swisspea Member


  • all sound sooo yummy! Mine is a spinach salad: Spinach light goat's cheese (feta also works) sliced orange crushed walnuts sliced pitted dates (you can also add an apple or any other dried fruits instead of dates) Dressing (enough for a really big salad): 1 tbsp orange juice 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tbsp extra virgin…
  • Slice cucumbers and add a mixture of greek yogurt, milk, salt, pepper and mint- yum!
  • I've been here a year and a half (but with a massive 8 month break), and I've only lost 20 pounds- it takes TIME, and it will take you time. I don't know what will keep you motivated, I think it's different for everyone. For me, it's because I want a healthy body (to recover from various injuries), I want to be fit enough…
  • I've been dissapointed with all sports bras- but there are some great tips here that I might try out! What I do is wear a cheapie sports bra (I have everlast ones) and wear an older underwire bra underneath it. It works for me! Oh, and I'm a 36G
  • Ich komme aus Kanada, aber ich wohne in der Schweiz!
  • Paulaner Hefe-weissbier (German white beer) Mill Street Coffee Porter (Canadian) Blue Moon (American) Hofbrauhaus Dunkel (German stout) Pilsner Urquell unfiltered and unpasturized (there is only ONE place in the world you can get this lager, and it's in the Czech Republic, it's incredibly, incredibly amazingly good)…
  • I'm sorry to hear that! I met my husband on a dating site when I moved somewhere new and knew absolutely no one (and didn't speak the language), and all I was really looking for was some friends and maybe a few dates. It was a surprise, and an amazing experience! also saved my social life when I moved to another…
  • You are a total inspiration- thank you for showing me that my dream is attainable!
  • I get cotton stretch leggings to wear underneath skirts and dresses- I get them usually from H&M or forever 21 (when I'm in the states). I recently found the same kind of leggings, but in shorts- I bought two pairs! For me, the stretch-shorts work well, but the knee-length leggings are also great!
  • Hourglass- definitely my stomach at first (but only a little bit) and then my back (upper and lower). My lower/mid thighs have been doing well as well, but nothing as dramatic as my back. I'm still waiting to see where it will come off next.
  • I listened to a Canadian podcast on Bath Salts this week- very informative, you can download it through the CBC "The Current" podcasts for free on itunes. It's terrifying. I'm a pretty liberally minded person- but bath salts is NOT a drug that can be experimented with with a limited amount of risk. It needs to be banned…
  • As long as it's ok to be a few days behind, I'm in! Cut-off time is 8:30 for me 6 days a week. Often on Saturday's I don't eat dinner until very late, so this gives me a buffer day :)
  • Tea was my saviour during those long study nights. Sometimes though, you really need it to help you study, I love dry cereal like whole wheat cheerios. I used to make a mixture with low-sugar frosted flakes, all bran and cheerios to snack on in the library or at home. Make sure you portion it all out before you begin.
  • I only eat pumpkin in season, so I haven't been able to try this pumpkin cream bread recipe, and I'm dying to see how it turns out:
  • I've sprained it three times in 2 years, and was put in a cast every time. Let yourself recover, or your ligaments will never spring back to life and heal! Do upper body workouts (as already suggested) and do some recovery yoga and pilates routines when you feel up to it. But only when you feel up to it!
  • It's fun seeing all the destinations people want to go to- I hope we all get there! I've been really lucky and been able to visit a lot of great places in North America and Europe, but there is SO much of the world I need to see! For the record, I'm from Toronto, Canada and live in Switzerland. My 3: 1. Thailand (the…
  • uhhh, no, I'm a 16, and there is no way she's a 16. Maybe an 18, but could be higher. But. I don't care. She's talented and beautiful, and is the size she is. Period.
  • I love this! I've been so upset about these things on this forum. Especially how women put others down. I love how this website has helped me loose 20 pounds, and I can't wait to see my progress in the future, but I wish the forums were more supportive.
  • I couldnt have said it better myself. I don't shave above the knee because I simply haven't ever had to- I'm lucky in that department..
  • I'm 5'9.5 and my goal is to get within a healthy weight range. I might re-evaluate from there, but currently, at 198 I'm the lowest I've been since I was maybe 14, so I think 165-170 is an appropriate goal for me- but we'll see if I stay there when I get there!
  • You say it all here. Some people can simply not overlook the production and terrible waste that allows for the way North Americans in particular consume meat. That's a choice you've made (not the one I made), and if you think "liking the way they taste" is enough to validate your opinion- than go for it and live your life,…
  • Exactly right- it's SOOO funny that they are different prices in some countries!
  • Look at the ingredients, and besides sugar, make sure there isn't any stabilizers or extra oils added (so, as the other poster put it, ingredients: Peanuts). This will make the peanut butter separate, but just stir it up before scooping it out- you'll never go back to the old stuff again!
  • Two reasons. I lived with someone who was morbidly obese, and although I could never see myself at her weight, I saw how it impacted her life. I realized how my weight was impacting my life and decided to make a change. Also, I was in a long-distance relationship (different continents kind of long-distance) which made me…
  • I wish people in the service industry would just get paid fairly, so we don't have to worry about this! I'm from Canada, but where I live now (Switzerland), we just round up to the nearest even number and leave it at that. I realize that isn't in the spirit of the original post though. I think what you did was right, there…
  • Pre-made salad, whole-wheat bread and berries with plain yogurt :) I had a picnic last week!
  • I wear an underwire bra and a sports bra/sports top with a built-in bra (both are average Everlast). It's not comfortable, but it works. I've never found a sports bra on it's own that has worked, and this is the best solution for me (though I've never put a sports bra on that was priced over $100). I'm a 36-FF.
  • I just rocked side plank without lowering my knees :)
  • The only thing that helped mine was going on birth control- I took anti-biotics (that made me sooo sick and gave me yeast infections- sorry for the TMI) I used perscription creams, and spent an insane amount of money on skin products. My doctor put me on birth control at age 19 after saying that the only other treatment he…
    in ACNE Comment by swisspea May 2012