Collidoscopekid Member


  • You're more than welcome to join. Like vinini91 said, all I need is your start weight and your goal weight for new years so I can add you to the spreadsheet.
  • Hello all! Thank goodness I have my computer back! I think I got the spreadsheet all updated. I went through the total loss columns and distance to goal columns and cleaned them up and made sure they were up to date. If my…
  • Yes, anyone can join. We weigh in on Fridays and we have mini-challenges each week. This past week was a little out of the normal because my computer was broken but this week is getting back to normal! If you are joining I need to know your start weight and goal weight for New Years.
  • Hello everyone!I am super pumped because I have my laptop back! Weigh in tomorrow. I will add both last weekends weight and this weeks weight in. I am so happy to be back in the groove! I will be back on here supporting every one of you! Good luck to all of you!
  • Hey guys.I'm sorry the spreadsheet is not posted yet.My laptop is in the shop being fixed,so I am using public computers for everything.Hoping to get the spreadsheets up tonight or tomorrow.Also hoping to get my laptop back before the next weigh in.Just wanted you guys to know I'm not giving up on this challenge and…
  • I'm considering not weighing in this week.Next week is TTOM and the week before always means a huge gain of water weight.Does anyone else have this issue?I gain like five pounds of just water.It's awful.
  • Here is the spreadsheet for this week. Unfortunately my laptop broke this weekend and I am working on getting it fixed. Also, google documents is being a pain and won't let me access my account. So those of few of you who weighed…
  • The thread only rolls over after every 500 posts. And even then at the bottom of the page of the first thread it gives the link to the new thread. So I don't think its a big deal. We'll just stick with the threads.
  • Remember tomorrow is weigh in day everyone!Please get your weights in!
  • Here is the spreadsheet for this week! I have to admit I am a little disappointed with how many people weighed in. So many people are dropping from the challenge. I really want to see everyone finish this challenge and meet…
  • You are doing so well! I'm proud of you for all that hard work!
  • Awesome job! Keep it up!
  • Woah! Congratulations! Super proud of you!
  • Weighed in this morning and was truly terrified. I had an awful weekend while i was out of town. My parents must think I don't eat at college because they fed me non-stop. I was so afraid I was going to step on that scale and see I had gained like four pounds. To my wonderful surprise I had actually lost a little! So here…
  • Here is the spreadsheet this week everyone! Sorry it is up late but I just got back in town. And as I stated early this week I will be unable to calculate the biggest losers. Our mini-challenge this week is to work on our tummies!…
  • Hello everyone! I hope your week is going well! Just a reminder, tomorrow is weigh in day! I hope everyone loses this week! As for myself I have a feeling the scale is not going to be too kind. It is TTOM for me and the scale is reflecting that. Also, I just wanted to let everyone know that the spreadsheet may not be up…
  • I was thinking one sweet treat for the week. Let's really test our will power!
  • Here is the new spreadsheet for this week. I think a lot of people struggled this week. Many people didn't weigh in and we had quite a few gains. But none of that matters because it is a new week and a new chance to lose! Here…
  • So to make this challenge a little more personal I want to share what my turning point was and why I started this weight loss journey in the first place. I have always been a little on the heavier side. When I was 13 I moved in with my father. In that year I went from weighing about 150 pounds to 203. I didn't even realize…
  • Remember everyone, tomorrow is weigh in day! Do your best to get your weight in tomorrow if you can! I would like to get the spreadsheet done by Saturday morning!
  • Honey,I'm going to be honest, the only way to improve cardio is to keep doing it. You get stronger as you go. It will eventually start getting easier and you will be super proud of yourself for sticking it out. As for the embarrassment question, I used to refuse to work out in the gym because I felt like I was being judged…
  • Hey everyone! I hope all is well! I just got that morning workout in. Man getting up at 5 and 5:30 in the morning is brutal but once I am out of that bed, I love it! I feel so accomplished doing that workout in the morning. I hope the scales reflect my hard work this week! I hope every one of you is having a wonderful week!
  • Don't laugh, but I love dipping pickles in it! Its delicious!
  • Good morning everyone! Today starts a new month. If you have been struggling, today is a fresh start! I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Also everyone joining our challenge, welcome! If you have not already done so I need your start weight and goal weight. Your first weigh in will be this FRIDAY. Good luck!
  • The new spreadsheet is up! I deleted several people from the sheet. I only deleted someone if they had not weighed in for three weeks. If I have wrongly deleted you and you still want to be in the challenge, let me know and I…
  • You can still join.I need a start and goal weight for the spreadsheet though!
  • I need a start weight and goal weight for the spreadsheet!
  • I am still accepting people! I need a start weight and goal weight though! We weigh in on Fridays! I post a spreadsheet with weights and a mini challenge on Saturdays!
  • Remember everyone tomorrow is weigh in! Also remember our mini-challenge for this week was to stay under our calories 2 out of 3 days of the weekend! I know we can do this! I will hopefully have the spreadsheet and new mini challenges up by Saturday evening!