Rumik Member


  • Thanks for replying. Anybody else? :(
  • Thanks for the link. I have started eating bread again (wholemeal) most days, so the extra fibre could explain it.
  • Bump
  • Thanks for the tips everyone :) Keeping my calories where they are for now, and focusing on macronutrients - 80g fat, 80g carbs, 140g protein. I'll see what effect this has after 30 days, and then possibly start upping my calories slowly if I'm still not seeing any changes.
  • Bump - anyone else? :(
  • Thanks for the tip :) I took a week off last week as I was on holiday, but while away I noticed some new definition in my back, something I've never seen before. So that's cool :) Before I left I failed on OHP for the first time, which sucked, but it was inevitable. I'm having a really hard time figuring out what to do…
  • That's MASSIVELY encouraging, thanks for posting :) I'm in week 5 now and have definitely started to notice changes in my shoulders and back... seeing muscles for the first time is exciting! I've also noticed changes in my stomach, though not visibly - using my stomach muscles just feels different, they feel stronger. Got…
  • Well I'm half way through week 3 now and it's just starting to get difficult. Can't say I've noticed any changes yet but it's very early days. I'm adjusting to the rack well enough - only dropped a weight once or twice, sending my wife pelting into the room to make sure I hadn't killed myself, lol. I must admit I'm a…
  • I've bought a squat rack on ebay for a decent price - I don't have the room for a full-on power rack, and this actually takes up very little floor space. it should arrive tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'm extremely excited :D
  • Thanks all. Looking into getting a squat rack from ebay, but I've got very little room to do this in. I need to look into it properly, but I injured my thumb on the weekend so I've been avoiding the weights. Desperate to get back on them tho! Will keep you updated with my progress :)
  • That's good to hear :) My target weight has been 140lb for a while but I think I could stand to get a little lighter, as my body fat percentage is still high - about 25%. I'd also like to be nicely defined and generally not feel self conscious when taking off my shirt in public - a problem I've had my whole life due to…
  • Having a bit of a frustrating time. been doing the 5:2 fast for about a month now, and at first it was brilliant - finally got me over my plateau and got me below the "overweight" section on the BMI chart. But now I seem to have hit a wall again. I fast, drop a couple of pounds, eat normally the next day and put it all…
  • You can find a "Strength Training" exercise under cardio, which will give you a rough estimate. It's impossible to be any more accurate than that without a heart rate monitor as calorie burn is determined entirely by how hard you work.
  • Can I ask any weight training experts out there whether I should be avoiding training on my fast days?
  • I'm starting this today too - I'm doing fasting 2 days, eating normally the rest. Has anyone had success with this variation? Planning to just eat dinner, so it doesn't impact my wife or daughter. Anyone else spending all the calories at once?
  • Just watched the documentary and am interested in trying this out. My weight loss has been coming along slowly but surely over the past 7 months, and that's restricting myself to 1600 calories a day - though on weekends I'm usually a little less strict with myself. I'm definitely interested in the idea of eating whatever I…
  • Finally, an update :) I am slowly losing weight. Not only that, but I'm losing cm too - 2cm around my waist and hips since my last gym review, and I've lost fat on my arms and legs but gained muscle. While it's slow going, I am seeing results, so I'll keep going at 1600 calories a day for another month and see how I'm…
  • Meant to reply and say thanks for this ages ago, so thanks :)
  • Thanks for all the feedback guys. Thought I'd just post an update. So I've been eating just below my daily target of 1570 since I last posted. And I've seen barely any weight loss at all. However, that doesn't mean I'm not slimming down. I don't know if I am, honestly, my next review at the gym won't be for a few more…
  • Wow, thanks guys, that was just what I needed :D I'm really grateful :)
  • I'm from the UK too - currently living near Liverpool.
  • Thanks again for all the advice. I'm going to increase my daily target to 1600 and see how I get on. If I start gaining weight then I can always drop it back down again :)
  • I've used a few calculators, and they're giving me different results, adding to my immense confusion. Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2522 calories Maintenance 2343 CALORIES/DAY Fat Loss 1875 CALORIES/DAY…
  • According to who, though? I'd really love to see some sources of this info, as people keep on throwing around numbers without anything I can read and learn from :)
  • No, not really sure how to do that?
  • Put my info in where? My MFP Goals section? Given my heights, weight, age, weight goal and number of workouts per week, it says 1200.
  • Thank you for all the advice :) I'm hesitant to increase my daily calorie target because in my experience going much higher than that just causes me to put weight back on. I've seen this happen again and again - in fact the last 2 weekends have seen me eating 200-300 calories more than my target because I've been at the…
  • Can you point me to where you read that? And when you say CANNOT, can you explain why? As I understand it there's no risk of my body going into starvation mode unless I'm actually starving, which I'm not - I'm full all day! So if you could explain, help me understand, I'd appreciate it.