mrslondon Member


  • This is exactly the same thing as what goes on with me. If im not thirsty, its really hard to force yourself to drink. I managed one day drinking only 48oz of water and i was literally in the bathroom every 10 minutes. I couldn't even leave the house, it was ridiculous, and i felt sick and bloated all day. I will try the…
  • I couldn't agree more. I was also told the same thing, make sure you eat frequently and healthy, starvation is NOT an option. And your right, everyone's body will act different, thats the same with any medication. When he first prescribed them to me, i was given a full physical, an ECG also, to make sure my heart was fine…
  • Thats the plan. I dont intend on taking them for long and im only taking half a pill to kind of get me back into the mode of eating right without all the cravings. I am being as responsible as possible with them this time. I know exactly why people gain their weight back when they come off them, its because they do not…
  • Ive heard you can get it online but my mother in law got it and she said it didnt do anything for her at all. When I got it from my doctor, I had to have an ECG? first, you have to have a healthy heart. As of today im going to be back on it, but i am taking just a quarter of the pill, i found it was too strong for me when…
  • I think that is definitely a problem for me, is feeling really guilty for not logging. I need to cut myself a break and get back on it when I feel ready. I think as long as i dont gain any weight, i wont feel too bad. I was told today that i look thinner which is awesome, that has helped, i think the hardest part is…
  • Yeah i guess I could try to put it somewhere else, as long as you keep it above your waist but below your neck your ok. The stickiness on it doesnt last very long so it cant really be taken off. I guess I could maybe try medical tape? that stuff is pretty sticky and stays on forever lol
  • Thanks, good to know. Im going to be starting the tasty healthy diet tomorrow, so im using the grocery shopping list for when i go shopping tonight. Ive really fallen off the wagon lately and havent been losing any weight, its because im not eating enough and i find it hard mostly because i find it hard to plan my meals…
  • Ok so after reading what everyone has written, you are all right. My biggest problem is that I find it hard to stick with it. I need to find out exactly what to cook and go buy those ingredients. And no more eating out. I need to start planning my meals everyday and sticking with it, eating all my calories too. This is…
  • I have gone from a 14 gauge to a 2 gauge over 4 months. I wont stretch until im sure my ears are healed enough to take the stretch. I think for now, I will leave these 2 gauge's in, and if they still hurt after a few days, ill go back down to a 4 gauge. I think you are right though, they probably still hurt alot since I…
  • I must say I am really pleased to hear someone tell me that I need to slow down. I have been watching those shows like "heavy" and "I used to be fat" and I saw that these people work out everyday, or so it seems. I guess starting Monday, I can do the 30 shred dvd one day and walk/run/jog every other day and have sunday as…
  • I do need to slow down a bit. I guess im just irritated because im trying really hard to stick with it and it irritates me that i cant do more. But I dont want to injure myself in the process then I wont be able to do anything. The shred im doing everyday except today and tomorrow, but i did it for 5 days in a row and it…
  • Thanks everyone. I think I will just stay away from all fast food places from now on. I have the restaurant nutrition app downloaded, phone was dead, that was the problem. Thought I was making a good choice, my mistake! I have added that food inc dvd to my blockbuster list, curious to watch it!!
  • Thanks thats really helpful. Sometimes I do try to eat back at least half of my calories, so in a sense, what you are saying and what everyone else has been telling me, is that if i eat 1200 a day, but did no exercise, i would lose weight. Since I am doing exercise, i still need to bring back my total to 1200 again, after…
  • Thanks everyone! I feel alot better now, I dont have to keep beating myself up for no reason!! Now I can log it without feeling guilty!!
  • Thanks, that helped alot, now i dont have to log it in by either guessing the calories or by choosing something that kind of is similar!
  • Im right at 5ft tall, im currently at 176lbs but id like to get down to 125lbs-130lbs
  • Im really motivated to get done now, im actually kind of excited! I know its going to hurt really bad but im excited to see the results that everyone is getting!
  • I think im gonna try it! I know its gonna kick my butt but I have never ever completed a full dvd, I dont wanna be a quitter anymore, i want to start seeing some real results!
  • Haha i dont think im quite sure about shiny jogging bottoms haha, i love my jeans but want to wear them more without fear of them busting open haha.
  • I think everyone here is definitely right, im not eating enough calories. I DID jump in head first and I know that now. I dont mind eating healthy at every meal I just need to eat more and not be so hard on myself when I dont lose weight every week. I need to sit down with a nutritionist and go over everything i eat and…
  • I need someone to actually sit with me and plan my meals, i know what to eat and I do ok during the week then i fail when temptation is near. i just wish i would start seeing some results, i feel like im failing
  • Thanks everyone, I will definitely take all of your advice. I really wasn't being honest with myself these last couple of weeks and so i guess im kind of in "punishing mode" where just doing a little isnt enough. I will rest or at least take it easy. I think i will try some more stretching too, i dont think im doing enough…
  • No-one out there has tried it?
  • I find that the cramping I get can mess with my IBS. I guess because my lower abdomen contracts with each cramp? I dont know but I do know that it does affect it. Stress is a big trigger factor in most IBS sufferers. Havent quite figured out the trick to lower stress yet, life is stressful! But one day at a time!
  • Yes i have IBA, it alternates all the time, very stressful. Stress makes it worse, as does anxiety, my time of the month too. It sucks bad. This eating healthy is making it a bit better too, greasy foods dont sit well with me, but its taking time to adjust too. hang in there!:happy:
  • I thought he was so funny, "ready...BOOM...BOOM" LOL
  • No problem, I heard it somewhere a long time ago. The other one I USED to say was "Inside me is a skinny girl desperate to get out, I usually shut her up with cake" LOL
  • Champion sports bras from target are ok, unfortunately i find that i sweat more in a sports bra but they are more comfortable to work out in than a regular bra. i wish I didnt have huge breasts, they hurt when I walk or run as they are so heavy, im at that point where they probably (hopefully) wont grow anymore but when I…
  • the links helped, im still just a little concerned that i cant burn all my calories in one day, im eating enough and eating the calories i lose when i workout, i just dont get how im supposed to burn more than i eat in order to lose any weight