Suffer4beauty Member


  • Howdy! I looked at the journal and yes, you go way over in sodium and sugar - but I have been told (and have read several journal articles) stating that high sodium levels aren't too much of a concern unless you have high blood pressure. Too high of sugar on the other had, hinders weight loss and can lead to having Type 2…
  • There are several good taco recipes that I like to make, but I like to share my "Quickest, Easiest Taco Recipe" for those days that are chaotic and time is of the essence: Ingredients: 1) Chicken breast (a few ounces, I usually put in 1 regular sized package - so 4 to 6 breasts) 2) 16 oz. salsa jar, any brand - the…
  • My best advice is, if you can afford it, see a nutritionist. My insurance covered it - I just had to ask my doctor for a referral. Diets are different for nursing mammas than "regular" people - so see if your insurance will cover a visit, or see how much it will cost to visit a nutritionist once and then during that visit…
  • Getting back into my old wardrobe Manicure, pedicure, haircut and getting two eyebrows (read - wax eyebrows into 2 nice shapes)!
  • I have seen plenty of research that has been replicated many times indicating that the more artificial sweeteners you use, the more likely you will develop Type II diabetes at some point and that, because the sugars are not simple but chemically altered, your kidney must work harder as well as other organs. I believe that…
  • I do not like to work out at night - I get way too tired and exercise also stimulates my blood/brain too much and then I can't fall asleep easily. I can't do afternoons because my baby tries to sit on me during exercises like crunches, push-ups, planks, etc. She also gets under-foot for the aerobic activities - and her nap…
  • If you choose to do any, make it half the reps and easier - I once had a personal trainer mention that people make a mistake of pushing until "wobbly" and then they are so weak that a small shift of balance can cause them to twist an ankle or - just as bad if not worse - hurt your knee. In squats you are especially…
  • I love to buy a bottle of salsa (16 ounces), a taco packet of seasoning, and a couple of breasts of chicken. I toss salsa and seasoning in pot, stir. No water is needed because the salsa is watery enough. You can add extra onions or whatever - but the salsa usually has enough. Add chicken breasts. Cover. Slow cook 8 hours…