wideeyedla Member


  • Ah, yes, remember using The Hacker's Diet before social media existed. Most awesome :)
  • Oh, and two more today. So last week it was pick on clean eaters week. This week it must be the low carbers turn. I wonder which type of lifestyle will be next?
  • I hope there is. Otherwise my life is going to be painful. There are quite a few Autoimmune disorders and neurological disorders that ketogenic diets can really make a difference with. I eat veggies and even some fruit. I just don't do any grains or sugars. I don't live on bacon cheese burgers, and the majority of my fat…
  • Don't know if it is JUST the Chia, but IBS is mostly gone. Since I added a LOT of greens, I was expecting the opposite.
  • If you out in raw ingredients, it doesn't matter that you cook them, when you enter the recipe, it asks for number of servings. So I will decide the number usually based on the protein source (I have 2 lbs of chicken breast s, six servings). Then once it is cooked, just portion it out egually, and the numbers will still be…
  • I use both chia and flax as I am doing NO grains. They are seeds, not cereals, so no gluten issues. Both are very high in fiber (flax insoluble, chia soluble) and Omega 3 fats (the good kind). Chia absorbs an amazing amount of liquid. You can just add it whole to water and drink it. It creates a gel around the seed. I like…
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium. If your stomach can't handle magnesium supplements, take a thirty minute Epsom salt soak ( whole tub or just you feet). Magnesium is well absorbed transdermally. Check with MD as well. Could be a symptom of something else.
  • Someone shared this article with me to refute my Taubes mention. I will admit when I am wrong :) http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2011/08/carbohydrate-hypothesis-of-obesity.html It is a critque of the insulin reaction theory, and worth a read. Taubes is, after all, a journalist. and not a scientist. That being said, I…
  • I grind up 2 T flax and 1 T of Chia, and mix it with.1/2 cup of warm almond milk and cinnamon for a kick butt grain free porridge. Also put them in smoothies.
  • I'm not doing Atkins this go around, but I am doing Paleo with whacked out macros ;). So, yes, ketogenic. I will ask the heavy lifter dude on the other board I am on for references to CKD and TKD stuff for you. Lots of nerdy folk over there who do their research. If I recall correctly, the principal is to burn all glycogen…
  • Takes some practice to become an expert ;). Doing it right this time around and eating real food. Also, I am not a lifter, but I know a few who do cyclic keto to improve glycogen storage and help with body fat loss before competitions. Those guys do lots of research too.
  • Two factors to consider: 1. What is your weekly net calorie deficit? How much of that are you willing to squander on a meal/treat? You need to look at the whole week, not just the day of, and understand that it WILL slow things down. 2. How "rigid" is your eating plan? If you are following something that is not at all…
  • Actually, once you are past the induction phase, it looks a LOT like Primal. I think people stay in Induction because they like the rapid loss, but it isn't really sustainable, which is why so many people quit and gain the weight back. The IIFYM people are correct regarding sustainability, IMO. If there are health issues…
  • On the contrary. My IBS has cleared up, poop is less malodorous, and I am not nearly as gassy. Fermentation in the gut = gas. No sugar to fernent, less gas.
  • This. And by the way, my micros are awesome :)
  • I lost 70 pounds doing Atkins, but I was really, really reliant on the products. Then I stopped. Gained 50 of it back. For medical reasons, I decided to try Paleo. Still,ketogenic, still doing well, just no soy protein or artificial sweeteners and more veggies and some fruit. I drop the carbs just low enough to stay in…
  • I buy powdered egg whites which have nothing added. You can add them to everything. Way cheaper than the athletic stuff, no carbs.
  • Oh, you eat LOTS of food out of the box on Atkins. Shakes, bars, baking mixes, low carb baked goods. All full of soy and artificial sweeteners. You don't HAVE to do Atkins that way, but it is very easy to get sucked into it. So you wind up still eating a great deal of sweet foods. I would recommend Gary Taubes as a…
  • I have a sign in my classroom that says, "I drink coffee for YOU protection." I won't give it up. Nor will I give up my half and half, which is the only dairy I do
    in Coffee? Comment by wideeyedla July 2013
  • Reflect on what was going on right before it started. Think about HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired). Then forgive yourself. This journey is about progress, not perfection. Sometimes this Mom sends herself to her room for a time out with a box of tissues. You've got a plan for tomorrow, and that's a good place to be. Let…
  • The picture in my head stays about the same, whether I am bigger or smaller.what YOU see is maybe a reflection of what your mind perceives. Body image issues are powerful things, and adjusting your head takes TIME. Keep working out. Look into some affirmation work to change the voice/mental images.you are receiving that…
  • This. I am assuming that the diagnosis and the surgeries came with a good number of prescriptions. Ask your cardiologist for a referral to a nutritionist, and a complete metabolic blood and urine panel. Log religiously (weighing and measuring, counting even the lemon wedges in your water) and bring it with you to the…
  • YES!!!! Every Saturday I eat a Gotta Have It sized Mud Pie Mojo from Cold Stone Creamery, all 1,300 calories worth. I do this without an ounce of guilt. I do it with glee, because I really love it. I also do it because it is one of the few sweet treats my system can tolerate without triggering a fibro flare. The rest of…
  • Look at you're macros, not just your calories. Eat the full complement of healthy fats.
  • Time for a check up with a full blood work up. Something else might be going on.
  • Depends on how whole hog you wan pt to go, and what it means to you. My GP's basic diet advice is "nothing white." But if you are vegetarian, you need to eat grains. Each week, make one good sized change. If you are a soda drinker, for example, substitute water for soda until at the end of the week, it is all water. If you…
  • Yep. But that is because a pound is a pound, whether it is muscle or fat. However, a pound of fat takes up a larger volume than a pound of muscle. So you might see inches lost without the scale moving, or a body fat percentage drop without the scale moving. If you have been totally sedentary, and start exercising…
  • 83 lbs gone, I'd guess :wink: I am the parent of an Asperger's kid, and have some strong traits myself, like answering rhetorical questions and taking stuff literally until someone makes the funny obvious. People get used to me after a while, and point out the sarcasm for me.
  • I survived Cub Scout camp with the monster hill climb twice a day.
  • I think it is a little of both. Our goals are the same: to lose weight, get healthier and more fit. We have different methods of doing it. My attitude is that if it is medically sound, it is working for you, and it is sustainable, then it is the right program choice for you. But I can tick off a host of medical conditions…