anask4 Member


  • Thanks guys, appreciate the advice. I plan on making the switch to maintenance in about a months time. Hopefully by dropping a couple more lbs I'll have more room for trial and error.
    in Body Fat Comment by anask4 April 2014
  • Ok I rushed through that post and it sounds pretty stupid. Basically, my question is can I eat as much fruit as I want as long as I am meeting all of my nutritional goals. Also, will eating more carbs when switching to maintenance have an adverse effect?
  • Cant go wrong with Pure Protein. Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chewy Chocolate Chip, and Vanilla Almond Crunch are all really good. Cost $6.27 for a box of 6 at WalMart.
  • Thanks guys I appreciate the input. I will definitely look into getting that book. Also, will 5 lbs under my goal weight be enough of a window?
  • I usually dont track what I eat on cheat day. I do eat a lot of carbs though. I feel like the symptoms flare up more if I eat out or eat junk food. I can eat a big home cooked meal and feel fine but if I have a couple slices of pizza I'll feel like crap. Maybe the main cause is processed food? I will try to make a…
  • I recently switched to a higher protein, low carb diet and it has definitely helped. It keeps you fuller longer and will help preserve and build muscle mass. This way, the weight you are losing will come mostly from fat loss.
  • Havent tried coconut cashew yet but I can definitely say that the Apple Pie tastes good.
  • First post on this website. Lost 1.4 lbs this week. Lost 2.4 last week. Looking to speed my weight loss up a bit as I approach my goal weight so I incorporated more protein and less carbs. Has anyone seen their weight loss for a week be effected by cheat days? i do mine on Saturdays and kind of went all out last week and…