

  • You are definitely in the right place if you are looking for support. Everyone here is willing to become your personal cheerleaders, Me included. Feel free to add me as a friend. The health battle is a consistent one and you want great people on your side! HERES TO THE JOURNEY!!!:drinker:
  • Hi ladies, I am in Topeka kansas, feel free to add me as well!
  • Feel free to add me :o)
  • Sarah, You can do it!! consider us all here your own cheerleaders, feel free to add me. We are all fighting the weight loss battle!! :flowerforyou:
  • Wow! look at you go ROCK STAR!!!
  • Good morning Alexis! You are one ROCK STAR, 80lbs!!! look at you go. Nothing is worse than hitting your plateau, however its all about stepping it up another notch. Try circuit training, holy geez will that knock you on your bottom! I am currently battling my plateau as well. Feel free to consider me one of your…
  • Good Morning Chris, When it comes to the weight loss battle, everyone needs a good cheerleader on their side. Feel free to consider me one of your cheerleaders!!! GO CHRIS!!
  • Personally this is what I think about watching the number on the scale........its not a good judge on what you are losing. What you should be focusing on is inches around. You could not lose any lbs but you can be losing inches. Have you tried strength training. I hit my plateau because i was so focused on cardio cardio…
    in Help!! :( Comment by jenypri July 2012
  • Good Morning Ashley, My name is Jen and I think a lot of us are looking for the same thing you are when it comes to weight loss. Support is a huge part of losing weight. There is nothing better in life than having your own cheerleader. SO.....with that said, I would be glad to help provide you with the support you need on…