asnnbrg Member


  • So much this. I talk to my kids all the time about "your body is your business, and other people's bodies are their business. We do not discuss other people's bodies." And we don't. Why should we? It's not our business. Pet peeve: When people react with shock and disbelief that I am doing p90x (I'm fat. And?). Apparently,…
  • "Sorry if it offends you" is sort of the same thing as a backhanded compliment. In other words, it's definitely NOT an apology. Regardless, why is it a "shame" that your friend has a beautiful face and is overweight? Really, why is that a *shame*? Surely she has other redeeming qualities besides her face? Surely she's…
  • Ah, backhanded compliments. No one compliments my face OR my body (except my husband who appreciates both, tyvm). I get the, "Oh, well, you have a great personality!" Haha. I don't really care so much anymore. I don't need their approval or their compliments to do my thing, and I am focusing on being strong and healthy for…