Adw7677 Member


  • In general, with the chicken breasts: The whole big piece - when it's like 2 of them stuck together, attached with a muscle or something - that is a pound. If it's just the one solid piece without the attachment, 8 ounces. I buy the tenderloins by the case from Costco and those have all weighed in at about 2 ounces each.…
  • This has nothing to do with your question, but are you weighing your food? 2 oz of chicken breast is, roughly, 1 small chicken strip. If you put enough chicken into each of the hot dog buns so you could taste it, it was probably more than 2 oz.
  • I've switched to eating just meat and veggies at dinner. I'm most successful when I don't have carbs after lunch. As for everyone saying to see a dietician.... the most weight I've ever gained in my life was when I saw one. I did exactly what they said and gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy. The next 2 pregnancies I did…
  • Hahahahahaha. Nice.
  • It's usually 2x2 for a rectangular cake. That's what it says on the boxes of cake mixes that I've seen. Some might be different. I don't add my homemade cakes to the public database since nobody else uses my 6,000-calorie frosting. :love:
  • After reviewing your profile, I would highly suggest you consult a more-appropriate health professional.
  • My thoughts exactly. Thank you.
  • WOW!!!!! Good thing you found out on Day 1! You can thank him for not being fake! :tongue:
  • LMAO! That's awesome.
  • I'm confused. 200 is borderline high. I've never heard of someone being a 7. To address the egg issue, my cholesterol used to be 200. For the last... quite a few.... months, I've eaten 3 whole eggs for breakfast almost every single day. My cholesterol is now 165. Edit to add more information: I also workout regularly now -…
  • Whoa... that is pure awesomeness! I love it!
  • My gym has a spray bottle with some kind of disinfectant inside. It's to be used on all the equipment - yoga mats, dumbbells, cushions, etc... I don't know about HRMs, but as for the non-electric stuff, you should be able to spray with Lysol or wipe it down with a Clorox wipe. You could also google, "How do I clean my…
  • The firefighters that ask for toy donations during the holidays look like this. I have my kids pick out something inexpensive to donate, and then take a picture of them with the firemen. :tongue:
  • Yes, very true. CVS cashiers get written up if they don't scan your Extracare card. Even if you're buying a pack of cigarettes or a jug of milk. I got into near-standoffs with customers because they refused to let me scan a card.
  • It depends on the brands of bacon. I tried turkey bacon in my Grand Slam breakfast at Denny's. Their turkey bacon is *AMAZING*. I felt good after eating that breakfast. Next trip to Costco, we picked up a multipack of turkey bacon. It tasted like nitrates and preservatives - and absolutely nothing else but that. I felt…
  • You're legit too! Don't sell yourself short. I went to look at protein powders a few weeks ago and the sales lady was like, "You'll like this line. It comes in pretty pink bottles." Ugh!
  • Once you dive in, it's much MUCH easier. Everybody there is hyperfocused on themselves, they aren't paying any attention to you. As someone else said, you can spot the *kitten* a mile away. If you aren't locked into a contract, see if there's a smaller gym in your area. I use the fitness center at the county Parks and…
  • If you're anything like me, the fact that you're already considering a HRM means that you will eventually "need" one. Within a few days of using a non-HRM watch, you'll be wishing you had a HRM. This is November. See what goes on sale for Black Friday. :-)
  • Health food stores usually have stuff for stomach problems. Most contain aloe, ginger, and/or peppermint. You could also try baking soda, but I'm not sure if that would cause problems with an ulcer. Research it first. If you want to do a restore on your phone: copy your contacts to the sim card, transfer your photos and…
  • My cell provider pays me.
  • I have a hard time getting enough protein too. Meal timing is like religion: People with totally different views believe whole-heartedly that their way is the only way. So, as with religion, you find the one that works for you. I had a doctor say 3 meals plus 2 snacks. She compared the metabolism to a fire. You get the…
  • LMAO!!!! My abs hurt. Thank you for that.
  • ^^^ All of this. Go get a different friend with benefits. There are plenty of girls that like sex, they just can't announce it the way that guys do.
  • Isolates do seem to be better as far as macros are concerned. That is, if you need more protein and less carbs. I can't even hit half of my protein requirement without protein shakes. I don't really understand how someone over 100 pounds could meet their protein needs without a shake. Someone mentioned GI disturbances. If…
  • I had them. It was really comfy having my toes separated - like they're meant to be. But then I hurt my knees and stopped jogging for awhile. Didn't feel like breaking back into the toe shoes. FWIW, I think Fila has a 4-toed option. The last 2 toes are together as one. For the 5 minutes that I tried them on, they were more…
  • That sounds phabulous!!
  • MMmmm I love Samsung!!!! I don't have the Note or the Tab, but my son was comparing them both at Costco a few weeks ago. The guy that worked in that department was very helpful with explaining the differences. If you're near a Costco, It'd be worth checking them out.
  • I have a few. Once you get one you'll be hooked. Make it memorable, personal, unique - not something off the wall!!!!! Tattoo artist are just that - ARTISTS. Use the pictures on the wall/internet to get an idea of what you want, then have the artist design something special for you. If you don't like what they draw out, go…
  • There's a food list on this site. I'm not taking on stand on whether the Candida diet is good/bad, and I hope people can try to stay on track with the topic. I'm only sharing this because it has a list of sugar-free foods.