krokador Member


  • It *is* posible, to a certain degree, which is dependent on how much muscle you already have, and how much fat you have to lose. The more muscle and the less fat you have, the longer the process will be. Which is why people get caught up in bulk/cut cycles, even though they tend to suck when thinking of longevity and…
  • Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been run into the ground and was less than happy about my results and couldn't be bothered to try to type 'em out. Last Monday I did: - 3 barbell squat clean thrusters @ 85lbs + 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rounds of: - 2 pull-ups - 3 pike press (feet elevated) - 4 burpees over bar (so 3 clusters, 5…
  • Ran a 4k in like 31 minutes at lunch yesterday. Happy to say I did NOT stop once, and could've kept going a bit, even! :) Today was a gruesome one. Mainly on my hands xD 100 barbell thrusters for time, 10 min CAP. 45lbs. I got 98. Shredded the outside of BOTH my thumbs in the process, because friction :/ then 100 knees to…
  • A little late reporting, but I ended up doing Netflix and chill for episodes in the only room in my apartment that had AC (it was above 110 with the humidity outside, about 78-83 in the room because unit couldn't keep up), out with a concussion. Good times.
  • Sorry for lack of updates again. Things have just been awfully hectic. Made it to the gym twice since last time, and I ran 30ish minutes last friday at lunch. Saturday: Snatch cycling - 1 power snatch from ground, 1 hang power, 1 hang squat snatch. EMTOM x8. I did 75lbs first 2-3 minutes and 80 the rest. Squats @150 3x5…
  • Sorry for being MIA. Lots of stuff going on, and my training hasn't exactly been impressive this week due to still recovering from the head injury (and constantly re-hitting my head in the process -_-) I did start ramping up a bit, going from a day where the treadmill made me woozy and machines where I didn't move my head…
  • I went to the gym yesterday. Kind of. Walked for about 15 mins on the treadmill, more or less regularly grabing for the handles because I was a little wobbly. Did a 20 min ROMWOD on crappy wifi and my cell connection intermittently, tried the bike because I wanted a bit more cardio and that's the only machine where my head…
  • I have found prevention to be the best tool when it comes to hand care. Once the calluses heal over, you can keep that skin hydrated with some lotions or rubs - they sell some special stuff for crossfitters, but I find just regular dry skin lotion helps just fine for me - and keep the calluses trimmed down with a pummice…
    in Hands? Comment by krokador July 2018
  • They sent me home with a nice lil pamphlet with the list of symptoms that warranted a scan. Mild dizziness was not one of them :/ I feel better today, though. Just need to not hit my noggin' again for a long, long while xD
  • Frozen veggies tend to be on the cheaper side of the spectrum, won't spoil very quickly and are quite easy to prepare/season. Potatoes and rice are great cheap carb sources (especially if you cook/prepare them yourself). Pasta cna be used in moderation. For the protein, any cut of meat that's on sale will go well. extra…
  • Another quick and dirty one today. Warmed up OHP, did some rowing motions, got into the hips a bit. 20 min AMRAP - 3 strict barbell OHP @ 70lbs (~70% of 1RM) - 6 alternating KB power snatches (3/arm) @ 35lbs - 9 bur-effin-pees - 12 UNBROKEN American KB swings @ 40lbs As it turns out, swings were not that much of a…
  • Still so sleep deprived, and as it turns out, my sleep study was unconclusive. There's nothing wrong with me, except a bad case of Isleeptoolightitis (and not long enough). 5 min AMRAP back squats @ 95lbs. FROM FLOOR. Which means I had to clean & press it into position. I did 21/13/6 for a total of 40. then 3 min AMRAPS…
  • Back at it, although I am 1. still sore from Saturday (how?! O.o), and 2. had a bit of a kink in my lower back Started with a 5 min on the rower (~1200m, 70 cals) to try and work that kink out. It worked pretty ok. Did some animal walks to finish warming up, on top of getting ready to clean. Worked up to 75x3, 85x2 and…
  • Late on reporting this. Mostly just been lazy and exhausted in between, so getting myself to the gym is all I've accomplished over the weekend xD Thankfully today is a provincial holiday so I don't need to go into work xD Saturday: Worked up to a heavy double power snatch. I think I got 75x2, 85x2, 90x1 (misgrooved 2nd…
  • 2 days of craptastic gym sessions where I got out nearly crawling as opposed to energized like usual. My sleep's been awful. It shows. Yesterday was supposed to be PR town. I spent 30ish minutes warming up all 3 lifts and doing some bodyweight stuff, then on a running clock with 10 minutes for each, work up to 1RM of: -…
