lioness803 Member


  • I actually have much MORE stamina when I work out on an empty stomach. It's personal preference.
  • My husband is allergic to most fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds when they're raw (oral allergy syndrome as others have mentioned) Does cooking them make a difference, OP? I'm assuming you nd your doctor have considered this, but I just wanted to check
  • I pretty much only workout after the kids go to bed (between 8 and 9, my kids are 4 and 1). I usually stay up til midnight for my "me time" and that's also study time during the school year because I'm a part time college student (I also work part time) Sometimes I manage to after dinner time if my husband can wrangle the…
  • Personal preference. I used to think you shouldn't work out on an empty stomach (I just assumed I would get light headed or something), but have actually found I perform much better that way.
  • You can get a food scale for under $20 at pretty much any basic store. It's definitely worth investing in one.
  • No. OP-measure all food, solids with a scale, liquids with cups or spoons. Most people underestimate portions. Do you eat back exercise calories? They can be a bit inflated, so only eating back a portion of them works better for most of us.
  • Cereal, because so many are fortified. If it's something you've had issues with, you may consider supplementing. Iron supplements work best when taken with a vitamin c source.
  • I pound a week is completely normal and healthy. Since you're not terribly overweight, you wouldn't want to lose much more than a pound a week. (Morbidly obese people can lose more) Slow and steady is the best way for weight loss :smile:
  • Taste wise, Silk vanilla almond milk is my favorite. (FYI, oatmeal cooked in vanilla almond milk is super delish)
  • Goat milk is most similar to human milk, so that's a good option. Hemp milk is often suggested because it has high fat that growing toddlers need. Taste wise, my almost 5 year old loves almond milk (the sweetened ones, unsweetened not so much) but my 1 year old won't touch it depends on the kid. They don't have to…
  • Dillards, they have several different fits
  • Awww, man Penn Station is so good. Maybe I should get some for lunch...
  • Not everyone loses weight breastfeeding; it did nothing for me. In fact, I think I gained weight because I was always starving. As others said, accurately and consistently logging is very important.
  • Cleaned up how? Accurate logging as outlined as above is going to be most helpful to get the scale moving.
  • Kevita is my favorite brand
  • Not related to what you're eating, but when I had gestational diabetes, it was strongly recommended to me to walk after every meal to help regulate blood sugar. Is that something you could try to implement, at least as often as you can? Walking is even less intense than the other exercises you mentioned. As others said,…
  • Menstrual cups are life changing!!!! No more cramps, made my periods so much lighter, and I can work all day, or be gone most of the day, and not have to worry about it. I forget I'm on my period most of the time.
  • I'm not vegetarian, but I do like to make vegetarian meals. It's certainly possible to have a meal without meat if you're willing to try it (my brother, for instance, would agree 100% with your mom!) Vegetarianism is not inherently healthier though, nor would it make one lose weight any quicker than a meat filled diet, as…
  • 1 chapati as in 1 piece of flatbread?
  • To all the people talking about the taste: People who take it daily (and know what they're doing) don't just take a straight shot of vinegar, it's supposed to be mixed with warm water, usually some lemon and honey, so it's like tea (but more sour). If you're one of the people talking about doing this, please do it like…
  • It has digestive benefits, at least for me...I'm an IBS sufferer with chronic constipation, and I find a shot of ACV (mixed with hot water of course) for a couple for days gets things way to lose a few pounds! In terms of taking this substance and you'll suddenly have the fat start melting off of you, no,…
  • As others have said, weight fluctuates based on water weight, hormones, if you've had a decent BM or not. As a woman I find its very helpful to get your track weight daily for a month and see when/if you are heavier due to your monthly cycle-for some its right before, for others it a couple weeks before during ovulation.…
  • Yes 1200 is the default lowest MFP will give, because most people can't healthfully and eat less than 1200 calories.
  • Shrimp and pineapple fried rice wrapped in cabbage or lettuce wraps. I like throwing pineapple into any Asian-y flavored dish.
  • My favorite breakfast is 2-3 slices of bacon, with Brussels sprouts and a chopped apple all sauteed together with cinnamon and ginger. Most days I have eggs. Or leftovers from previous day's dinner
  • I make really good turkey meatballs with a peach barbecue sauce... What the others said, don't label food as good or bad. If you like it and its going to fit in your calories, then it's "good"!
  • Were you undereating when you were sick, causing your body to desperately want the calories? One binge isn't going to derail your progress (even eating 900 calories over your maintenance, that wouldn't even make you gain 1 pound) The macros won't affect you weight loss either. Unless you're sick all the time and will have…
  • This will not necessarily work for everyone with IBS, but I (and many) find that eliminating (or seriously limiting) gluten does wonders for IBS. Also, try researching a low fodmap diet. Fodmaps are certain carbohydrates that can lead to digestive issues for people who are sensitive to them. It's an elimination diet, so…
  • The serving sizes on pasta is usually the dry amount.