

  • Awesome! I have a 5K this upcoming Saturday, and have a goal of 29 minutes. That's a great time :)
  • Good for him! I know the effect of exercise on my blood sugar for HOURS afterwards. Does he use any type of medication to manage his blood sugar? I have to be careful what my blood sugar is before I start exercising. If my BS is under 150, I find it drops. If it's from 150-220ish, it tends to stay stable, but if it's over…
  • Congrats to you! This post made me smile - happy for you :)
  • I agree with the idea of increasing your water intake. I think I had to add 300-500 calories per day when I was BF'ing, and as I weaned my kids I just had to cut back on those calories as they started nursing less. Staying hydrated helped me maintain my milk production and prevented me from eating too much. Once my kids…
  • Insulin resistant CAN be diabetic, but isn't always. Generally those who fight insulin resistance have elevated blood sugar levels, and can be either pre-diabetic or full-blown diabetic. That said, I used progesterone cream while ttc my 2nd child and found it had absolutely no affect on my weight at all. Also, progesterone…
  • You're near me, I go to an endo at Christie Clinic! My dad is running the IL Half Marathon that day. I've got a color run in St Louis that day, and another 5K Mid-May. Hoping to do a 10K in August or September, but still have to find one and register.
  • Yay! Good for you!
  • I'm 30, and just over halfway to my weight loss goal. I'm a SAHM who also does in-home daycare, so I really struggle with mindless grazing all day long and/or cleaning the kids' plates. Will send a request.
  • You could try - everyone pools their money, and the goal is to lose 4% in 4 weeks. Everyone who does, splits the pot evenly. Those who don't lose 4% have their money contributed toward the pot for those who do. I've thought about joining a diet bet, just haven't done it yet.
  • I've learned that water is better for me than what anyone could have told me. I eat less, drink less Diet Coke, feel fuller, and less bloated when I drink water. I also learned that I am a boredom eater, and that I eat out of habit frequently. Drinking water has helped with that a lot. But mostly I've learned that my body…
  • I have my calorie goal set to lose 1 lb per week. I've been at this 7 weeks now, and have lost nearly 17 lbs, so actual loss of 2.4 lbs per week. I started weighing 182 and am no around 165. I think the big thing that is helping me is that I eat 50-100 calories under my goal 6 days of the week, and the 7th day I go over by…
  • I drink Diet Coke like a fish drinks water. I know that I have gone literally months at a time without drinking any water. So to increase my water, I have made myself alternate from Diet Coke to a 20-oz bottle of water back and forth. My current goal is to drink 3 bottles of water a day. That significantly reduces that…
  • I put on a t-shirt that used to cling so badly around my middle that you could see my belly button (not pretty!) I put it on the other day and it didn't cling, and my hubby noticed the difference, too! Also - I'm using less insulin, my cholesterol got me rave reviews from my doctor, and now that I'm eating better, I can go…
  • Also, make sure that you check with your doctor. I lost a lot of weight over a brief period of time, and when I attempted to regain it, the doc checked my thyroid. Turned out my thyroid was fine, but I have type 1 diabetes. It may be as simple as adding in more calories, but it never hurts to talk to your doctor to rule…
  • I'm Stephanie - I'm a SAHM with an (almost) 6 year old, 3 year old, and 18 month old. I also do in-home daycare for my nieces/nephews. I love all the kids, but I spend so much time making meals/snacks/sippy cups that I wind up snacking and nibbling off the kids' plates. I'd like to lose 40-45 lbs. I just started at the…
  • Hi! I've been at this since the first of the year, but don't have many people on here in my "friends" yet. I'll be glad to add you. I'd ultimately like to lose 40-45 lbs. So far, I'm down 9 :) Good luck to you!
  • Good for you! I lost 4.4 lbs the first week, and from experience I find the first 2-3 weeks I get really good losses, and then it slows down to a more moderate pace. Enjoy the momentum, but know that even if it doesn't last, you're still doing the right stuff!