acorsaut89 Member


  • My mom has MS and for years it's been pretty under control, minimal episodes but her balance has always been kinda off and sometimes she needs to steady herself. Anyways, a few months ago I went out for lunch with my parents and we went to this little diner and my mom wasn't having such a great day that day; she was…
  • No, not exactly. People who promote starvation mode and are recovering from some illness should not be given a free pass just because. If you're spouting wrong information, or are misinformed, I think it's helpful for someone to speak up. We aren't doctors here - well, someone might be but most are not - so for actual…
  • I don't think what he was saying had anything to do with you being a woman . . . he was just countering your argument/opinion/what have you. I don't feel he was condescending, patronizing or talking down to you. I am quite sure the same tone would have been used regardless of gender. So I don't see those comments as…
  • As long as OP isn't battling some form of ED (where weighing could be compulsive and unhealthy in her relationship with food/herself) I completely agree daily weigh ins can really help pinpoint certain trends, days where your weight is higher, and, women, how our TOM affects our weight trends.
  • This! There a book called Mindless Eating and it emphasizes the Mindless Margin, which is really just overeating by 200 - 300 calories/day and it really adds up over time.
  • No. This doesn't exist. If it did, all those photos of people you've seen held in POW/concentration camps would not have looked like living skeletons (extreme example, but illustrates the point very well). You're taking A LOT of supplements . .. do you really need all those? Why can't you just eat regular, whole foods? If…
  • I agree with above - you will have lost some of the fitness you gained when you were consistently running and due to having bronchitis your cardio vascular abilities might be compromised. If you have strong muscle memory, it may not be as hard (as in your legs won't feel fatigued) but you might struggle with the breathing.…
  • Can anyone tell me what a hard calorie count is? To me it sounds code for some kind of disordered eating . . . but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Also, OP, if you've gained a pound since January you're over eating . . . by 3,500 calories if you've really gained a pound. As a woman, though, and at 21 I'm going to…
  • This does not equal 1,500 calories . . . unless you're eating PB with a spoon and like 4 chicken breasts. Although protein bars can be surprisingly high in calories, depending on what you eat. Either way, you're not losing because you're eating more than you burn - it's really that simple. It's not "because starvation…
  • Everyone has given solid advice in that you need to find what's right for you - everybody's feet are different and will need different things. Some people need arch support, some people need ankle support, some people need support for over/under pronating . . . get a gait analysis done. Second, I have bolded your price…
  • If you waited, say, 15 - 20 minutes would you still be hungry? How often do you eat/snack? Sometimes if you wait too long - depends on your body, timing isn't crucial but it is different for everyone - and then you put something into your mouth you will feel ravenous because you're really hungry. Plus it can take up to 20…
  • Not true - you can easily over eat on anything. You might be able to overcome the way you gravitate towards sugar (processed sugar, by the sounds of it) but if you don't eat less than you burn you won't lose the weight.
  • I was incredibly overweight when I was with my partner of 6 years . . . and he was super fit. Surprisingly he became less attracted to me as I started to lose weight. He was controlling and manipulative so it wasn't like a super healthy relationship - let's be honest. But he said he was no longer attracted to me when I…
  • Any time! You may also find - over time - that as you get better and more used to dealing with certain emotions they will become fleeting and you only need short term distractions to help out. For example: there are still times where I am triggered to binge but I cannot identify why I want to; I don't know the emotion I'm…
  • This isn't going to be a popular suggestion, but stay with me. Short term (for right now): reading, going for a walk, playing with my dog, going to the gym, meditating, call a friend or my mom. Long term (to combat emotional eating): deal with your emotions; it's ugly, so ugly but deal with them. I haven't found any other…
  • This is how I feel, too. If you can drink your calories and not be hungry afterwards then they can be a great way to get specific nutrients and lots of veggies/fruit into your diet when you're busy. However, it might be a a psychological thing for me because I find if I drink any of my meals I am still hungry - even if I…
  • As someone living with, and battling, BED this is not necessarily helpful. Anyone who lives with any form of an ED will know that it's unique to everyone; no two situations will look the same. For me, "accepting the binge" means it's going to happen. I cannot accept it, I have to deal with why it's happening. While your…
  • This is interesting to me because I remember the days where my entire diet consisted of what you're deeming the "good food" and now if I eat those foods I will legitimately be in the bathroom for hours that night . . . so my palette - and my gut - have changed over time. It wasn't, though, an overnight change. It was small…
  • I have been working with a registered dietitian for a couple years while being on here. She's helped in the sense of bouncing ideas around and finding what works for me. I also, however, deal with a binge eating disorder so I've found her helpful for dealing with those issues too. A registered dietitian can help you go…
  • This may sound preachy but you only get one body . . . why wouldn't you put in all the effort you've got to make it exactly the body you want? Just curious. Food is fuel for your body and your body is far more rare and unique than even the most expensive car so why wouldn't you want to feed it all the things that are the…
  • So I'm a single woman . . . and lots of women are here are saying they don't want to be approached at the gym because, well, they're busy and here for a reason buuuuuut can I just say something . . . . and please don't shoot me for this We live in a world where women complain men don't show interest, but when they do show…
  • I am from London, Ontario, Canada
  • I think it's really cool that you've been able to balance your volume needs with your calorie needs - I think that's where a lot of people struggle. I am a little more than a foot taller than you, so I suppose I've taken those extra calories for granted sometimes as I'm 5'10 and can lose on like 2,000 - 2,100 calories/day
  • Breakfast: Homemade Oat Bar with Raspberries/Blackberries with coffee Snack: Unsweetened applesauce with hemp hearts Lunch: Egg White Omelette with chopped peppers and cheese with baby potatoes baked with mushrooms and onions Snack: Chopped carrot sticks with homemade ranch Dinner: Rice, Bean and Cheese Casserole (my own…
  • I use a cooking spray - like PAM. Count to 3 while spraying across the pan. You can log this cooking spray, but it's very minimal so it totally makes sense to not log it.
  • Freezer: chicken (thighs breasts), turkey (ground, breasts, burgers), container of my home made oat bars for the week. Fridge: berries, plain yogurt, sour cream, almond milk, eggs, fresh produce like carrots, celery, broccoli, apples, applesauce, home made salad dressing . . . hmmm this is tough
  • I haven't been on WW, but a few friends of mine have and here's my arm's length opinion of it. Based on your post, you seem to recognize that being active and mobile was a huge component in you losing the weight you previously lost. And you're also making the connection that being in a desk job, where you aren't nearly as…
  • You do know there's other sources of carbs aside from the highly processed startches right?