jreneecal Member


  • Great job to everyone with their resistance of the lovely "treats" we like. Also to those like me that overcame the call of the couch after a hard days work and did their workout!. Helped a friend move today and even though I burned off at least a few calories I climbed on the elliptical anyway and did 20 minutes. After…
  • 1. How much did you weigh in your 20s? 110-125 except while pregnant and just afterward 2. How much is the most you've weighed (not including pregancies) 178, max pregnant 170 3. How much do you weigh now 158 4. What is your goal? First goal is 140, would like to be around 135 but that is probably not very realistic. It…
  • Survived grandbaby sitting yesterday, fun but tiring! Kind of took it easy today, but have joined a June challenge so hopefully will see some changes this month!
  • Good Morning! Hope everyone has a great day. I've been thinking about a FitBit Flex for my birthday so am following all the bits of info here with a lot of interest. It's only supposed to be 85 degrees today so I hope to get in my lunchtime walk. Off to work I go!
  • Long eventful day, glad to be under calories even with a fast food stop and little exercise. Hope it is cool enough tomorrow to walk at lunch!
  • Woohoo made it through the day under calories and burned up more with the elliptical workout. Thanks for all the support and inspiration!
  • Good morning all! Ready to tackle the work week this morning. Wish I had time for a walk, hopefully at lunch. Packing a low cal lunch.
  • Well didn't stay under my calorie goal but at least I worked them off. Thanks for the advice, found an online video and did alittle strength training will see how it goes.
  • Not off to a good start this am made breakfast fr everyone and joined in bacon, hash browns, eggs: ate close to 1/2 my calories for the day. No walking outside today since its 90 degrees. On my way to my elliptical so I can have some lunch. I have been reading about the benefits of weight lifting any suggestions for a…
  • Thanks for the great article.
  • Did pretty good today, hope to do better this weekend. Should be running off a few calories trying to keep up with the grandkids. Will check in but want to say HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
  • sabebaby: Well I know I used to be the same once upon a time I could take off a couple of extra lbs. easily. Now I have to stay focused and committed but if I eat right and keep moving eventually the lbs do come off. In my case it takes a lot more dedication to eating right than it used to. Joined about a year ago and lost…
  • AAAH, my husband picked up ice cream and chocolate on the way home from work. (He really isn't trying to tempt me, he has been having stress at work and some health problems so he is trying to make himself feel better). Thank you for all your inspiration and great resistance stories. I AM NOT going to open the freezer or a…
  • Have a fantastic day everyone! Hope to be able to walk at lunch and push myself to do some exercise on the elliptical this evening! Walking always seems to lift my spirits.
  • Thanks for all the great info...only occasional hot flashes so far but now I know what to try when they get worse.
  • Had a good day today, got a walk in at lunchtime and had enough calories left over that I could squeeze dessert in tonight. Yah!
  • Welcome! Looking forward to enjoying this journey to better health!
  • Have a truly terrific day! Goal: more moving today, hope the weather is good so I can walk to the post office at lunch.
  • Not a productive day today. Should have something to post tomorrow!
  • Hope everyone had a terrific day! On my way to bed, not a productive day for me so tomorrow will be better.
  • Just checking in. Did a quick read thru, hello to all the new ladies. I am learning lot with this group . About to pass out, on my way to bed. Today was my day off, spent it weed eating, upside burned at least 880 calories!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow everyone seems to be off to a great start to the weekend! Just had a pretty good breakfast and logged it in. If I log throughout the day it really helps me keep on track and think about if I really want to waste calories on something or if I have enough calories left for a "treat". I'm so out of shape at the moment I…
  • Looks like I'm going to get all kinds of great tips and I'm going to have to "raise" the bar on what I eat or embarrass myself. Lately my favorite snacks are peanut butter and crackers and granola bars. I have a desk job so getting enough exercise is a challenge. Until this week my co worker and I were walking to the post…
  • Hi Ladies, So glad to find this group, my name is Julie, 53 will be 54 in a couple of months. Married for the second time to a really terrific man, between the two of us we have 6 children and 5 grandchildren. We were empty nesters but my son recently got out of the military so they are living with us for the time being.…
    in Hello! Comment by jreneecal May 2014
  • Sending a friend request now...your post caught my eye this morning...mostly because this is the first time I've been back in 4 months and of course I've gained back most of what I lost...I know I can lose it again with the help of my friends here...I too am not getting any younger or healthier unless I DO something about…
  • Congratulations! You look terrific.
    in NSV :) Comment by jreneecal October 2013
  • Hey I wasted calories day before yesterday, it happens. Yesterday I was more careful what I ate and today am exercising extra. By tomorrow will be back on track. You CAN do it too!
  • That's terrific! You should be proud, amazing NSV!
  • Terrific! Glad to achieve ones goals!
  • Quite a few pounds to go but I already feel a lot better and I think I set my goal too low. When I feel better I will stop and it is probably going to be higher than my set goal.