angelac1296 Member


  • I used to walk everywhere, all the time. Bother ways to work, which was 2.4 miles each way. Plus more. That was when I was dating my hubby, and we were both 135 lbs! FF 17 years, and now I have started walking again, with my 14 and 15 year old sons! We're up to one mile a day, and having a great time with it! We would go…
  • THAT'S AWESOME!!! What are you doing to celebrate? What would you say helped the most with your success?
  • I worked at a retail clothing store for years, and saw a lot of moms with toddlers. (I personally didn't shop much when mine were little, we were too broke! LOL) Anyway... The moms I talked to that had good kids (had to compliment moms who's kids weren't brats!) kept the trips short, even if that meant they had to spread…
  • This is very helpful to me! I started about a month or so ago at 1200 and I'm starving most days! I set out to make a lifestyle change and then got in a hurry. But I can't keep this 1200 calorie thing up! Esp since I'm working out for an hour or more 5 days a week. I like the idea of eating just a little more, and not…
  • I'm at a 1200 calorie deficit, so I log shopping and eat back about half the calories. Mfp seems to way over-estimate what is burned. Since 1200 calories is less than a person in a coma gets, I figure I should track things like 2 hours of walking around with my mom and sister every week. So what if we happen to be at a…
  • I went 3 years without using a scale, and was suddenly 50 lbs heavier....which is all the weight I had worked months to lose a few years ago. I thought I had just gained a couple pounds and then practically overnight NONE of my clothes fit right! All the sudden even my pj's were too snug! I know what happened, it was the…
  • Skinny cow has a couple kinds of chocolates that are pretty good! No, they aren't reeses, and they do cost more. But they take care of that MUST have it now for me.
  • I decided to log it. It is a great way to burn calories IF you are an ACTIVE participant! If it's just that occasional quickie to hold him over til later and I don't really do anything, then no, I don't log that. <grin> After all, there is a category for preparing food, and I put a lot more energy into sex than I do…
  • I am having the same issue! I've regained ALL of what was a 50 lb loss. I kept it all off for about 3 years, then 6 months of stress eating and not paying attention to what I was doing and BAM....nothing fits anymore!
  • I couldn't have said it better!!
  • I have a few things I can't control how much of it I eat yet, so I only have it when I go out. If I don't bring it home from the store, I don't binge on it.
  • I just looked at your profile, and I am sure you can get away with a bikini and not be looked at in disgust now. :smile:
  • You have an amazing shape, and you look great! Are you where you set out to be?
  • I gained 30 pounds in 3 months with my first depo shot. I got an iud instead. My sister in law stayed the same weight for years, overweight. She was finally able to start losing weight when she changed her BC method. If you're exercising, drinking plenty of water, and making healthy food choices, I would think the depo is…
  • That stinks! I totally feel your pain! But you have learned from your mistake, and now you KNOW yes, you can have a treat, but you can't eat everything in sight. I've learned at holidays, to only take ONE plate of food. It usually means I just get to try everything, but I still get full. I recently learned the hard way…
  • Hi! I'm no nutritionist, but you have lost over 50lbs, so you must be doing something right! I've recently given up a LOT of my unhealthy habits, but coffee is not, and never will be one of them!!!! She says sugar before food kills metabolism. Maybe it does. For me, I'm not human before I have my 16 ounce cup of Folgers…