

  • ^so many typos sorry!!!
  • Just to say I've started some separate topics pages in the groups so that it's easier to find what you want to talk about. Thought it would be more manageable since we now have 63 members! Very cool. Welcome one and all and do feel free to introduce yourself those who haven't already. We'll keep this thread for generally…
  • Hey! Welcome AJones1227 - go for it we are all sharing the pain with you! Welcome Peeriegemgem- NMTZ ruins my legs too. Big time! But it's also the only thing that's ever given me definition in my thighs so it's worth it! Jenny- that's amazing! Thanks for sharing. Printing lots now to share with people! In other…
  • It is Vicky! I'm in the UK and I have it! :) Hi Ruby- Lots of people on day 3 with you so you can all share the joy/pain tomorrow on day 4! I just put calisthenics vigourous effort in on here for a Jillian and guess that that's about right. I'm an on and offer too but making a pledge to log every day I possibly can until I…
  • Wow! I just logged back in and saw all your responses! I'm so chuffed :) Welcome everyone! You all sound lke a great motivated positive group of ladies. I look forward to us all boosting eachother up. Let's really stay involved here and tell eachother what we have done each day and what problems we might be having too.…
  • The only way to do it is scientifically. You need to work out your BMR using a calculator (there are many online) Then you work out your daily calorie needs by multiplying this number by 1.2. This shows you what you would need to eat if you were sedentary all day. Then to lose weight take 500 kcal away from that number and…
  • Come and join my Jillian Micheals workout fans group. Get yourself 30 day shred off amazon and come and moan about it with me. I'll help motivate you!