63hanson Member


  • Way to go! We recently moved my MIL into a new apartment and I did a lot of the lifting and moving of boxes. I was proud of myself, that I was able to do so much. The old me wouldn't have done that.
  • Hi Pat, You've come to the right place! You will find lots of info and support here. Feel free to add me as a friend:smile:
    in New Member Comment by 63hanson June 2013
  • You are right. I'm going to do the community gym for one month and see how it goes. Through my work we can join certain commercial gyms the first of every month and then our contract runs through December. So if I don't like the community gym, I can join the commercial one for 5 months and it won't be too big of an…
  • It's getting hard to get all those squats in!
  • You can do it! You have great motivation with your cool car! And do it for your kids, they deserve to have a mom be active with them! It seems most of us have that ah ha moment when we truly realize we have to do something to become healthier. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I've found support goes a long way,…
  • I'm interested in finding out too. I really don't want to waste my money on someone that's not going to give me good information.
  • Good for you! It is amazing how quickly you feel better when you start exercising.
  • I'm 5'2" and I am close to my first 10 a just over a month...but I have quite a bit more than you to lose.
  • My biggest trigger seems to be aspartame. It used to be any time I started a new "diet", I would always eat non fat yogurt which almost always has aspartame. Within a week of starting the new diet, I would start having regular migraines. So I've completely cut out any food or drink that has aspartame and very rarely have a…
    in Migraines Comment by 63hanson June 2013
  • Hey, that means I go to the gym every morning too! Lol
  • Congrats! Those are great NSV's! My NSV...my slacks I wear for work are getting baggy, not ready for a smaller size, but getting there!
  • I have a Fitbit One and like it. For me it's a great motivator to get moving. It encourages me to take the stairs. I do use it to track my sleep, but I've never used it as an alarm. You put it in a band on your wrist at night and it is supposed to wake you with vibration. I worry that I wouldn't wake up to that. I have…
    in Fitbit Comment by 63hanson June 2013
  • Great job!! It's a wonderful feeling when something finally fits! Enjoy your jeans:smile:
    in Jeans NSV Comment by 63hanson June 2013
  • I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I've been following your blog and I have to say, You are an amazing lady! You have such a wonderful outlook on life and it sounds like you have a wonderful husband too. Enjoy your time in the pool, it's a great workout. And keep writing your blog, I do enjoy reading it:smile:
  • Is he trying to sabotage you by trying to get you to eat Carl Jrs and the frozen yogurt? I know some people like to keep their partner "fat" to make themselves look good and feel better about themselves. If that's not the case, just try to accept the fact that its much easier for him and that you will have to keep working…
  • Beautiful dress, but I agree I'm not sure it's right for a pool party. To me it would be more for a cocktail type party. I would look for something more casual, like a sun dress. But that's just my opinion, wear whatever you feel beautiful in!
  • Congrats on your 8lb loss, but also the NSVs. I really believe that its the little victories that help us stay on track and motivated. I try to take the time once a week, usually on Sunday to really think about all the little things that I've accomplished through out the week.
  • Isn't is a wonderful feeling to try to shrink something instead of trying to stretch it out? Congrats!
  • Way to go!!
  • I know what you mean...I'm not 100% sure I'm doing them right either. I did think I was close until I read a thread this morning talking about squats and one poster suggested standing facing a wall with your toes up to the wall and then doing your squats...I tried that and can't even come close to even getting one. So…
  • I have a fitbit one and I do like it. It keeps track of steps, stairs, miles, and calories burned. It does help motivate me to move more, I really don't like the days I look at it and have only gotten in 3,000 steps. My goal is 10,000 steps a day, during the week when I work, it's hard to get that in. But it does make me…
  • You have come to the right place. There is a lot of support here at MFP. Take your time and complete everything in your profile and it will figure how many calories you need. Then the hard part is LOG EVERYTHING. When you have a set number of calories, it forces you to make good food choices in order to get your nutrients…
  • 10:00 at night but finally got them done! It wasn't bad either!
  • Congrats! It's great when someone notices changes and actually says something!
  • Good for you! I'm so close to a large tshirt. XL is getting too roomy!
  • Way to go! That has to be an amazing feeling!
  • Personally I don't like having a workout partner. It's hard to find that person that works out exactly like you. I tried walking with a coworker and felt like I didn't get any workout at all and she was winded. I agree that you tend to chat instead of working out.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm on everyday and try to be supportive. I'm short-5'2" and have quite a bit to lose too. The support here is amazing!
  • I'm definitely going to break it down to sets of 25. Hopefully that won't be too bad. I'll let you know later!
  • You look great!!!