

  • Recently, I heard about the use of tetracycline to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Maybe that is something that can help, or are you already doing that?
  • That's really encouraging to know that Hashi's people "can" still be that active! Do you still feel the thyroid "fatigue" and just push through it? Or do you feel amazing?
  • Hi, this is incorrect information. It turns out that the rate of incidence of Hashimoto'sdisease in Japan (and Finland) are very similar to that of the United States according to "The Journal Of Autoimmune Diseases" " Immunogenetics of Hashimoto's thyroiditis" by Dimitry A Chistiakov Found here:…
  • Taking IODINE with thyroid problems - is controversial and possibly problematic. http://www.eje-online.org/content/139/1/23.full.pdf Here's an example of why the iodine loading test is a fail... http://www.townsendletter.com/Jan2013/iodine0113.html
  • This Clark fellow who you mentioned (above) is not a "Neurologist" in the sense of being an MD... I'm not even sure how he can legally call himself a neurologist... He is a DC -- A Doctor of Chiropractic... If you read up on the Chiropractic Doctors who are getting into the thyroid issues -- there are some serious issues…
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