

  • Not in the UK it's not. Just Halloween which is kids only, and then Christmas. Personally I'm considering hibernation, I should wake up in the spring at my goal weight.
  • The short answer is 'Yes'. You don't have to exercise as such but be more active, walk more, climb stairs instead of using elevator, etc, if you can. However it is as simple as calories in less than calories out = weight loss.
  • You're right, why would anyone bother about something that wasn't likely to affect them in any way when there are more important subjects.
  • Wasn't he someone's backing singer, that's terrible...................... I remember, it was the Police "Walking on the moon", knew I recognised the name :wink:
  • This thread is priceless. Thanks OP for making my day!
  • OP sadly sometimes trying to be humorous is casting pearls before swine!
  • Isn't it nice there's nothing happening in Syria that might have the west firing off missiles against the wishes of the Russians, not to mention the Iranians, and that everyone in Egypt is happy so people can concentrate on what is really important.
  • I had a similar No 1, suddenly realised my stomach didn't touch the lower part of my car steering wheel. This NSV has now become so much I've moved my car seat closer to the wheel and still have a gap!
  • I don't believe you need them as long as you are eating protein as part of your normal diet. Check your protein amounts via your MFP diary, that will tell you if you are deficient. Most people get all the protein they need from their normal diet.
  • I would agree with that, I'm using an Omron scale, accuracy unknown, but I have dropped 1% exactly in 28 days on diet and minimum exercise only.
  • Pics or it never happened....... :wink: Well done, these NSVs really can keep you motivated!
  • FD this is taken straight from the Boots Diet website, so not cheaper!
  • Totally agree, I weigh every day but then I'm a data geek......... I only load weight losses on MFP though (average over 7 months, 2 lbs + per week). Like you I understand exactly what is causing fluctuations.
  • I've had that inn a minor way myself. A few years ago my doctor commented on my obesity and said I had to lose weight for my health. I asked if I could take the weight loss pills that were then available to stop you digesting fat and was told I had to lose weight first, she took my weight and said if I lost over a Kg in…
  • No, I won't dislike you for that, I already dislike you from your profile pic :laugh: No, not really. And I'm sorry to generalise but I believe it is a human trait, failing if you like, to sum up people very quickly when you meet them. You may be the exception that proves the rule but that makes you a saint in my opinion.…
  • Definitely not human. Most humans decide whether they like or dislike someone in the first seconds after meeting them, first impressions do matter and that is why people jump to conclusions about fat people. This is no secret, people discriminate positively in favour of tall men or pretty women for example. Yes you can…
  • Strangely I had a forum exchange with someone the other day on this very subject. When I said I was not ready to go swimming yet because I was self conscious about being fat and said when I used to be thin I was guilty of having negative feelings to fat people, I was told I had to be less judgemental or I was an *kitten*.…
  • Personally fitness is secondary for me. Losing weight has led to increased fittness almost as a by product, I move more because I can and want to), but its all about driving that scale down. When I get to the stage where weight becomes less of an issue, THEN I'll think about fitness more seriously and it may become the…
  • Very impressive! I'm on the same journey you have done and your success is inspiring!
  • Must be a wonderful feeling and give you a heap of further motivation. I'm dreaming of just being overweight, I have about 26 lbs still to go to get out of the obese category................ should be there by Christmas without any problem!
  • I agree, but you're applying today's morality to yesterday. When I was young, before you were born, fat people were few and far between and looked at differently. The thing that worries me nowadays in these more enlightened times, is all the talk of an obesity epidemic, it is making obese people something to be despised…
  • I have been fat for possibly the past third of my life from just overweight to pretty obese (300 lbs, healthy weight around 150 lbs) and I remember only too well during the thin period of my life wishing fat people kept themselves covered up, acres of bulging semi naked flesh wobbling about was not, in my view at that…
  • I know exactly what you mean, I do a lot of business travel and most of the hotels have 'Fitness Centres' or similar with gyms and pools, however I have yet to use one, just looking through the door at all the fit young skinny things on the equipement and in the pool puts me right off, I feel I will stand out like a sore…
  • I got to "I do not count calories because it seems like a tremendous waste of time for me", gave up and came to the last page to comment. OP, why bother? Stay fat.You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink as the proverb goes.
  • Welcome Olive, and Jane was only warning me, because I have a well known aversion to exercise (If I feel like exercising I usually lie down in a darkened room till the feeling passes!), that I would become addicted. Stick with us though, we're a supportive group when we're around! I sympathise over the delicious food, I'm…
  • Just go for it and spend as much time in the water as you can. It's great exercise for two reasons, for one your weight is supported by the water, but two you have to keep moving to keep afloat, particularly if you are upright in the water. Personally ask me to do 50 lengths or something and I would just get bored. Get a…
  • Something I don't think has been mentioned in addition to all the above is Sleeptime which allows you to monitor your sleep, though Fitbit now does that for me too. Seriously though, there is so much to smartphones nowadays, the number of apps you use is only limited by your imagination! Welcome to the 21st century, I feel…
  • Though I haven't been fat all my life, I'm similar to you in some ways, high stress job yes (though I thrive on stress but a lot of travel makes it difficult to plan for food, and hotel and restaurant meals..........ouch), but I started getting breathless, unable to walk up stairs, avoiding walking any distance, and I too…
  • It's kinda amazing, all these big food companies peddling unhealthy stuff through their advertising and spending millions of dollars when all they need to do is sit back and allow people to get fat all by themselves. The problem is that advertising works, never underestimate its power. Now we could have a discussion about…
  • Well said. People are commenting on the title, they don't know what the program was about. One thing I was discussing with my wife this evening after we saw an advert for something trying to persuade kids to be more active - scientific studies mentioned in the program show kids are just as active as they have ever been, it…