vaporhockey83 Member


  • I have a Fitbit One. I love it and it's helped motivate me to move around more and get up rather than sitting. It's an investment, but if you're someone who digs numbers and beating your old daily goals, it's fantastic. Their customer support is even more amazing. I straight up lost mine while taking my little one to the…
  • This times a thousand. I used to play ice hockey while asthmatic and a bit overweight. I was using my inhaler three times a game (bad). Cold air is an irritant until you work slowly towards building your lungs back up.
  • Start slow, listen to your body, and always have your inhaler (if prescribed one) handy. Walking, swimming, elliptical....anything cardiovascular will help. Yoga and deep breathing techniques have helped. I used to be overweight and would run into some asthmatic troubles from it being exercise induced. Just take it easy…
  • Hop back on the wagon tomorrow. One day won't hurt :D Keep on keeping on. I just acknowledge I had a bad day, I won't repeat it (unless it's a cheat day), and I'll get back to my diet/new food journey tomorrow. I've messed up quite a few times when someone tossed pizza in front of me on an otherwise great logging day. Keep…
  • Straight from their FAQs: Can ACE be taken when breast-feeding or pregnant? No. ACE should not be used by women who are breastfeeding or pregnant.
  • Nutracore Lean 7. The chocolate cake flavor tastes literally like someone took chocolate cake mix and just canned it as protein powder. Has 30 grams of protein. 145 calories. 5 grams of carbs and only 1 gram of sugar. A lot of amino acids including branch chains. CLAs as well. Good builder, but I've used it for meal…
  • I'd go to the gym. When I first started MFP and wasn't going to the gym, I was usually in the 1800 range. I'm a shorty (5'7") and was 208 lbs starting. Adjusted MFP when I hit 10 lbs lost and it then lowered my calories daily to around 1730/1750. Lost that and now I'm down to 1710 a day. However, I usually exceed that…
  • No. Same sodium content as far as keeping your sodium lower. More of a taste preference.
  • There's a section in Fitbit settings where you need to measure your paces. The space between your steps. It has one for general walking and one for running. This might be why it isn't tracking correctly. It says to go out onto a track to do it, but I just did mine in my living room by walking ten feet (the length, not…
  • Love Fitbit. I have a One and I love it. Customer service is great, syncs up well with MFP, and does a pretty good job with accuracy. Only negative was the price ($99), but I looked at it as an investment. 25 lbs later, no regrets. Doesn't monitor heart rate, so there's the down side. Edit: Sorry, didn't see the price tag…
  • A buddy and I did a 6 week shred (on're not pros) for a total of 36 days of gym and 6 days of rest. As we're both family men with kids, it ended up being a bit longer. That said, we've both noticed a lot more muscle mass. Ours included cardio acceleration which helped trim some fat. We're almost…
  • Weight loss was diet for me. Strictly diet without exercise dropped 20-25 lbs for me. Once I started lifting, my clothes fit a lot nice and more compliments rolled in. I think it's already basically been said, but diet for weight loss. I haven't lost much lifting, but I assume that's muscle overtaking the fat.…
  • 2 lbs a week is what is deemed as healthy. Healthy weight loss isn't fast. Took me two to three months to lose 23 pounds. Just have to stay dedicated to a plan, stick with it, and you'll start seeing results. Best of all, you'll feel a lot better.
  • Deficit is the key, but some exercise wouldn't hurt if you can find the time. But, yeah, you can lose weight by eating below the amount of calories required to maintain your current weight. MFP should provide that number for you. For the first month or two on here, I was merely dieting and following MFP's daily amount of…
  • Muscle Milk is an EXCELLENT choice of coffee creamer. I had MFP minimized at work until I read this. Now I will minimize again.
  • Agreed with this with the weight lifting. I was mainly dieting to get near my goal weight. I had some compliments come in. Once I began lifting, my weight really hasn't budged, but I'm getting more compliments about my change than I had before. Again, same weight as I was before (after the dieting), just more muscle mass…
  • It could be fluctuation and your muscles are also going to be absorbing more water with the weight training. As long as you have a deficit of 3500 calories a week, you should lose a pound if you did nothing but follow MFP and your goals set. Definitely not accusing you of it, but are you logging completely accurately? I…
  • Measurements would be the key if you're lifting weights. Muscle weighs more than fat, so while you may not be losing weight, you're toning and/or building muscle, thus not losing on a scale.
  • I love it. I have the Fitbit One after I had told my wife I wanted it for my birthday. She let me get it early and I've been enjoying it since. Sparked me to get moving around a lot more and I love how it interacts with MFP. Also, they have amazing customer service. Mine clipped to my jeans and while taking the kiddo out…
  • You have to give yourself a cheat day within reasons. Have a guilty pleasure once a week. Work hard all week for that and find new pleasures that are good for you. I found a protein powder that's immensely good for me but tastes like someone put cake in a blender. 30 grams of protein and only 145 calories! If you toss in…
  • Yep! Boredom hunger! Try something reasonable on calories and high in protein which helps make a stomach feel more full (a handful of almonds could do the trick). If you're still hungry, try taking your mind off of things by drinking some water and find ANY task to get your mind off food. It's probably even more tough…
  • Just keep doing that. Rinse and repeat. If things become so redundant, find something new to keep that heart rate going. I've found looking at life more preciously has helped me push harder. Leaving your bed is the hardest part of the day. You got up and out. Some people don't.
  • Myself. I have marital issues that were caused by drinking (that I accounted for in MFP's macros and then ate less to fit it in). Once the doctor told me my liver was heading for shot and my wife took a month hiatus from me, I focused on heavy lifting and some cardio. Now over 20 pounds under from when I started, I decided…
  • Turkey Trot in the AM, so I'm douching it out. Maybe some weights at home. At the least, I'll feel less guilty during dinner when I demolish the bird. Which is the word, apparently.
  • Having had marital issues (and having them), you have to face the problem. Do you want to fix it? There is no solution in doing nothing. It's status quo. If you think it's worth fixing and are that devoted to your relaitonship, seek every path to what may fix it. If at the end of those paths you've found nothing, the…
  • I don't have the issue and it's synced with MFP to adjust the calories. Have you messed with your activity levels (sedentary...etc.)? Hope you're able to fix the issue. I'd check to make sure your MFP account has the right activity levels and the calorie adjustment activated. If they're correct, you might try switching…
  • I had issues using it. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I took with and without food and still felt the same. I probably blame phenylethylamine HCI. Just wasn't for me. If it works for others, great, but I've lost weight just doing it the natural way. I figure it's better to have a well-rounded diet with…
  • A bit overboard in my opinion. You can decline to eat her pastry samplings due to a healthy diet. She's your friend and only following a passion or an art in a specific fashion. I wouldn't be concerned for a friend if they worked at McDonald's or whatever taco joint (one of the things I find hard to turn down) they worked…
  • Anyone who uses it, feel free to add me. If you have friends on it, it supplies a scoreboard that tracks steps and stuff. More motivation. Don't know if you need the e-mail to find a friend, but (please send spam!! j/k) on Fitbit's site.
  • My Fitbit One has motivated me to take more steps. It's said that a good healthy average per day is 10,000. I thought I was getting that easy at my desk job between walking to the restroom, into work, out of work, and around the office. Not even close. It's made it where I'm mad at myself when I forget to put it on to…