Amajoy Member


  • They sound good but 260 calories for one protein bar? Thats WAY too much for me... I'd rather eat a meal for that many calories... I think I will stick to my Fiber One 90 cal bars. Thanks for posting though!!! :)
  • Lettuce wraps with lean ground chicken! YUM -O!
  • I think we were all like that at some point or another... First we read about eating 1200 calorie diet, I started using MFP and record my exercise and they want me eating MORE, how can this be?!?!?! I did more research and found out about zig zag dieting where you keep your bodies metabolism on its toes by eating more…
  • I cant think of anything specifically. I'd just be thankful your not craving chocolate, other sweets, or pizza... Which reminds me... Here we all all on a DIETING site and they have Pizzahut ads showing up, whats with that?
  • What is the broth for? Rice or Chicken? Either way I would just go with water and maybe add a little extra seasoning that your recipe doesnt call for.
  • I love them all, keep all 3 you can never have to many bikini's!!! You look awesome btw!!!
  • I think this is pretty normal for everyone, and as much as we are ALL trying to flatten our bellies I was told by my personal trainer that its the last place you're are going to start losing weight, he said you will first start losing it in your legs. I have only lost 8lbs so far and while I dont see any difference I have…
  • My normal weigh in day is Saturday, I would prefer not to change that, I mean I can always re-weigh myself on which ever day you decide to go with, np. Measurements are probably good for some but my gym has my starting measurements and I have a monthly check in with them to see my results (which just so happens to be in a…
  • Name: Amanda Age: 28 Date of Summer Goal (or month): June 1 st or July 1st Summer Goal Weight: 140 Current Weight: 175 (at 5'3") I know my goal is a bit ambitious but I am all in this, eating right and exercising 6 days a week. I think I can do it!!!! :)
  • If you are serious and need help I would suggest a personal trainer. Aside from them telling you when, what, & how to workout alot of them offer nutrition plans for you to follow.
  • Hmmmm... I was just about to purchase the miracle noodles when I refreshed this post... Maybe I will just buy a couple packages first before I get all excited and buy in bulk.... LOL
  • I eat Fiber One 90 cal bars, I love the chocolate peanut butter one.
  • They make a veggie burger which you find near the deli meats/meats and stuff they arent frozen, and they are really "Beefy" looking, meaning there is alot in them. I havent purchased them in awhile but I have been meaning to go there and check out the facts on them, they taste almost like an asian egg roll vs. a burger…
    in Costco!! Comment by Amajoy February 2011
  • As long as its sparkling water and not club soda (which has sodium) you should be ok. I love sparkling water so I purchased a SodaStream which allows you to make it at home anytime you want with whatever bottled or tap water you choose. SO much cheaper then buying pre-bottle sparkling water, plus you get to control the…
  • My mother said I was "*****y", "Irritable" and she couldnt wait for me to be done with this. ***NEWS FLASH MOTHER**** I will NEVER be done with this, its a life style change, and it doesnt help when you buy crap food out of no where for me (she never did buy me anything prior to me doing this) and get mad cause I dont…
  • I do it once a week. I would suggest resisting temptation to do it everyday so you dont get discouraged, and you have more to be excited about when you see you lost 5lbs at the end of the week vs. 1 or .5 here or there. Your weight may fluxuate from day to day due to water weight and other factors so its best to just do it…
  • I just bought me a Polor FT40 and absolutely LOVE IT! I discovered that the ellipticals at my gym are saying I am burning 45 more calories then I actually am, so thats good to know. The polar also works with the gym equipment, It reads my heart rate from my chest strap without me having to do anything. I just jumped on at…
  • Ultimately its going to boil down to your personal goals. If you are wanting to be serious and hard core about it and lose a certain amount per week you are going to have to be strict, eat healthy/control calorie intake, and excercise. If you are okay with slowly losing the weight and having weeks where you may not lose…
  • I went hiking for the first time this week. Instead of taking the long 2.6 mi trail around the mountain I went straight up the middle (.6mi.) I burned almost twice the amount of calories I burn in the gym and it REALLY worked my legs and butt muscles... My Butt is REALLY sore from that. :)
  • I am in as well, my morning weigh in is 175.
  • I did my research when I first started and I am completely happy with ON's (optimal Nutritions) It is low in calories and contains 24g of protein per serving. Both Vitamin Shoppe and GNC also recommend ON's. FYI cheapest place to buy ON's is vitamin shoppe, its like $43 something in store for 5lbs, but tell them to ring…
  • If you cannot eat, I would suggest you do a protein shake. Most mornings this is my breakfast, 4oz water, 4oz skim milk, 1 scoop ON's protein powder, 1/2 banana, 1/2c. frozen mixed berries, Blend and enjoy, just like a fruit smootie. I would also suggest that you have a mid morning snack, something between "Breakfast" and…
  • I have a showtime rottisserie BBQ, I love it! Makes REALLY good chicken with no added anything.
  • I am glad you are just as excited about low sodium tuna as I am ahahahaha!
  • I am in too! This will be easy as pie for me as I am already all in for losing weight right now... No cheating for me, you only cheat yourself.
  • I am just starting out myself (on begining of week 3) and I have found Target to be a great place for workout clothes. You may also want to try Ross if you have those near you, I picked up 2 pairs of pants and a top for super cheap but its always hit or miss with Ross. As far as shoes go, I wont stress enough how much a…
  • Definitely do the foil packet dinners! I make these all the time when I go camping and at home :). You can put almost anything in them and they are healthy and tasty! Use heavy duty foil - My favorite one: Chicken breast (seasoned to your liking), top with frozen corn, red & green bell pepper, zucchini, onion, then add BBQ…
  • Thanks for all the responses. Much appreciated!!! :)
  • Cool huh? :D I believe its the friction in the motor, it heats up the soup to HOT HOT HOT! To make ice cream you need either ice or frozen fruit, but if you let it run long enough it would melt it and heat it up like soup...
  • Ok so from the research I have done on this topic, the BEST way to get an exact portion size is to weigh the salad/lettuce on a scale. If you do it in a measuring cup, pack it "lightly", not to tight but not too loose. Ulitimately, it is just lettuce!!! You cant do harm eating extra lettuce... Most people dont measure, and…