due to a lethal combination of TOM and irresistible chocolate brownies! But once I finished both I felt I was back on track and in control. So initially going up 2 lb following last week's weigh in, I lost 3 lb then put on 1 lb this morning.…
  • Start weight: 128 Current weight: 126 Goal: 119 Didn't have any visitors this week/weekend so no need to cook three course meals! I tried harder with eating at my calorie goal each day and keep up with my fasting (which I didn't always achieve at the beginning of the week). I also got back into swimming yesterday. I've…
  • Well, I think I'm gonna give swimming a try for a month and see what difference it makes - if not I'll have to find another way. Thanks for the advice!
  • I don't want to get bulky - I just want to become sleeker ..... To be honest I mostly want a flat tummy!
  • Diet drinks are notoriously bad for weight loss as the artificial sweeteners trick your body into thinking you have just consumed sugar, it then releases the enzymes, etc. in order to break down the sugar (which is not there) then these simply float around your body without being used and in fact causes your body to crave…