Jennwa Member


  • I have gotten everything completed, will be adding to it today yet. I worked on the Michonne pushups, and I can only manage 2 :neutral_face: Oh well, at least I am trying :smile: Cardio 117/80 Strength 50/50 Challenges are both done Calories - yes I will be doing more of both today yet, so those numbers will be up.
  • I also like the punishment....looks like a good one!
  • @MsTiffamee so sorry for your loss!
  • Hello! I'm Jenn. I was in the last challenge, it was my first. I was Intermediate and stuck with that this time. It is right in my comfort zone to begin with and then I kinda struggle at the end to push myself to get the numbers. I'm 31, married with 3 kids. Work full time as a dietary manager in a mentally challenged…
  • The episode was really weird. How about those commercials?? Every time I looked up ( I was crocheting and watching) it seemed there was a commercial break. Even my husband commented "commercial again" Also....what was with the way Tyrese was looking at the pictures, there is something about the twins, or something. I'm not…
  • Hey everyone! My name is Jenn....I was here for the last challenge. Just found this new one today. Hopefully I am all signed up :smile: I stuck with Team Daryl this time around as well. Last challenge, I worked my butt off, but my diet wasn't the greatest. I ended up gained 11lbs :( People are trying to tell me that some…
  • Thank goodness I found this post!!! I'm in!
  • I loved Dexter. Didn't like how it ended, but still loved it. The hubs and I binged watched all seasons after a friend of mine recommended watching it.
  • I have set a reward of a pedicure once I hit my first goal. I set monthly goals and go from there.
  • ^^^^THIS! ETA: Hemlock grove and Orange is the New Black
    in Netflix! Comment by Jennwa December 2014
  • Intermediate Daryl Cardio 150/150 Strength 85/85 Calories yes Challenge yes punishment no
  • Intermediate - Daryl Cardio: 140/140 Strength: 55/80 :( Sorry team, just plain ran out of time Calories: Shockingly yes Challenge: yes
  • I like both of those. Big Fitness Blender fan here, so I've done that video a time or several :D Either one is a fit punishment.
  • Great job everyone!! I was so happy to see our name at the top this morning :D Thank you Kristy :) Now as for a punishment......hmmm....
  • Week 6 Intermediate - Daryl Cardio 155/130 Strength 75/75 Calories yes Character yes Punishment yes (Sally)
  • 1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost. Ok. Here's my story. I have…
  • Just checked in for the week. I skidded thru barely,but I did it. Cardio: 120/120 Strength: 70/70 Punishment: yes calories: yes Character: 1) I tried to encourage, but everyone was too scared to try working out with me lol. 2) I started C25K this week. It's something that I have started and stopped once, and still wanted…
  • Week 5 Intermediate/Daryl Cardio: 120/120 Strength: 70/70 Calories: yes Punishment:yes Character Challenges: Yes
  • My week started very slow. I ended up pulling doubles both Monday and Tuesday, so that put me at 14 hour shifts. Granted I know people do them, but I wasn't used to it. Monday I still had enough energy to get the punishment done though. Tuesday I didn't do anything. :s I was tired. Anyway, I'm at 65 strength and 45 cardio…
  • Week 4 Intermediate/Daryl Cardio: 110/110 Strength: 80/65 Calories: yes Punishment: yes Challenge: yes
  • ^This....amazing stuff!
  • This really makes me want to read the comics. I sadly didn't know there were comics at first, until I really got into the show this summer and started talking to people about the show. I tend to read everything first and then watch the show, and then get mad when it doesn't really follow the storyline. :o
  • I'm doing pretty good this week. I have the punishment and the challenge both done. Right now I am sitting pretty low with cardio:30mins and strength:51. I plan on pure cardio for my workout today, so that should finish that one up, and will probably finish up strength just because I have the time to today. I will continue…
  • I used a kettlebell.........
  • Week 3 Intermediate/Daryl Cardio: 120/100 Strength: 85/60 Calorie: Yes Character: Yes Punishment: Yes
  • I'm doing great! I've done both the team challenge and the punishment. I have done great with eating..I'm just watching calories, and am staying on track. I'm kinda slacking in cardio, but after work today I will have it done. Right now I am at 60 cardio/85 strength. After work I plan on doubling my cardio, so I will have…
  • Week 2 Intermediate - Team Daryl Cardio - 185/90 Strength - 70/55 Character workout - yes Punishment - yes x 2 Calorie goal - yes