chuisle Member


  • I also understand how to use the search feature, thanks for the condescension though. I posted because I was hoping that given the way I phrased the question I would get some knowledgeable responses that would point me to good research. Reading through 20+ pages of people arguing back and forth with little information is…
  • Great, thanks. I appreciate the insight.
  • Well I appreciate the sarcasm. I wanted a CURATED list of resources. Seeing as the internet is a large place full of unfiltered content. I'm sure you're well aware of that.
  • Abigail - glad you enjoyed! Sounds like a great time! Beeps - Amy is 100% right -you're a catch and an interview is a two way street (even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes). Plus you should be proud you're trying to push yourself-so many people don't bother. I hope your shoulder improves! Taking a break sounds like a…
  • So true, Chloe! Glad to hear you're feeling better too! Rogie - yeah, it can be a bit pricey! I found a gym where I got the intro classes and first month for $100 and its $110 a month for 3 classes per week after that. I probably wouldn't consider it if my work didn't have a 'fitness' subsidy ($250 a year) I can spend on…
  • Amy - that sounds like a great plan (especially with the smoking! :) Take care of yourself and be kind to your body. Sarah - you'll be a regular pro at stage 1 this time around! Good goals, you can do it! Did my first 'full' crossfit class yesterday which was great. I am still deciding if I am going to go again…
  • Amy - I'm so sorry about your father. I will send as many good vibes your way as possible. I think you should do whatever you want for a few days. Times like this put our quest to lose 10-15 lbs in rather harsh perspective. *hugs* Ashley - I sucked it up last week too :/ my 'easing' in turned out to be barely getting into…
  • Hi Friends!!!!! So ready to be back! The schedule forced break in logging/worrying was really good mentally for me. I am squishier than when I finished my cut (as I expected) but am hoping a few good weeks will have me right back (I always find its MUCH easier to regain fitness than to make new progress). My trips were…
  • Just wanted to say hi! I am doing well - logging here and there and trying to get work outs in but otherwise taking an MFP break....I'll be back full force in October!
  • Oh I forgot, one of the reasons I've been MIA is a big project finally got released can read me on Forbes talking about the paper:
  • Reese - I know your frustration and good luck finding what works for you, It's a long process and we're never done. As for your husband, I think it is very difficult for men to understand what it takes for women sometimes. Sure the deficit may be the same percentage but in absolute terms we have to restrict ourselves much…
  • Going to catch up today, I promise!
  • Hope everyone had a good weekend - I did not log at all and I didn't hit my macros...but I ate half way decently, and more importantly, I don't feel too badly about it, I needed a little break. But now I am in the last week and a half of my cut and dedicated to kicking butt. I am going to adjust macros by 5% to give me a…
  • Busy bees lately! I am feeling pretty good - though definitely feeling restricted with these macros. I have been doing pretty well and I got my body fat done with calipers today and they put me at 19.6! That's the lowest I've ever read by that method and while I imagine I am a bit higher I am happy with the progress. I…
  • Hi all! Day one of low carbs down...I don't begin to know how people like >20 g of carbs. That is NUTS. Going for chinese food tonight...if I get the grilled chicken in the light sauce with veggies, don't touch the rice, crab rangoon etc. I should be good. I will probably drink a protein shake prior and then fill up on my…
  • The point is that you are not a women considering weight lifting so you may not be the appropriate audience to judge which information source is best. There are a lot of myths surrounding women and weights. Is it as simple as push pull? Yes and no. If you have a lot of misinformation floating around your head that's based…
  • This is a great response.
  • Calm down yall. It's just one person asking a question. I think there's plenty of feedback for her to consider on here. Further, that's not even a good argument.
  • With all due respect, you don't know what you're talking about. I've read the book and done the program. And read lots of other books and done other programs. I have recommended this book to friends and family and MFP members and it comes back with rave reviews. I am telling you from personal experience that is a great…
  • I know her and she's not trolling.
  • Vodka water with some lemon squeezed in. Super low cal and refreshing.
  • Yes - I agree. Both are great programs. I generally recommend NROL to women because its written for women specifically and does a nice job of heading off common misconceptions about women and exercise. In short, its written for the audience of women who are considering lifting and I like it for that but you won't go wrong…
  • The advice for you to avoid splits and training specific muscles (like biceps) is good. I've found that most beginner women do well on 3 day per week full body routine. Ignore most things on There is some content on there but its mixed with in a lot of bs. If you want to start lifting, go get the New…
  • In the strictest terms, no, I don't really think its okay. It's patronizing. But, for the most part, people mean no harm by it and usually it's coming from a good place so I don't let those things get to me. Sometimes guys offers to move weights for me, which I find hilarious. I'm about to go squat my body weight...I don't…
  • I do a multivitamin, whey (usually), and sometimes fish oil. I've heard echoed from many places this is good for the average person. Also - don't worry about becoming a bodybuilder - you won't you try. Really Hard.
  • Morning! Alright everyone, 2 (3 actually) week goals! 1. Hit my macros all days but 1 (my non adherent day) 2. Get back to eating clean - not white breads etc (shouldn't be hard since I can't really eat bread with 20% carbs anyways) 3. Get in 4 LP lifting work outs, 4 recovery and walk for at least 4 hours a week. I made…
  • This is great. I will remember and use this. Hat tip to you!
  • The information is really overwhelming. But yes, lift. As a beginner, you are one of the few people who can reasonably expect to gain muscle and lose fat. Regardless, you want to maintain your muscle. I am 5'6 and started with about 20 lbs to lose. You'll see from my picture that its when I added lifting that I made…
  • Happy Friday all! I am ready for a nice evening in (shrimp and pasta tonight! Yum! Gotta eat my carbs while I can) FINALLY broke 141. I am hoping that with the decreased carbs and work outs next week that I can dip into the 130s and hopefully reveal fat loss that water and glycogen has been covering? Wishful thinking…
  • Underhand are easier, so I would start with those but you can always incorporate training both.