

  • Are you trying to drink 8 bottles of water a day? I used to think a bottle of water was 8 ounces, but really it is 16 ounces so really if you drink 4 bottles of water a day that is enough. I don't know if most people know this, I know I didn't until just recently. -Danielle
  • I know how you feel, it does get really time consuming and annoying! I don't even do it every day, I just make sure I make really healthy choices on the days I don't log in. It is important though to be aware of what you are putting in your body. Before this website I had no idea how bad some of the things I thought were…
  • I didn't see the bulletin you posted prior to this one but I know what you mean about preaching. Everyone has their own way in doing things and people shouldn't nessecarily "preach" to you, but they should help IF you ask for it. Although the people who are telling you that eating clean is the best way to lose the weight…
  • Some tips I have are to think about what foods you really crave. And then think of subsitutes that you can eat instead of those fatty foods. I love carrot cake and chips, so I buy the Little Debbie lowfat carrot cakes, and Baked Lays potato chips and eat in small portions. You will find that just getting a taste of what…
  • My start weight was about 143 and I now weigh 138, but I have a small fram even though I am 5'7. My goal weight is 125-127 so I would say that for you, 135-140 would be a good weight. But you can always set your goals higher such as 150 and then go lower. Hope this helps!:happy: -Danielle
  • One of my MFP friends told me to start jump roping. I am going to go and by a jump rope today, and start doing this. I HATE running/jogging with a passion and am in need of a good cardio workout and she claims that this is it. She said that 10 minutes of it and you are pooped out, give it a try!:happy: We can share our…
  • Wow, that is really amazing! And inspirational. Way to go!!! :drinker: -Danielle
  • Thank you both so much for the ideas! I am going to try to make all of the ones that I thought sounded yummy. I am excited :happy: -Danielle
  • Or you could always go out and buy a garder belt and stockings:tongue: :happy: I am sure he would LOVE that, I know my boyfriend would:smile: :heart: Danielle
  • I don't know if you have a sewing machine but I sew really nice pillows all the time! Just recently I made some fancy, designer pillows for a bench in my house. I also made some adorable, child print pillows with ruffles on the edges and the kids' names on the front of them, for the kids I babysit. You could make your…
  • Wow, i hate that too! I have a certain friend who is like that and she only weighs like 105 so its easy for her to say that. Plus she is allergic to dairy so she basically can't eat ANYTHING bad, chocolate, cheese, lol all the bad things. I am right there with ya, sister!:happy: -Danielle
  • WOW what a difference, that is so awesome! Keep it up!:happy: -Danielle
  • I always think the same thing! I feel like when people see what I am buying that it may inspire them to eat healthier. Expecially those who are buying ribs, chicken, icecream ect. hahah
  • I would say, peanut butter on crackers if you want protein. Or you can buy some of that protein mix they sell and make a smoothie with a banana, chocolate soy milk, and strawberries, thats always really good for after a workout. Or try peanut butter sandwich with bananas on it, that is great for getting protein and some…
  • If you have a measuring cup handy you can use that. 1 cup is equal to 8 fl ounces. I am pretty sure 1 cup is standard unless you live in the UK or somwhere they use to metric system. -Danielle
  • I have heard this also. My friend went there and said that there was nobody overweight and defainatly noone obese. Its sad, in Amercia its the complete opposite.:ohwell:
  • hahah thats awesome! I seriously looked at about 10 pages of that. Some of that stuff literally makes my stomach churn..:sick: but something deep fried sounds goood right about now :) -Danielle
  • Thats way to little of calories I think for you. Mine is set at 1,430 calories and I go over that a lot and I still lose weight. You really can eat more than 1,200 just exercise more and you will see a difference. A person can eat 1,200 calories for the rest of your life and be fat just because their metabolism is too low…
  • I really like seasme seed crackers with cream cheese, you can also put little slices of fruit on them. The brand I use is called Waso I think. This is a quick and really yummy snack. -Danielle
  • I am not sure, I think if you are eating the middle, that is considered eating the calories. Somtimes just chewing on something causes you to intake the cals too though. Such as gum, some gum has 25 cals a stick, even though you don't eat it. -Danielle
  • Oh my gosh that is horrible! I feel so bad for you, I hope that your ear clears up and you can hear once again clearly from it. That must be so difficult, I can't even imagine. I hope that your ear is ok on the plane too. -Danielle
  • Thanks a lot. That all helps me out, I do need to do more little things. And I really need to try to not get cheese on things I eat at fastfood.
  • Never mind, i just saw that you don't drink beer. Um, pretty much anything you listed, vodka and all that is fine. It has next to nothing calories. Beer is what gets you because you drink 6 beers thats 600 calories. -Danielle
  • Bud light is my fave, but if you want to go even less calories than that Miller Genuine Draft Light only has 64 calories, and its not bad I actually liked the taste. Hope this helps! :) -Danielle
  • wow, hula hoopin?! that sounds so fun and that is crazy you lost those many inches, how long do you do it for and how many days? -Danielle
  • How the hell do you get rid of these??! I know that you can't "spot" treat them but even when I weighed 127 pounds, I still had love handles, and that is slim for my height. Is it because I cheat sometimes because I don't always eat healthy foods or is there certain amount of cardio I should be doing daily? Its not only…
  • Basically the calories that MFP sets for you daily, is already adjusted for you to lose weight. If you are exercising and burninig calories and then not eating those calories back, you are putting yourself into starvation mode which can cause you to crash or in the long run, gain the weight right back. Maybe try to eat…
  • WOW you look great!
  • Oh you will love this site! Everyone is soo supportive and nice. Good luck with everything, we are all here to help eachother out!!:smile: -Danielle
    in newbie Comment by healthychic May 2009
  • Ugh, I always feel the same way too. I know that you shouldn't eat A LOT of bread, but bread helps to keep me full. My sister buys this bread that is 40 calories a slice(not sure of the name). That really helps when you can't eat a lot of carbs but need to stay full. Also, eat all day! Don't go overboard, but carry snacks…