JannaJ02 Member


  • You (and anyone else) can definitely add me! It's really tough avoiding temptations like that, especially when you aren't the only one buying food for the house. It'd be great to have someone else to share this stuff with!
  • I'm new as well! Trying to get rid of these last 30ish pounds before mid-July, when I get to see my two best friends for the first time since last summer. I want them to see me like they never have before. :D Everyone can feel free to add me, feeling super motivated and excited!
  • Loving all of these success stories! I'm 5'8.5" and had lost 30lbs on my own about a year and a half ago. Maintained that for a year, which was great, but then I moved out into my own apartment and sure enough, the weight started creeping back on. As of mid-October, I weighed 192lbs and had had ENOUGH. So I started…
  • Hey there, I'm new as well! I've been working a lot on fitness and weight loss on my own and am down a bit, but am definitely looking to step it up and get rid of the rest! Everyone in this thread is more than welcome to add me and come say hi, I'd love a support group!