  • Phew! I've just gotten back from running a 5k. It's hot and humid, my right calf hates me cuz I played some basketball on friday night and jumped on it a bit too hard, so I had to modify my stride a bit to compensate, which means lower back tired really quickly. I went in with the goal of 1. not stopping at all and 2. sub…
  • Phew. Not enough sleep. Today was HARD Started off with bumper box jumps. Worked up to 17' x6 rebounding, so not too shabby. Almost tripped once, but good thing about bumpers is they don't tear up your shins if you miss (and it was a minor stumble at most). I worked in some rope jumping with the new rope (which I cut way…
  • Took a full rest day yesterday (aside from my nightly ROMWOD. I admit to emitting a little squee when I saw Craig Richey was the model, haha. He's the main reason I subscribed xD) Still having mighty issues with sleep, so I wasn't exactly feeling it today. Did soem animal walks and bar hangs as a warm-up, then worked up to…
  • Oh, right, Saturday sucked pretty bad. I wasn't feeling right. But I still walked like, 4+ miles (7.5km or so) during the day on top of 6 min cap to 100 barbell push press @45 lbs (+ 5 double unders every time I had to set the bar down) My DUs were awful on saturday, btw. Got 20/15/15/15/20/7 for a total of 92 I believe.…
  • Took an actual rest day yesterday and all I did was a warrior routine on ROMWOD. zomg 2x3min frog + 2 min half seated frogs. My adductors... Haha. Back at it today, although still quite sore. I haven't managed to sleep well in a long, long time. Tried to practice double unders and still kept whipping myself, so filmed it…
  • Running counts! I just did 4.75km in 38 minutes during my lunchbreak! Had stupid cramps and my lower back got super fatigued super quick today, but I think if I push the pace a little bit, on a good day, I may be able to get 5k in 35 mins. I also did some KB core work at home this morning. overhead hold and rack hold high…
  • Fuargh! Another deceptive set-up. Although I couldn't have known because the first time I ran through this program, I had misunderstood the instructions a bit xD Some mobility work, because important! xD Push-up unbroken descending ladder. Point was to start at 10, but my No-Matter-What set is up to 9 and that was my max a…
  • Did I say it wasn't gruesome today? Did I? Because I'm ALREADY starting to feel the shoulder/arms DOMS settling in now. Oi.
  • Not as gruesome a session today (I think today and tomorrow are meant to be more active-recovery/mobility than metcons). I started with some box jumps (not on the program). 18'. 5x5. Taking as much rest as needed between sets, AND reps. Wanna make sure i don't trip up. Plan is to get to 5x10 without tripping before going…
  • Sorry I have not been reporting. Busy/depressed/slow/injured again. That kinda stuff. And I just got to work and should do some of that, so the quickie: Saturday was a 2h workout and I felt great doing it, except for a small twinge in my neck. I did power snatches and worked up to 95lbs. The workout was a 20 min emom…
  • Well shoot, I tried to edit my previous post and it posted a new one :| disregard the non-edited one, pl0x. Maybe I should ask for mod powers in here so I can fix these things, lol.
  • Phew! Today was a good metcon day! Started out with some animal walks and hollow hangs/swings for 10 minutes as a warm-up. Tossed in some band pulls and jump rope, although that last part sucked (at first). Then I used the restroom and warmed up my KB snatches with 20x6/arm then 30x4. Tried the rope again and strung 9 DUs…
  • I'm finally back into serious programming! Yesterday: active recovery. EMOTM x10 (1 arm per round, so 5/arm): - 3 strict KB Press - 5 KB front rack squat Used my 35 lbs bell. I also did my ROMWOD at night. Zomg that 4 min half straddle. Me an my no external rotation hips. Ouch xD Today: Minimalist strength, W1D1 6 min DU…
  • I only did a half Murph this year. Unweighted. My bodyweight strength has been so rubbish lately that I split the reps into 5 push-ups, 5 squats, 5 leg assisted recline row/pull-up hybrid (local park doesn't have many options to scale), 5 squats, 5 push-ups, 5 squats x 10. But I did end up doing an extra round because I…
  • Murph time! Happy Memorial Day to the US folks in here :) I did a half Murph (1 mile rune, 50/100/150 pull-ups/push-ups/squats, 1 mile run). First 1600m = 9:07, transition to the playground took about 1:20. First 3 rounds were around the 1:35-1:45 mark (I was doing 5 push-ups, 5 squats, 5 pull-ups, 5 squats, 5 push-ups, 5…