fvtfan Member


  • Before you buy - do some research, I found that it would not sync with my router because my router is too new and the Aria technology is from 2012. After 3 hours trying to get it to work I gave up and returned it. Fitbit needs to update the technology on the scale, I am not sure why they haven't.
  • I tried to buy both of them, the Fitbit Aria technology is old (2012) and it was not compatible with my internet router (figured that out after 3 hours of trying to get it synced to my wireless network). The Withings scale needs an iPhone to get it synced initially. So after wasting an entire day I am using my same old…
  • I had a friend that started using it and I looked it up to see what it does - and I can't figure out what it is supposed to do for you - very vague: The THRIVE Experience is an 8-week premium lifestyle plan to help individuals experience and reach peak physical & mental levels. You're going to live, look, and feel Ultra…
  • Because he is a man...
  • Then don't write it down until you get back to a loss - I don't record ups here on MFP, just the downs...so sometimes I don't log a weight for a few weeks
  • Sounds like you are having issues with your fitbit calculation - look around at some of the other threads about fitbit there have been several about the calculation not working right and there is a fix but I don't remember what it is. When you look at your fitbit dashboard does it really say your daily burn is 3,500 -…
  • I just added my starting weight "this time" with a date earlier than my original starting weight from 3 years ago
  • I haven't had any issues with my Charge HR adjustments syncing...I often think the number is high, but when I look the next day the math works out right. I am not sure I agree with the TDEE I am getting from my Charge so I don't always eat the calories but the sync is working for me anyway.
  • You aren't doing anything wrong - it is probably water weight - your weight fluctuates on a daily basis so if you are only weighing once a week you could hit an "up" day that makes it look like you gained a lot. Just keep doing what you are doing - although 1,200 is really low.
  • I have used a Fitbit for 3 years, have never lost one and have never had any problems with the syncing. I just got a Fitbit Charge HR to replace my 3 year old One and I really like the data I get from it.
  • What measurements are you taking - I definitely see it in your arms, did you measure them? I measure in 10 areas, some months I lose in some areas but not others.
  • I make breakfast burritos for the whole week on Sunday - usually eggs, ham, onions and cheese. Wrap them up in parchment paper (so I can throw them in the microwave at work) and tinfoil. You can even throw them in the freezer if you want to make more. Seems to fill me up until lunchtime.
  • I am taking it now, the only side effects I have noticed is dry mouth and insomnia (when I took the whole pill), I definitely have no appetite. I was prescribed 37mg but I only take a half pill a day. It helps me with portion control and has curbed my sugar cravings. I will probably not stay on it long...I have been…
  • Your deficit is already included in the number you are given for calories - so if you exercise you need to eat those calories (or at least 1/2) or you are not consuming enough. For example. You are given 1,400 calories, which already includes a 500 calorie deficit. You then exercise 300 calories are added, if you don't eat…
  • If you are an app user I assume you log from your phone - how about it if you take pictures of your meals when you are busy and then you could go back and log it later??
  • Fiber supplement?
  • Personally I would just ignore that message - every day is not going to be the same anyway...I think it is a stupid feature
  • I almost re-joined (after a couple of years of MFP) and decided to wait to see what the new program was all about and now I am glad I didn't join. I understand the concept of steering people towards healthier food choices BUT the one thing WW had going for it was the ability to have treats and still reasonably stick to…
  • I was told my thyroid was fine TWICE - finally went to an endocrinologist and low and behold I do have hypothyroidism. Go to an endocrinologist and get a full workup - they did 53 different blood tests.
  • I think you should - perhaps your journey will inspire someone else to make a change. Weight loss is a hard thing and you should be proud of you accomplishment, plus it is nice to read all the nice things people say and it will help motivate you even more.
  • That happened to me - and I got frustrated and quit caring and now am looking at 25 pounds gained. Please don't follow my lead! I am also 5'2" and have been down to 162 twice and both times got stuck and bounced back up. Last year it was 15 pounds (which I lost over last summer), this year it is 25 - gained between…
  • Stay off the scale...
  • I have my alarm on my Fitbit set to go off every hour - makes me remember to move and I just get up and walk around the office for a few minutes. It is kind of amazing how fast those steps add up if you do it every hour. That being said - losing weight is all about calories, so just stay at your calorie for the day and you…
  • WOW - 8 weeks and you are already stressing about the weight? Give yourself (and your body) a break. Your body went through a lot of changes in the last year it may take a bit for your hormones to settle down. Log your calories (make sure you are eating enough) and don't kill yourself working out. Ignore all those stupid…
  • Lots of restaurants have nutrition information online - as for eating at a friends I just try to be careful and guess at portion sizes
  • are you tracking....weighing and measuring your food? 5 pounds is going to be slow as you are already at a healthy weight, just keep doing what you are doing.
  • I always put them in the recipe builder - that way I can determine how many servings it is and if I decide to leave something out, or replace it with something else I know how many calories it is. I think the recipe builder has gotten better - have you tried it lately?
  • Why wouldn't just jumping on the elliptical be an option? It doesn't have to be for an hour...get on for 10 minutes today. Tomorrow do 11 minutes...or next week do 11 minutes...just start moving, once you get into the routine it gets a lot easier to keep it up.
  • I think it could be close - walking at a 10% incline is very taxing...my heart rate jumps pretty high when I get to 6%.
  • I have found ALDI to be the best - but there selection is limited. They always have broccoli and zucchini, last week they even had brussel sprouts and aspargus.