LordOberon Member


  • QFT! What the hell is wrong with some people. Good luck to OP, and plenty people will help yell at your brownie sneaking.
  • Good luck. I too have just started using MFP to track diet and try to find needed extra motivation. Feel free to add me.
  • Even if it doesn't have a special meaning, it is a nice design and artist did a good job. How much time did you spend in the chair?
  • Foot can be a tough one. Not because of pain, but because if you are ticklish it will be very hard to hold still. If this is the case, it should be a simple design.
  • It was definitely Joffrey. It isn't even for a "good" reason, like keeping him quiet. He just wants to eliminate him because he is a cripple. That is Joffrey's version of mercy. I don't think Littlefinger wants the crown. He is too smart for that. He sees all the trouble and strife that comes with it. I bet he would like…
  • I signed up awhile ago but just recently started to use MFP. I could definitely use some people who struggle with staying motivated past the first real life hurdle, which is my downfall.
  • This totally reminds me of Tiamet from the old D&D toon.
  • The Bloody Mummers are who you are thinking of, and Vargo Holt is their leader. You are definitely correct, there are several evil people.
  • I'm with you. The fact that Arya hid Needle and that Nymeria has been mentioned so many times, they have to reunite. Or knowing GRRM, he probably have them kill each other off. I like that about him and hate it at the same time!
  • That's part of joy of re-reading (or listening) to these books. There are so many plot points and arcing story lines that I notice. It's almost like a director's cut.
  • I know. That is really sad. I am really into the books and the show, but damn it people it is still only pretend. He didn't really have anyone killed or beaten or raped! Its a show. I heard the same about some of the actors from Harry Potter too. People who would be rude and mean to the kid that played Draco and to Alan…
  • I really enjoy how complicated the characters and how they evolve over time. Jaime is so much different from the start and how far Cersei has fallen. Tyrion is my favorite by far, so much so that we named our son Tyrion :). Arya is also really interesting and so anxious to see what happens with her story. Also, I want to…