

  • :heart: Your metabolism maybe sorting it out, if its not used to healthy food or low amounts, it might take awhile to adjust. You can also be gaining muscle, or it can be water weight if you significally upped how much water your drinking. Also, are you staying within your calorie limits? You might be eating healthy but if…
  • Ack, November has been a horrible month!! My mom just sent me a box of goodies today! Im usually really good with not eating unhealthy food becuase I don't buy any but when it's sent to me? I froze them today hoping I wouldn't indulge as much, though I already had a cinamon bun lathered in butter :embarassed: But the scale…
  • I'm in! All the christmas chocolate and baking is starting to get to me :embarassed: But if I can do well until Christmas, maybe I'll indulge a little on the big day! (I just can't resist pancakes for Christmas breakfast, and then the traditional chocolate orange!) I want to lose 2 pounds for chirtsmas, and buy a cute new…
  • I agree with ChubbyBunny, the mentaility of a lifestyle change and eating healthier is much more appleaing and satisfying then a "diet". I restrict alot of bad foods, but then I get insane cravings and then I binge. So now I'm trying this thing where I don't eliminate bad foods, but limit them. Even to once a week, but…
  • I run 40 minutes on the treadmill on a slight incline and I usually run the whole time, so the machine says I burned about 400 calories, while the MFP excersize says about 320? Then I do alot of strength training and various toning techniques that I have picked up here and there :tongue: Yoga, Jillian's Shred, sit ups,…
  • Heya! Hope things get better at home GettingThin08!! I had a terrible day today and yesterday, I mean they were good becuase I drank, ate pizza, was hungover and ate all day :smile: Bad, but oh so good. I'm not even going to think about logging it or weighing myself until I get some workouts done lol. Healthy Challange:…
  • Aww.. True that arewethereyet. I think I'm getting too obsessive with my weightloss, I worry about it and feel guilty about little things that I used to eat all the time, and now I never eat. So it shouldn't damage me that much. I'm a little ashamed of getting to that point :blushing: I'll try harder to eat healthy but not…
  • Ugh.. I'm in the same boat. I ate too much today becuase I couldn't resist some chocolate. When I go back home for the holidays, my mom said she was going to buy me a cheese cake and bake my favorite cookies. It will not be pleasant.
    in Ugh... Comment by Mimiche November 2008
  • I started yesterday right. I went for a nice, relaxing, long walk (I skipped the gym: I've been working out everyday this week and my legs were aching), and I ate super healthy and was under in my calorie intake. But then we decided to go out on the town, to a pub with some friends. Lately I've been so dedicated to weight…
  • Way to go Clewliss! great story! Keep going and good luck! I think the fact that weightloss takes alot of time and effort frustrates most people or is the biggest misconception.. to think that if they start it, it will only take a matter of days for thier problems will be gone. I wish! It took me a whole year to lose…
  • My college has alot of totally bad food, the smell of pizza makes me weak in the knees, but it does also have a vegetarian bar with salads and pasta and cereals, and mock meat like tofu and veggi burgers (But I don't eat those :laugh: ), they also have fruit and soups. Then I grocery shop for healthy snacks to keep at my…
  • Those are HAWT shoes! It's good your motivating yourself with those cuties, I bet you worked hard for them. They'll look amazing on you! I'm so jealous! :flowerforyou: I want to buy a 'skinny' sweater when I hit my goal weight. My friend calls the long sleeve sweaters with the thin, stretch material 'skinny' sweaters…
  • Stress is super sucky for weightloss, you feel so overloaded with everything in your like that your body seems to get to a point where it just says "NO!" You should eliminate the bad habits or monitor them carefully; eat small, rounded meals, drink plenty of water and get all your calories in. That way if you miss a work…
    in Lost Comment by Mimiche November 2008
  • I totally know what you mean :noway: I've been in starvation mode for about 3 monthes!! I was really trying hard to lose the last 5 pounds so I was significantly under my calories, and I lost half of the weight eventually but now I'm plateued, and I want to start eating more, but now my metabolism is probably so messed up,…
  • Dude, I've been there. A young girl in high school, bombarded by the media to be firm and toned and sexy. To feel fat and ugly and to have thinner friends who seem to get all the guys. And at the end of the day feel completely lost and hopeless and unsuccessful and depressed, and wish there was a quick fix to make all of…
  • It's ok, its tough to worry about weightloss when everything in your life is so hectic! Getting to be that time of the year tho, Christmas pressure (So many chocolates out and about! And the President's Choice commercials about the Dolce de Leche cheese cake doesn't help either!!), and school is starting to wind down and…
  • Thanks! Sounds like you guys work hard, and it's a relief that I can buy it in stores, I don't usually do alot of shopping online! I think I'll go and buy it! Thankies~:heart:
  • I have been creepin' around the message boards for awhile, and I've heard people mention Jillian Micheals 30 day shred.. and since I really like her (and her smokin' Bod :blushing: ) I've been interested in the workout. Firstly, how many of you do it? What do you think? Seeing results? Secondly where can I get it? Do I…
  • I'll join, I don't have much to lose, but Christmas is coming up and I wanna look and feel really good, ecspecially since I haven't seen my friends and family in five monthes!! I don't ever eat past supper time, so thats an easy goal for me. But I tend to snack more during the day, I usually snack on gronola which has alot…
  • Thanks everyone! I'll look into these cheeses, I may try the Laughing Cow! :flowerforyou:
  • It's not like I'm a cheese fanatic, but I do tend to put cheese in my omelettes, sandwhiches, wraps etc.. or the occasional cheese with apple snacks. I usually buy cheddar, but even the small amount I use ends up coming to 200 calories and over 10g of fat, I don't think its worth it for cheese! Is swiss or mozzerlla better…
  • I'm 19 but turning 20 in a few monthes, and I want to make sure I spend my twenties healthy! And set good life style habits for my thirties on! I'm 5'3" Starting weight without MFP: 150 lbs Starting weight with MFP: 130 Lbs Current:110 lbs. Goal: To tone up, but stay healthy!