SarabellPlus3 Member


  • I never get these "nurse-ins." I guess it's just not my style. I BF all of my babies, each for at least 2 years, but I didn't do it to get attention from people, so the whole "nurse-in" thing was never on my list. I live in the Midwest, where people are supposedly so conservative, myself. I BF in public a million times. No…
  • I would wonder what the question exactly was, if it was weighted that way. I can't imagine many people truly feel that way, and I find it totally ridiculous.
  • Yep, every word. Anyone from the UK melts me instantly. British people are smart, classy, and sexy, no matter what, so that must be nice. LOL Irish or Scottish? Forget it, you had me at "Hello." I love almost any accent that I don't hear every day, honestly; I don't love every dialect, but I love listening to accents.
  • Spin class today, ran yesterday (farthest run yet for me, half hour, no walking! Not much to experienced runners, but so exciting to me), tomorrow I'll run again, then take a yoga class (or vice versa if the kids let me sleep in...).
  • Best show ever, hands down. Current shows: Game of Thrones True Blood Modern Family
  • Thank you for answering honestly! :) That's exactly why I wondered, kwim? I wondered it it was more of a cross-reference of society, or a group specifically concerned with weight, I'm sure that weighs the results. I'd be real curious if there were a poll like that with just a cross-reference of society, though I be the…
  • I was really into astronomy, and when I was 14 or 15, my dad surprised me with a really great telescope. I still have it and use it. It was by far the best gift ever. My parents started giving us $ in December to shop for our own Christmas gifts, which she would then wrap, and we'd pretend to be surprised on Christmas,…
  • Are you comfortable saying what the group is? I only ask because while I guess I'd rather be underweight than overweight (in any extreme), and in a trick-question sort of way, I feel like I'm a happy person, and would be happy no matter what the weight said, I wouldn't want to be underweight personally. No way. So I'm…
  • Yep! Just like most anything, if you use that as a tool in a good way, then it's good. If you use it as a tool in a bad way (bad being my judgement on unhealthy, and things of that nature), then that's bad. M'Kay? I agree that it's really a term that's kind of owned by pro-ana, and that kind of environment. When I see,…
  • 1. "Ignorant?" LOL 2. "Free Speech?" LOL 1. I know how the discussion was overheard. I know he said it and didn't plan for the world to hear it. That honestly makes it no less hysterical. That has nothing to do with why it was funny and/or inappropriate. 2. Did someone call for his legal arrest? I sure didn't. Free speech…
  • I have a hard time thinking of a better looking woman, with a better looking body. I mean, really, when I heard this story this afternoon, I had to laugh. What an *kitten*.
  • You look like you're doing great on your healthy journey here, BUT I think that is way too tight/short for the look you're going for. I'd go for something a little more classic, and more on the 'fitted' rather than 'tight' line, kwim?
  • I think that's great, but I think you're the exception rather than the rule. So honestly, I think the status quo should be to NOT tell people they are fat. If YOU would like to be told that you are fat, then I think it's great for you to tell your boyfriend, your dad, your second cousin once removed, that they should let…
  • That's an interesting question. Maybe some of it is that. I think most of it is probably because (as a woman, anyway) "skinny" is more often meant as a compliment. So "too skinny" sounds different than "too fat/overweight," which I've never, literally NEVER, not once in my life, heard as a compliment. KWIM? I was one of…
  • I agree. :) Man, no wonder men have trouble figuring us out, who possibly could ever know what's "right?" For the record, my DH sent me flowers at my office after our second or third date. Just to send them (not as some of my coworkers guessed at the time, a "reward" for anything specific LOL). If you don't want someone…
  • No, I disagree entirely with the poster who thought telling someone they were fat might be useful to someone who is just getting fat, whereas it would be less useful to someone who had been overweight for most of their lives. I've never been clinically "overweight," but I did gain some lbs with each kid, and I promise you,…
  • Worst idea ever. Is Christmas also the right time to tell a family member they are a pompous *kitten*, drama-*kitten*, idiot, or ****-stirrer? Because that's exactly what someone would have to be to say "Merry Christmas, FYI, you're fat." Are people under the impression that overwieght people are confused about what the…
  • I totally agree. The scales shows me things like if I'm holding on to a little more water right now than I was the other day. That's not useful in any reality, only mind games. I like watching how my clothes fit, and measuring once in a while! I'd love to do fat analysis more often, but I haven't found a real practical yet…
  • Ididn't explain that well, I just meant that people would say "you must be twins" because they thought we looked more alike than a typical brother and sister pair. If we were twins, one male one female, we would be fraternal obviously... And fraternal twins are no more likely to look alike than any other siblings, kwim?…
  • That's exactly what appeals to me (& what my DH is, woot!). Muscles, but some healthy fat on top, too. I don't at all like when the skin is taught between the muscles-- not for me.
  • My brother absolutely looks like the masculine version of me, & me the feminine version of him. I love it, we are close in age, and growing up people would ask if we were twins (even though that doesn't make any sense. LOL). My oldest and youngest daughter look a lot alike, they are built slightly, have blue eyes and…
  • I do eat my exercise calories, but I work out hard enough (running, spinning, or resistance), that cleaning, even as a SAHM, just doesn't get me any kind of workout. If I do burn a few extra calories while I'm walking around the store, those can just be a bonus in my day. No, I'd never log those kind of calorie burns, and…
  • I suppose. I'm not a business person these days, I'm "only" a mom. I bet that's clear from my posts sometimes. LOL Well, the question is, is that portion of customers enough to warrant any basic thought given to how that population will take the product (keeping in mind that it's a product marketed elsewhere BUT you can't…
  • That's interesting! I admit that I would have guessed the US consumption higher-- to the degree of 45-55%, rather than 23%. After all, half the articles I read lately are about how all we Americans eat/drink is junk food, and the rest of the world is aghast at us... LOL Perhaps that is misrepresented to paint us in an…
  • Right, I didn't say the US was the only place it was sold. As you agree, the US is a large portion of it's customer base. "Only one country," but it's generally pretty accepted that it's in a company's best interest to think about those kinds of things regarding "large portions" of their customer base, no? I guess I just…
  • I guess that's what it comes down to, I guess I don't think that's true. There are how many millions of products offered and marketed every single day, all over the world? A scant few get serious press time for controversy. Most don't. Coke's biggest issue this year seems to have been that the Classic Coke cans looked too…
  • You ARE shocked that this bothers a number of people? Well, I'm not. So yes, of course "for real."
  • I don't think it looks like NYC (pre-9/11), but I am shocked that no Pepsi bigwig figured out that many Americans would see that beloved skyline when looking at those buildings imaged that way. I don't see this offensively, but I look at it and IMMEDIATELY can see that, duh, many people will see it. So while I don't think…
  • I have this same problem! Drives me crazy. I haven't found a good answer yet, so I'm subbing and hoping someone else has one!