singer201 Member


  • When I calculated TDEE-15 or 20%, I found it agreed pretty well with MFP base calories+exercise calories. You can customize the macros to fit whatever eating plan you use. In my opinion, the default settings are too high for carbs, and too low for protein and fats.
  • Check his vision. My horse's paddock- mate is blind in one eye--doesn't like to turn sharply to that direction. Another older horse at our barn was already blind in one eye (had been since a young horse), and started losing vision in the other--one of his symptoms was sudden spooking because he didn't see something until…
  • As a former bread baker, I hear you! When I started eating lower-carb, I concentrated on learning how to prepare tasty new (to me!) meat entrees (several favorites are from Julia Child's French Cooking). I invested in some good cookware (not totally necessary), and now I really get a kick out of cooking completely from…
  • MFP is a great tool for tracking macros, calories, and exercise, but I find their assigned macros are too carb-heavy, and fat and protein deficient. Sugar limitations compared to the default recommended carb allowance is just ridiculous. I customized my macros under "Goals" to better reflect my lower-carb eating plan. You…
  • If you are trying to lose weight, don't substitute gluten-free breads/pasta/baked goods for the wheat/gluten ones you are avoiding. Eat meat, fish, eggs, salad veggies, fruits, and good fats. I watched my calories, logged in MFP, and kept carbs <100 g/day while following a Primal (paleo with optional dairy) eating plan.…
  • MFP is great for tracking, but is way off the mark for recommended carbs (too high), fat, and protein (both too low) macros. You can go to "goals" and reset your macros to better reflect your desired eating plan. Personally, I found that keeping carbs <100 g/day worked the best for steady weight loss (faster in the…
  • I had a lipid panel done after about 1 year (and 60 lb. weight loss) on lower carb (<100 g/day), higher fat, moderate protein, that showed improvement in HDL and triglycerides to the "normal" range. Total cholesterol was still in the higher range ( I think its genetic, since it's been that way since my 30's). After about 2…
  • I have felt the same way after eating things that are no longer on my eating plan (e.g. fast food), that I used to enjoy, haven't had for a while, or overindulged in. I've been meaning to write down exactly how I felt physically (too full, stomach ache, didn't taste good, etc.), and posting it on the refrigerator as a…
  • I've been buying inexpensive pork shoulder roasts lately and braising (baking with liquid). Season the meat as desired (I use salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder, and marjoram). Chop up a couple of slices of bacon and fry it in the pan, then brown the pork in the bacon fat and remove to a plate, then saute half a sliced…
  • I found a recipe that uses 1 cup quinoa to 2 cups water/liquid, makes about 4 cups, so for 1 cup cooked quinoa, 1/4 cup is correct. It's a good idea to rinse the quinoa in a strainer under running water to wash off the coating on the seeds that can be irritating to some people.
  • Check out for some lower-carb eating ideas and recipes. If you can ditch the pasta and bread without feeling deprived, there's still lots of good food to eat.
  • Cleaning and yard work, done with energy, do count as exercise in my book. Cook on the weekends with your BF, and it becomes together time AND fills the freezer with easy-to-serve meals. Take the stairs at work, if that's possible. Since your time is so limited, make it count double when you can.
  • I went Primal (gluten and grain-free) a little over two years ago. I had severe GERD/heartburn requiring daily medication that resolved completely within a couple of months after 30 lb. weight loss. Also, my knee and thumb joints feel much better when I don't eat wheat. Eliminating wheat and grains also made weight loss…
  • Eating fewer carbs, can help. 100 g/carbs/day while keeping in your calorie range isn't too restrictive. When I went back to eating a few more carbs than I did during weight loss, the extra pounds went right to my middle.
    in Belly fat Comment by singer201 May 2013
  • I had good results eating 100 g of carbs/day, and upping fats and protein to meet my calorie goal. Still had to resist the urge to nibble, but starving?--not ever! Eat more salad-type veggies, a little fruit, meat and eggs, healthy fats, and go easy on, or eliminate, the rice, potatoes, bread, pizza, and processed foods.…
  • Just estimate your serving sizes, choose something from the MFP list that looks comparable, and congratulate yourself for being mindful of your choices.
  • has recipes and lots of good info.
  • Yes. My DD works in hospital environmental services cleaning patient rooms, and she's been losing weight without really watching her calories. It's exercise.
  • Prayers for victims, their families, and responders.
  • You are doing it right, in my book. The only way you'll keep the weight off is by keeping track at home and paying attention when you go out to eat with others. I was fortunate in that my co-workers were generally supportive (didn't push treats, etc.), and mainly made positive comments about my healthy meals and…
  • I like the dark orange ones (Garnet and Jewel yams) best. I just scrub the skin, rub with bacon grease (can use any oil/fat), and bake in an open pan (to catch the drips) at 400-425F until soft (about an hour for a big one). I usually put one in when I'm baking another dish at the same temp. If there's more than needed for…
  • A food scale is a necessity, in my opinion, and relatively inexpensive. You can sometimes find them at thrift stores, or any place that sells kitchen gadgets. You don' t need a digital one with all the bells and whistles, or anything fancy, if you're on a budget.
  • A new and more intense exercise routine can make your body retain water (weight) as your muscles repair themselves, and should be temporary. As long as you are continuing to account for exercise in your calorie goal, you should be good. Keep everything the same for a couple more weeks and see what happens.
  • I have two project ponies at the moment. One is my personal riding horse, a BLM mustang, who, for most of his time with us, has always been the "second" horse. He's now my main guy, but has the temperament to be ridden by almost anyone, so I'm working on making sure all the basics are rock-solid so a friend can ride him on…
  • Are you logging your exercise and eating back your exercise calories? You probably need to eat more than 1200 total. Healthy fats and protein will help you feel full longer than carbs will.
  • Consider eliminating wheat and gluten from your diet if you have arthritis pain and/or migraines. For many people, it makes a big difference. When I stay gluten-free, I have less joint pain. I indulged a bit on vacation, and I'm still feeling the effects in my knees and thumbs.
  • If you are significantly overeating calories, even if you eat low-carb, you probably won't lose weight. I had good results keeping carbs less than 100 g/day and eating MFP calorie recommendation plus exercise calories. Now I'm using TDEE-15% and keeping carbs 50-75 g/day because I'm got tired of logging every variety of…
  • MFP has macros set way too high for carbs, and too low for fats and proteins. The sugar setting is ridiculous even for low-carb users. Go under custom settings for goals and change whatever you like to make it match what you want to do.
  • I was a bit disappointed with the Wheat Belly Cookbook. Instead of opening new vistas for non-wheat eating, it seemed more intent on providing recipes of look-alike substitutes for wheat-containing foods. Many of the recipes call for additives like xanthan gum, chickpea flour, and artificial sweeteners which are among food…
  • Use any quiche recipe you like, just don't do a crust. Basic crustless quiche Mix together in bowl: 6 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 1/4 cup cream, milk, or half and half 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp sugar 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper 1/3 cup grated onion Stir into above mixture or layer in greased pie plate: 4 oz grated cheese (I use 1…