

  • You also have visceral fat which surrounds your organs. This is especially common in men giving us a 'beer belly'. Some of the bio impedance scales/devices take this into account and some only are measuring subcutaneous fat. So sme of the "other" could be visceral fat.
  • The other is a combination of a ton of different things, organs, smooth muscle, bones etc. The device you are using most likely uses a bioimpedance method where it sends an electric pulse through your body and measures the time it takes to get back to the other electrode. Muscle/fat/bone/water all conduct electricity…
  • Pretty much avoid anything that Dr Oz says.
  • What drug are you speaking about? I am a pharmacist and cannot think of any such drug with the exception of griseofulvin which is a very old medication that is hardly used anymore. If you are taking griseofulvin, depending on the infection for which you are being treated you could ask your md for a more modern anti fungal.…
  • All doctors treat the whole pt, this is a common misperception, mostly promulgated by the "alternative" medicine crowd that likes to pray upon desperate people that will do nearly anything (including abandoning common sense) to get help for a condition that they feel has been mismanaged by real science based medicine. With…
  • New to the site, so hello everyone. Nearly hit 200 lbs for the first time in my life this year, which also brought a new low to my feelings about my health and body image. Hoping that I can stick with my lifestyle changes this time around. I don't have many friends or family members that are into eating healthy and…
  • New to the site and trying to get started. Lost 20 pounds a year ago but my motivation waned and gained it all back after 1 year. Any moral support/motivation would be greatly appreciated, feel free to add me.
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