gr8xpectationz Member


  • For those of you who are losing hair, here's an odd question: do you also have racing thoughts at bedtime? Like, can you sometimes not fall asleep because you can't quiet your brain down? If you have racing thoughts at bedtime, AND your hair is falling out, you are deficient in Vitamin Bs. B vitamins help a lot with your…
  • It's a great site, and you can search for workouts and filter by parameters like difficulty, length, equipment required, body part worked, etc. Also, walk. It's great exercise!
  • The OP said in a reply: "Its taken me 2 hours to read through every single post and all I can say is I am baffled by the dynamic the thread has taken on. Fascinating! ;) keep them coming!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OP, what we have here is one facet of the most fundamental poli.tical debate in contemporary U.S. of A.…
  • You can, in fact, lose weight on 600-800 calories a day for awhile. But if you choose this route, you are at terrible risk for a) an eating disorder, or b) gaining it all back plus more. Aim instead for an approach that is sustainable over the long haul, and ways to incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life. It's…
  • Lots of people here let MFP set their goals. Others calculate TDEE minus 20%. There are many different methodologies. My weight-loss doctor has me on 1300 calories, and NOT eating back my exercise calories. This is substantially lower than any of the available methodologies recommend for a person of my size. I mention this…
  • I tend to agree with the people who say: If you can't manage to eat your allotted calories, how did you end up with extra weight to lose? I'm not trying to be snide; it's a legitimate question. If you imagine that you can only eat spinach or something, it'll be hard to get up to your daily goals. If you load up with chips…
  • Oh my God... seriously? I don't think I've ever posted anything mean here...ever. But this is absurd. You're using diabetes to justify having Pepsi for breakfast? Really? Go straight to your doctor. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars. And when you get there, ask about what you should be eating. Ask for a referral…
  • This. Eight pounds in three weeks is very respectable. It's more than two pounds a week! That's a great loss. You didn't put the extra weight on overnight, and you're not going to lose it overnight either. The only way to lose it faster is to be more "extreme", and that kind of nonsense inevitably leads to gaining it all…
  • Mixed olives. 5 of them only have 15 calories. But because they're so flavorful and have a bit of fat in them, they often satisfy me. I also do string cheese for extra protein. And definitely Chobani yogurt. Chobani has come out with new flavors and new sizes in recent weeks, and I'm working my way through them all to…
  • Your before and after is amazing! You're a beautiful woman. I have PCOS too, and no diet ever worked, even if I stuck with it and did everything I was supposed to do. Until I saw a bariatrician who put me on a plan that before I would have thought was a little crazy. But now I've lost almost 30 pounds. And I really hope to…
  • Wow! And here I thought my pancake-eating days were over. I never thought to look for a protein version. Thanks for this!
  • Almost anything that's a tablespoon. Ketchup comes to mind. I've heard some people on here talk of keeping a measuring spoon on their key chain, and I think that's brilliant. The good news is, if you estimate a tablespoon wrong, it DOES count, but it can't make a super-huge difference in your day unless you're off by a lot…
  • Wow! Truly amazing progress! And I know you've worked hard for every single pound. Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks very much for your feedback!
  • lol...sorry to disappoint you with my boobular symmetry.
  • lol...I never considered that my legs might not be the same length...but you're certainly right that it's possible. My shoes seem to be wearing pretty evenly.
  • Cool. Thanks everybody. Since I'm rural, I can find places without too much traffic... maybe I'll start walking in the middle of the road where it's flat, at least some of the time. Or off the edge if there's a flat shoulder or something. I'll just try to be more cognizant of it and avoid the slope where possible.
  • Perhaps not...but both dogs? Idunno...regardless of the dogs, it's a visible slope, and it's on pretty much every road.
  • The chemicals in processed foods are likely exacerbating your digestive issues too. My husband has very similar challenges, and cutting out fast food and processed foods has helped him a TON.
  • I totally appreciate the challenges of a busy schedule and lots of dietary constraints, but the poster above is right. Do NOT have 700 calorie days. They will doom your diet. A meat ball is not a breakfast. And one cup of collard greens is not a dinner. And there's lots of fast food mixed in there. My suggestion is to find…
  • My bariatrician has me on 1300 calories a day, too...and it was very hard at first. (I also have to get fewer than 100 grams of carbs and 80-100 grams of protein. What really helped me was ensuring that I got a little extra fat. So, I add a teaspoon of coconut oil to lots of things, snack on nuts or olives. Also protein…
  • Your story is amazing. I have PCOS too, and I never could lose weight, until I hit 283 pounds and finally saw a bariatrician (weigh loss specialist, not surgeon) who put me on a program very similar to yours. (4-5 hrs of cardio per week, plus strength training. 1300 calories/day. less than 100g carbs. at least 80g…
  • Prayer or meditation help. Walking helps. Even just a few minutes of silence to listen to your own breathing can help. And for me, NOTHING beats a good Vitamin B Complex. A good vitamin B complex may work wonders for you. B vitamins help a lot with your stress response (not just emotional stress, but also metabolic and…
  • Many thanks to both of you.
  • Interesting... MFP has been working great for me so far, and I like being able to individualize the plan per my doctor's recommendations for a PCOS specific diet. But I hope WW hangs in there. Some people really need the motivation and accountability that comes from weekly meetings.
  • First, make sure you make it right. I'm pretty sure that when you're making hot green tea, it's only supposed to steep for like 90 seconds or something. If you leave it in too long, it gets bitter. Secondly, there's no need to make it too strong. It's okay if it tastes like water with just a little bit of flavor. Third,…
  • So I can't answer all your questions, but I can help with some. Question 1: I only sort of understand it. About 76% of women with PCOS are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance is a pre-diabetes condition related to insulin. To understand why low carb is the way to go, try googling insulin resistance. PCOS is tricky,…
  • Cutting dairy helped the most for me. But I also drink spearmint tea, which is supposed to help lower testosterone, and it helped my skin a lot. I've heard that spironolactone works wonders for women with PCOS/hormone troubles, but I'm pretty sure in the U.S. it requires a prescription.
  • I totally agree. I'm having success now, but I promise that if I had tried this two years ago, there's no way I would have been successful. The difference is, two years ago I was working a stressful 9-5 job with a 90-minute commute every morning and night, plus some evenings and weekends. It was all I could do just to keep…