

  • I, uh, I'm probably going to do these on the squat rack. :laugh: Thankfully my apartment gym only has little old ladies doing cardio, so hopefully I won't be a bother.
  • Thank you, your story is inspiring. I know the path ahead is long, particularly since I still have 20+ pounds to lose, but it's always comforting to get advice from someone who's further along. It's also comforting to know that you were able to make the jump from lat pulldowns to pullups, since I'm already incorporating…
  • Supremely useful link! Good videos of easier variations of a lot of core moves. Thank you! You know, I've tried the chair method before, and I never progressed past falling off the bar awkwardly. :laugh: I think that, for the chair method to be successful, you have to be fairly close to having the strength necessary to do…
  • Interesting. I tried finding videos of this on youtube, but to no avail. I might try to find a handrail somewhere secluded enough that I don't look like an utter nutter. >.> I think if I start hanging upside down on the railing outside my work, they might take offense.
  • Ahahaha, I'm just kind of envisioning a jack in the box here.
  • Don't try to change everything all at once. Be gentle with yourself. For right now, focus solely on being within your calorie goals and sticking with your vegetarian diet. Really, had you not already started, I'd tell you to either pick calories or learning to live without meat, not both at once. Don't try to go straight…
  • Mmm, 6-inch Subway Melt. I love getting to indulge in a little bacon. Bacon's one of those foods where, if I were to make it at home, I would have a hard time not over-indulging ("well, no sense making a mess of a pan for 2 measly strips of bacon", "Geez, if I don't eat more, this giant pound of bacon's going to go bad") I…
  • I want you to take your thoughts and just distance yourself from them. Just analyze how you feel. Yes, you do crave cookies. But those thoughts and feelings, despite being legitimate, don't shape your actions. They don't hold sway over you. You are not your cravings. You are your actions. This you is the culmination of all…
  • My calves. In the three weeks or so since I started running "for realz," my calves have gotten better defined. So sometimes, when I need motivation, I just roll up my pants legs and rub my calves for a bit. :tongue: There have been a lot of other great changes as well (my endurance, my overall feeling of fitness, the…