liz11599 Member


  • Wow, thanks! I had no idea! Big congrats to Hufflepuff and Kelsue35 too! Great work guys!! :drinker: Loving our Hogwarts family!:flowerforyou: I think I'll go to the gym now :happy:
  • Hey all, Weighing in for the week. Had a 2 pound loss from last week. 172 down to 170. Looking forward toleaving the 170's behind for good! I can contribute 739 house points. As for every thing else, well....I'm just having a hard time trying to keep up with all the other points, postings, etc. So if it's okay with…
  • Hi everoney! I'm Liz and live in PA. I'm a stay at home mom and have an 8 year old boy who is the light of my life, as well too, is my husband (who is a Lineman and often away from home for work). Both my husband and my son have been HUGE supporters of me in my journey to lose the weight and get healthy. Nancy (our team…
  • Beautifuul written and perfectly said. I totally get it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Bump. Having this same mental block myself!
  • HOLY look amazing!!!!! In fact you don't even look like the same person! AWE....SOME job!!!!!!:drinker:
  • Oh no, please don't give up!!! You're in a plateau at the moment and that's completely normal!! Stay the course! Drink your water, change your exercise and/or food (as your body does get used to your routine). Sometimes your body needs a bit of a shock to kick it into gear again. If your scale isn't budging, then put it…
  • Weighing in at 172. Extrememly frustrated with my progress lately. Seems like one step forward and three steps back.
  • Hahaha...this is awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • "Good! Cause misery loves company!! I didn't want to think u were slacking on me. Hahahahaha!" - written from my cousin when she found out I was going to the gym that day afterall.
  • Martha was the average dog She went ruff and bark and grrrrr Then she ate some alphabet soup and what happened was bizzare son is currently watching Martha
  • Welcome to MFP! You're going to love it here and will find a wealth of support from everyone here. Please feel free to friend me. Take one moment at a time and remember to eat to live!! (Not live to eat). :happy:
  • My Giant supermarket makes fresh baked kaiser rolls (smaller size). They are the perfect size for hamburgers and they're only 84 calories. No preservatives either. Perhaps the bakery at your grocery store has something similar?
  • I seriously don't think BL will be the same without Jillian. Last season was such a huge inspiration to me with the sisters coming in 1st and 2nd. They looked great with such an incredible transformation. I have hopes that this new season will be a hit, I just don't have HIGH hopes. Looking forward to tomorrow night though.
  • Hi there! I've started drinking them myself in just the past couple of weeks. I've been told by a friend of mine (who is a former personal trainier) that the best time to ingest a lot of protein is within 30 minutes after you've finished your workout. Reason being that protein helps heal your shredded muscles. Personally…
  • Good morning Ravenclaws! I'm so sorry I've been MIA this week in the common room. I'm getting used to a new routine around the house now that my hubby is home working in the area and not traveling for the first time since March. Though I haven't been very diligent in following the challenges or logging into the common…
  • Good luck!! And have fun! I ran my first last Sunday and I had a blast. You'll do GREAT!!
  • We were there a year ago this month and I was worried about the same thing. However, you'll be doing SO MUCH walking that it probably won't matter what you eat. You'll also be consuming A LOT of water too, so that will help. I decided I wasn't going to worry about what I ate, though I didn't go over board. I broke even…
  • I felt like I was right there in that changing room with you as I experienced those same exact emotions when I hit a size 16. I am so proud of you!! You're doing this and killing it!! Way to go!!!
  • You are awesome! Such determination and strength!!! And no, you're not being self centered and if anybody says you are, after what you've been through, you have every right to be anyway!!! Cheers to you!!:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Amazing message! Thank you!
  • Good evening all. Just wanted to pop in and weigh in before SUnday ends. I weighed in at 175 this morning....a one pound gain from last week. Not sure what's going on...I'm under my calories everyday and exercising, netting calories. Maybe it was the stress of anticipation for my race this morning...who knows. Hopefully…
  • Thank you so much. It's less than 24 hours away and I already have nervous butterflies! Lol!
  • Good morning everyone! I'm planning on weighing in tomorrow morning, right before I leave for my first ever 5k race. Just wanted to wish everyone a great day:happy:
  • Hello fellow Ravenclaws, And happy Friday!! I never got a chance to visit the common room yesterday, but I did make my water goal, and I didn't get a chance to go to the gym, so I guess I only earned 1 OWL for yesterday. Today, however, I exercised for 120 minutes and met my water goal again and I'm posting I…
  • Hello all.......checking in and am happy to say I met all the challenges today! 1 OWL for exercise 1 OWL for all 64 oz. of water 1 OWL for checking in and 162 house points Keep it all going Ravenclaws!! We can do this!!
  • Good morning fellow Ravenclaws!! SO sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks. WIth the hubby gone restoring power to hurricane victims and me battoning down the hatches and then clean up from the hurricane, getting the boy ready for the first day of school and getting back into the swing on's been out of…
  • :laugh: :happy:
  • Same thing happened to me last week when I traveled for 12 hours in a car. I was definately bloated the next day. I figured since I couldn't really move and couldn't drink all my water while traveling that it would take a toll. Give it another day or two and it should come off. Mine did.
  • Lol...apparently I didn't read my post from 2 weeks ago. And apparently I was 175 BEFORE vacation, but never updated my check-in for my So...I've remained at And, I did check on my reported August goal and I achieved it! I was 179 when I made my goal a 4 lb. loss and I'm now 175...:bigsmile: