catshark209 Member


  • En mi situacion, soy divorciada y vivo con mis papas. Ellos son demasiado a la antigua pero mi padre tiene 7 ( si, siete!) hermanas, y pues el es muy comprensivo pero al fin es un producto de su generacion. Mi nino tiene la crianza tradicional en mi casa, combinado con las ideas mas progresivas y liberales mias, y encima…
  • I'm working to get out of size 0 and I have a noticeable belly and a muffin top too...but mine looks like a butt....a pouch..ugh. I'm 108lbs and a size 3 now. I still feel like the saggy skinny fat Nicole Ritchie look a like I was a year ago. I'm not. You can't compare yourself to others. You are you and you lost 50…
  • Bodyrocking since August of 2011! They've changed it up a lot but it's awesome!
  • Me too! But I'm not single. Bf needs to put out more.
  • There's a guy at the gym that is so hot I can't concentrate when he's doing squats. I had to work on the machines today because I was afraid I'd drop a dumbbell on my foot. That hot.
  • Man don't do that to me!!!!!!!!!!! I was gonna cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I know what you mean! This morning I woke up to pick up my iPad and finish my book, but alas, I completed it last night....and I'm looking for new material now. I just finished The Infection. I'm on a PA thing right now.
  • I'm still getting over the whole staring at me feeling I have. I also put in headphones and do my thing. I did nothing but cardio and lost all my muscle tone and I look like a boy. I'm trying to put muscle on currently. I watch videos on youtube and have printed out a few workouts from
  • I dunno...I'm an underweight American. I eat mayo.
  • Me too!!! Stockton born and raised and I'm still here lol. Even if its a war zone. :drinker:
  • I live in a bad neighborhood and a lot of people have big gardens and is that not conductive to her living in a bad neighborhood?
  • I look like the bony one :sad: but I'm working on it.
  • Straight ally:smile:
  • I'm kinda sensitive and so I get pretty upset when that happens to me. I'm a retail manager and even though I have a thick skin, there's some people that just...they just know how to push one's buttons. I should practice what I preach and not take it personal, its about them and their hangups, not you. But what's a rota?
  • This. I sell both Spitfire and Sabre at my store. They are 3-in-1, which means they have UV dye, pepper and OC gas. Even one burst and unless homie is on PCP, he will go down. They usually are good for 5 years but don't leave them in your car if its hot. 5.11 has a few different small flashlights that fit easily in our…
  • Yup me too. She's awesome. Though when all is said and done I may end up looking like Lisa Marie..I tend to be lean. But way better than the skinny-fat splendor I am.
  • I dunno why people get so heated about what one considers oneself. My son calls himself a SPAM tamale cuz he's Anglo/Mexican. You all know about Prez Obama referring himself as a "mutt", my son loved that. Its something he can relate to. I don't get the concept as I'm "pure" Mexican :laugh: but whatever one wants to call…
  • This happens to me all the time. Bunch of macho Latinos ( yeah I'm as beaner as them so no one go all PC on me ) apparently marked the benches as God forbid I do bent over rows on them....I get the whole intimidation tactics...I just stare right back at them. As for that mofo....f uck yes I would of taken that…
  • Yeah I found it pretty easy. I thought it would be horrendously expensive and it wasn't. I found his ancestors sell receipt or whatever...she hadn't completed her servitude and was passed over to another "owner". Her name was Joanna.
  • I traced my ex husband's ancestry all the way back to an indentured servant in Virginia, from then back to Yorkshire, England. I thought it would be nice for my son to know where he comes from. Yeah so its far far back...but his last name is kinda unique.
  • Just a plain ol Mexican. From Monterrey, northeastern Mexico. I had my DNA tested and I proved to have mostly Native blood. Haplogroup A, from my mother's side. Dad wouldn't let me test his. Says its all a bunch of bs lol.
  • I come from a moderate Catholic family. I was Catholic myself until I broke the shackles off. Its pretty difficult especially cuz I've raised my son totally secular. He giggles during Mass and loudly asks why certain things are said or done. We have to participate in our family reunion Mass every June and its pretty…
  • I'll take the Big Mac. :flowerforyou: I was one of those that got all butt hurt about posts like this one and the OP's...but you know what, life is too short to get my panties in a bunch. When I was skinny fat and saggy I hated toned women of all sizes. I just work my own program and don't let s hit like that get to me…
  • I spit out my water lol. I saw a lady like that too once. I was in the mall and shopping for jeans. We all know jean shopping is f ucking evil, right? Nothing fit and l felt I looked like a emaciated prepubescent tranny until this woman walks by. 6'3" in her heels, maybe 115lbs tops. Her knees were bigger than her calves…
  • My partner is 52 and we have no problems of.....that sort. And he can out-everything me in the gym, dang it. He was running marathons before I was even a thought in my mothers head. I guess it just depends on the person.
  • Oh wow I was trendy a few months ago! I still have a thigh gap but my elbows are getting smaller, thank goodness! I hated looking like that. I looked like a bobblehead!
  • I have a chihuahua and a siamese cat. Yeah I got issues. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Thor. My ex husband looks like him except my ex is hairier and rougher lol. We get along pretty well.
  • I eat at the barest minimum 1900 but I like to get to 2300. I'm trying to not look like a boy anymore. :laugh: