

  • Hello all, I am 27 years old from VA. I was diagnosed with RA in January of this year and have been having some problems. I was on this site for a little bit and then got discouraged because of the pain I was experiencing after exercising and have gained just about all my weight back :( I want to stop now and continue to…
  • Hey all I am def down for this challenge. Really need lots of encouragement and will give it back as well! WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!
    in Hello! Comment by snwprncss21 July 2013
  • I am def in!! !Would like to set up a group to keep each other motivated?
  • Hello everyone, My name is April, I'm 27, I was diagnosed with RA at the beginning of this year. I am taking Hydroxychloroquine and a NSAID, I have to go back in 3 months to see if the NSAID is helping, if not I will have to start taking methotrexate. I started on this website last year and than stopped and now I'm back to…