

  • I've had Mio before and still aren't done with the two flavors I bought months ago. I say nay because I found it leaves this odd dryness in my mouth afterwards. If you're bored with plain water once in a while, there's nothing wrong with it but I wouldn't make a habit of any water flavoring you buy in a store. I've been…
  • I've never worked a night shift but feel much more at ease with a schedule that makes me wake up around noon and go to bed in the early hours of morning and I've eaten before bed in the past, and even now, and as long as I've been under my calorie allowance, it hasn't stopped me from losing weight. I'm jealous though, I've…
  • I honestly don't find cereals to be that high in calories if you know what to pick. I enjoy most of the Kashi flavors and find they are decent in their calorie amount for what you get out of them. Sally's makes "generic" versions of famous cereals like Lucky Charms, Golden Graham, and Mini Wheats but in healthier options…
  • Went for a last ride with my sister today, so add me another 18.04 Kms... brings my month's total to 405.16 out of my 350 goal... very happy of my success!
  • Added another 36.24 Kms to my total, which brings me to 387.12 / 350 :bigsmile: Never thought I'd be passing my goal, that is a lot of biking for me! Go figure, if you had asked me to estimate my mileage it certainly wouldn't have been such numbers! I'll pass for August but thanks for making me realize just how much effort…
  • First and foremost, my lack of an active lifestyle. I've always been a home kind of person, ever since I was a kid, besides recess at school you'd never see me do any outdoors activities, I'd always be home. As time passed, I grew up to be used to that lifestyle of never being into sports or any physical activity. Combine…
  • I made it! Just went for a ride, did 18.74 Kms and that brings my total to 350.88 out of 350! :bigsmile: And I'll still ride once or twice before the month is over... at first I thought my goal might've been a bit ambitious but turns out it was great at motivating myself to keep going out so I could reach my goal!
  • As a biking enthusiast, that looks pretty awesome! A bit on the crazy side, sure, but still very cool... how easy is it to ride it? I figure it's harder uphill with no gears but for a faster-than-walking option around town it looks great!
  • I've never been weighed at a doc's office since I was maybe a kid so I wouldn't know about my clothed weight, plus I always carry so much stuff in my pockets that I figure it would maybe come up to 5 lbs but like others have said, I don't care about my clothed weight, I want to know my true self weight so I always weight…
  • I've never been to the gym but I wouldn't see why not reading while working out... I'm used to biking outdoors and I have to keep an eye on the potholes and traffic, then I have the scenery, my own thoughts... unless I'm absolutely aiming for a certain pace, my mind is totally elsewhere but without all that outside factors…
  • Today I did 46.41 Kms, so far I'm at 332.14 / 350! So close to my goal and still 6 days to go :bigsmile:
  • Any kind of cake... especially cupcakes and donuts... they're like a drug for me, once I have a taste I crave more! Last time I went to Tim Hortons I bought a box of Timbits and figured it wouldn't be so bad... it's roughly 70 calories EACH... I think I ate half the box, so about 20 of them... and then ate the rest the…
  • Apple and cinnamon is a classic, can never go wrong there... maple syrup and nuts is another fave of mine, plus it adds a little crunch to it!
  • Between the insane heatwave and the strong thunderstorms, haven't had much luck but add me for another 17.99 Kms that I did yesterday... Up to 240.87 Kms / 350 Kms goal... I still think I can do it!
  • This! Plus, that's a super cute bikini :)
  • I'm a sugar person myself and I haven't stopped having my fix of sugary food BUT, definitely be aware of it... see, if you want to have a donut, don't stop yourself from having it, you'll only crave it more... what you could do instead is maybe have only half of it, or maybe even a quarter. The trick is to have a taste,…
  • I can take off my shorts without even undoing the button! But most surprisingly, I can finally fit in the pair of jeans that I bought a month ago, when I began all this! It's still not a perfect fit but it's a pretty good feeling nonetheless!
  • I wished I could find Throwback Pepsi again! It's only been available at times around here but it's so delicious and I never knew the original but it's still great!
    in Pepsi!! Comment by DCruz83 July 2013
  • Intuitive eating is technically easy once you have a good idea of your calorie intake and that you can separate your emotions from your food. I've done it before and for a good while it worked fairly well until I fell back into my old habits.
  • I've been lactose intolerant on and off, but only on a mild level... usually I'll feel bloated or nauseated. I can eat yogurt and cheese just fine, ice cream it depends on the brands but milk is a big no for me... then again, milk on it's own grosses me out for so many reasons that I wouldn't have it anyway.
  • I like having a popsicle or a fudgesicle, usually lasts me enough to get me off my sugar craving, because if anything I only want sugary food!
  • Just came back from a ride, did 16.81 Kms, felt too tired from yesterday to go further, plus it's been super hot... nonetheless, am at 222.88 Kms out of my 350 Kms goal so it's not so bad!
  • 40.04 Kms today, for a total of 206.07 / 350 Kms.
  • When I saw the title I was like wtf but lol, congrats! That's great :)
  • Another 33.08 Kms of biking today :) 166.03 / 350 Kms so far! Not bad, almost halfway there...
  • Add another 39.09 Kms to my biking goal, so far 132.95/350 Kms :)
  • Hobo with a Shotgun is definitely a wtf movie but good nonetheless... my most wtf movie ever has to be Jesus Vampire Hunter, a low budget movie all the way through with the oddest plot but I still watched it all cause it was so bad.
  • Add in 47.13 Kms to my total. So far in July I have biked 93.86 Kms out of my goal of 350.
  • Go to a reputable bike shop or two, definitely shop around for prices! At any rate, you should be able to get a decent hybrid for roughly 600-750$ I would think. I paid for mine 700$ last year (canadian but the exchange rate was nearly par), it was a Marin bike, made in California and it's not top of the line but way…