noltes2 Member


  • After I reach goal I would love some, as they are rapidly dwindling and deflating... however I have not had kids, and it makes me wonder how they would look after kids with the whole breastfeeding thing? It might be better to wait after all that... who knows. Surgery is a scary and major thing - I'm so glad you love yours…
  • I can't relate to this degree of binge eating, but as most dieters do I am familiar with binging every so often. Let me use last night as an example... I got off work and had to run some errands and forgot to have a snack before I left work and I was already kind of hungry. For the next 3 1/2 hours I was starving, and my…
  • My advice is to get back on your meds so you can feel "normal" again... Because you know yourself best and when your not on them you don't have willpower because you aren't yourself. Get on your meds, talk to a medical professional and ask them what you asked us. Also remember that exercise boosts mood so that might give…
  • THIS IS ME. Didn't realize I was gaining, cuz I was used to being the pretty one. Finally woke up and realized I was the chubby one. Not a good realization, but better than denial.
  • Hmmmm..... so many little things motivate me. But the BIGGEST thing that gets me to the gym every day is this: Waking up the next morning, stepping on the scale and seeing, or hoping for that loss. If it's there, I knew I did the right thing, if it's not then I just keep trying!
  • Hello all! I am 5'5 3/4 so that makes me ALMOST 5'6"!!! I started at 195, I felt so awful about myself then.... several months later I am 151 on a good day, 153 on a bad one. But let me tell you this - I am going to enter into the 140s within the next 7 days, I guarantee you! I'm stepping up my game to hit my goal of 140.…
  • Thanks for the replies so far! Natskedat: definitely as I get closer I would love to hear more of your tips about zig zagging and what not! dcdc13: Thanks! I definitely do want it, it could go towards my credit card bills haha! SarahR1984: Congrats on your loss, it sounds like it was a great thing for you, and you did it a…
  • Some of these are SO wrong on so many levels. haha a good one would be me showing a picture of an event to one of my coworkers from last summer. She went, "WOAH, you WERE pretty chubby!" I laughed and was like, "I know, that was 44 pounds ago!" I guess she didn't believe me when I told her I lost some weight! Then there's…
  • I saw your pictures and said "wow". You are my goal! Now as a woman, I understand what it's like to look in the mirror and not be satisfied - oh this is not toned enough, this is too lumpy, etc. But realize that you are you're own worst critic and many of us look up to you! Be proud and realize that you are being way too…
  • Dang you sound like alot of the people on here, weight going up and down their whole lives. My Fitness Pal is a tool to help us properly see the calories in vs. calories out. It gives us a self awareness many of us never had before on all those diets. The beauty of it is that it is NOT all or nothing! No food is off limits…
  • Wowee! What a transformation and in only 90 days! You have shown with hard work it can be done!!
  • Wow how interesting. It sounds like most people are aiming from anywhere from 110 - 160 pounds. There is no perfect weight for everyone. It's whatever our body types allow. Personally I have a pear, soon to be hourglass shape so I carry alot of weight in my hips and thighs. I currently am 152 and my first goal is 140. I…
  • Wow, your three day binge after 2 months of being on track sure makes me feel jealous... I have had about 5 off track periods 2-5 days in the course of 3 1/2 months. Don't beat yourself up about it, but also don't let it stay a habit either. Go back to your healthy ways before binging becomes a habit and you gain all of…
  • You will lose focus. We ALL lose focus for one reason or another. You're situation is very difficult and I'm glad you have come to MFP to ask for advice, that shows you still are fighting for yourself. When you lose focus and make mac and cheese because you are just too tired for anything else, own it, and think about what…
  • I am most looking forward to: 1) Being the one my friends are envious of, instead of the one they feel bad for and is ignored 2) Fitting into a clothing size that I have always dreamed of - size 4 or 6 3) Have people not be surprised when I tell them how much I work out ("wait YOU'RE a runner?") 4) To be able to give…
  • I am 5'6" and this was me at 162 pounds. I am 151 now. I was a size 10 in this picture and am the person on the left. I have pics of me from 195-151 so if you want anymore just ask :) skinny pic by nolte.sara, on Flickr
  • I want to cry because I am so moved by you. You have beat the odds and done something most people only dream of. You look beautiful and you do not look like you have much left to go. You can do anything you put your mind to, and you have proven that! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW rock on!
  • I confess that I am regretful of telling anyone I wanted to lose weight because now I have this pressure. I confess I doubt that I can lose anymore weight, even though I truly want to and will keep trying. I confess that I am disappointed my family will never think I am thin enough...
  • Ice cream in the slim fast - now that was the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! Worst diet for me? It would be the "3 day diet" with the dry toast, plain oats, plain tuna. I remember going to a family reunion and all I could eat was a small tupperware container of tuna that I brought with me. I was 12 lol.
  • SECOND! But both look great.
  • Oh my gosh, are you looking for trouble by asking about crash dieting on this forum??? LOL watch your back around this place!!! I am probably going to get yelled at for posting this too, but I am ready! THIS IS JUST MY OPINION, AND JUST WHAT ME AND MY FIANCE HAVE DONE, AND THIS IS JUST MY TWO CENTS!!! Okay, so I am…
  • This thread is very motivating! I actually don't have anything planned, but here's what may happen. I will scream and cry when I am on the scale and then stare at myself in the mirror for extended periods of time. Then tell all you guys what just happened!
  • Eat back your exercise calories, you aren't fueling your body enough!
  • I wouldn't consider myself a "success story" yet, but I have lost 42 pounds and am getting close to my goal. Started at 195 and now at 153. People really only noticed when I made the jump from 170 - 155ish in 3 months. From here on out, every few pounds I lose is pretty noticeable. When I was bigger 15 pounds was not…
  • Hi there! So you started walking in February, then started logging a few weeks later? And you have lost 11 pounds since then. Well I hate to break it to you but you are doing fantastic! That is the healthy 1-2 pounds per week and you are rocking it! Slow and steady wins the race and you are practicing habits that will…
  • I am 5'6" and 153 pounds and wear a size 8 pretty comfortably. At my highest I was 195 pounds and was a size 14. I never bought size 14 clothes, I just stuck with leggings and dresses because nothing fit and I didn't want to be plus sized....
  • They are obviously not HEALTHY for you, but it's the perfect little 100 calorie treat! I use them for chocolate cravings, like the little chocolate covered pretzels!
  • You are SO adorable, I just want to hug you! Hahahaha but really, your transformation is blowing my mind and I can only imagine the change it has made in your life. I bet you are so happy and confident! You don't need to lose another pound!
  • OH MY GOSH THE TIMING OF YOUR POST IS PERFECT! I ran 4 miles last night of a very hilly course and for the first time got shin splints terribly. I could barely walk, even in my Ugg boots today! I went to Rite Aid and spoke to the Pharmacist there and she said ice for 20 minutes, heat for 20 minutes - but ICE is the most…
  • Scary to think about... My lowest was when I was 14 years old and 125 pounds. It crept up to 195 by the time I was 22 - so 70 pounds in 9 years. That is about a pound a month for 9 years.... WOW. I have lost 42 pounds in 9 months. I have 28 pounds to go and think it will take another 6-9 months. Not bad if you look at it…