

  • I do, a friends mother died of CJD before it was was renamed to vCJD and the family missed out on compensation. Laugh a minute, eh
  • If it were perhaps damage to the muscle (microtears, tear, knotting) and not cramp then no amount of stretching will ease the problem you need to deep massage and then stretch. A tennis ball is your saviour and you can self-massage or learn self-myofacial release. Just a question of googling 'tennis ball massage for calf'…
  • After many hours studying GI and Glycemic Loading it amazes me that people take away that eat more complex carb foods, when in actuality the food with the best GI is always protein and/or fat dense with some carbohydrate.
  • Organ meat, that is insane. And I would try for a double entendre but that would be too easy.
  • You have the basis there but what you have not recognised is the percentage of 1RM (One rep max) that you work at within the rep ranges. Strength - %age of one rep MAX * 5 reps * 5 sets (failure may be achieved but not desirable) Hypertrophy - %age of one rep max * 12-15 reps * 2/3 sets or use weight to achieve failure…
  • I read just fine. Consumer.
  • You do not need to consume to get fit. Why is it always buy, buy, buy.
  • I would look into strength training for the legs rather than high impact. Many knee problems come from muscle weakness or muscle imbalance, I would look to do a self-assesment (or physio/professional) of the knee (there are many internet resources) and then work out a programme using squat and lunge variants and not…
  • firstly, being cold actually helps with fat loss, fat is there to burn to keep you warm. Secondly, yes to bodyweight but bodyweight can be off putting to some people because it seems so hard when you have a lot of extra bodyweight to move (it was for me). Please check out the workouts on - I believe they are…
  • BTW, I used to feel exactly the same. I discovered that people in gyms are there for themselves and not to spend their time looking and judging you. In fact, I have found gyms to be incredibly friendly places and all my misconceptions were unfounded.
  • My advice is you should consult with your PCP and find out exactly what exercises are suitable for your lower body, from personal experience I know that a lot of dysfunction comes from muscle weakness and imbalance in muscle strength and to access that needs a physio or a highly qualified Gym PT. In the meantime, your…
  • That is how a HIIT program might look, but the intensity is actually linked to MaxHR and VO2 Max - where you pound your heart to 90-95% of MHR from anything from 10 seconds to 70 seconds - known as the anaerobic zone. The interval is a tiem period to drop your heart to 80-85% of max for anything from 20 seocnds to 120…
  • Equipment is everywhere. Just one video to prove the point. Also check out for home workouts with simple everyday household items.
  • Yeah got to love those workout A's and B's.
  • I only ever count calorie burn when lifting weights if I have had an average of at least 118 bpm during the 40-50 minute weight session. When doing heavy weight and low reps with adequate rest then my heart rate will never average 118bpm, it will peak at 150-160 though. So, yes you can but only by basing it on an…
  • [/quote] My HRM watch and strap is called Crivit Sport here the info on the link, Hi:162 Lo:68 Av:117 [/quote] Asked out of interest on average, I am 20 years older and my average is 139 for 30 minutes and…
  • Lets take another quick example - man starts lifting weights ie. squat, deadlift, press, chest press and barbell row. squat they start at 20lbs and one year later they are lifting 280lbs, still gained muscle, probably got more flexible, engaged lots of different muscles and they did not have to chop and change their…
  • checkout and their heart rate to calorie burned calculator. If any of the machines you use have a Fit Test function use that for estimating VO2 MAX or do a VO2 MAX test. That said, what was your average heart rate according to your HRM and what was the maximum heart rate you achieved?
  • Expectations are high.
  • DO research on diaphragm breathing for running or power breathing.
  • Defining what additives are and how they are used in food. The program is available on YouTube. The truth, additives are invariably 100% natural.
  • Search for the Glute Guy - bret contreras for full glute knowledge and how to exercise the glutes. I now have a butt but I don't do photos.
  • I know the true value of "detox" products, books, videos and seminars. Profit, where once no market existed thus the markekteers spotted an enormous profit and thus the detoxofication products were launched and hark did the cash registers ring. Now a $5 billion dollar a year business and 50 years ago there was no value.…
  • the toxins are peoples bad karma that are invading my prahna and limiting my ability to transcend. I am a breatharian and I know what i am talking about.
  • Everything I learnt as a child was dismissed when at age 14 when I read 'This be the verse' by Phillip Larkin the English Poet. His observations apply to all parents.
  • Perhaps it came with a manual - RTFM
  • make your protein intake about 40-45% of your calorie intake - eat protein 6 times a day and make sure the protein you get has the Essential Amino Acids, essential because the body does not make them. Eggs, Pulses, Beans are good sources and off course most meats just go for the leanest of cuts. Eat your fats, 25-35% of…
  • The Body Pump is really what you would call one part of strength and conditioning and falls mainly into the latter i.e. conditioning. Strength is based on percentage of 1RM that is One Rep Max that is the weight and then volume and volume is the number of reps. Different 1RM% and volume can create different results. As a…
  • Took me 23 years to develop a 60 inch waist. 3 years thus far to reduce it to 43 inches. That's real waist not jeans resting on butt waist. I suppose I could have reduced faster but then I am a slave to the weekends and overindulgence. I can resist everything, except temptation. On a different note and all this is still…
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