MonicaA2013 Member


  • Week 3 stats...(M-Sun) 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 Days DONE 2/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 3) Run 3+ days per week DONE 0/7 4) Reach my step goal of 14k 7/7 DAY DONE 2/7 5) Begin Jillian's 30 day shred(M/T/SAT) AND The Metabolic Aftershock workout(M/W/F) on MONDAY APRIL 24th. After Jillian's 30…
  • Guess I am playing catch up again. Sorry everyone :/ SO here goes... Week 3 stats...(M-Sun) 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 Days DONE 1/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 3) Run 3+ days per week DONE 0/7 4) Reach my step goal of 14k 7/7 DAY DONE 1/7 5) Begin Jillian's 30 day shred(M/T/SAT) AND The…
  • @mari_moulin Start in the most difficult room/corner you have and finish that before you move on to the next challenge. I have learned that if you tackle the worst part of the job first, the rest seams so easy. Get the hubby and older kids involved too. They are part of the reason the mess is there to begin with anyway, so…
  • Hey everyone. I am a bit late in posting, but wanted to say great job to you all, and yesterday was all Good numbers for me. Today was great aside of my step count.
  • @GrandmaJackie Hope you enjoyed your day South of Portland. Its a Lovely area. There are some great parks to run and walk in that area. @2020pinktogo I hope your checkup went well. @catvlmack Good luck on the essay. @fitphoenix Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the spring weather. Week 2 stats...(M-Sun) 1) Keep…
  • Sorry I missed you all yesterday. Looks like everyone had a fairly good day though. Nice recovery from a couple of you too. !! Week 2 stats... 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 Days DONE 4/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 100oz+ 3) Run 3+ days per week rain delay 1/7 4) Reach my step goal of 14k 7/7 DAY…
  • @TerriRichardson112 I hope you have a fabulous time. You will reach your goals no matter what I know you will. @2020pinktogo You can do it. I hope the weather breaks for you today. @catvlmack Holding steady is far better than having a gain. It shows that you are doing the right thing. Your loss will show soon. @jdelaroy…
  • Sorry I missed you all yesterday here is my update or the day.. Week 2 has started off nicely... 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 Days DONE 2/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 100oz+ 3) Run 3+ days per week rain delay 0/7 4) Reach my step goal of 14k 7/7 DAY DONE 2/7 5) Begin Jillian's 30 day…
  • @GrandmaJackie Your right, last time it did NOT change the starting weight, it just updated the amount lost. And added our current weight to the sheet for the next weigh in. The spreadsheet has been fixed !!! I just checked before i posted this ..LOL I was taking your lead and was going to post my weight here.
  • I just had the same thing happen.
  • Once again you all have done an AMAZING job !!! Week 2 has started off nicely... 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 Days DONE 1/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 100oz+ 3) Run 3+ days per week rain delay 0/7 4) Reach my step goal of 14k 7/7 DAY DONE 1/7 5) Begin Jillian's 30 day shred(M/T/TH/SAT) AND The…
  • WOW I don't know where to start with all the post being made today !!! @TerriRichardson112 AMAZING poetry and I LOVE the fact that you plan for the goodies the babies fix for you. @lalajka I think the weekends are always the toughest or everyone. You will recover though. @Skipper111 Peppermint tea is divine !! I hope you…
  • OK I think i have managed to catch up with you all from the last few days..LOL Sorry I kinda vanished there. Well done to you all on all your goals and those NSV's. The recovery from Easter has been a chore for us all it seams. I also had TOM to recover from. I had it in the bag until yesterdays lazy day. NO activity and…
  • So here i am making up for missing you all again 2 days in a row. Keep killing those goals everyone !! 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 D/W DONE 5/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 100+oz 3) Run 3+ days per week Got out for a run today 3.25miles 4) Reach my step goal of 14k EVERY DAY ! So far so good. Got…
  • OMG you all are doing AMAZING so far. Sorry I'm a couple days late here. I hadn't realized it had been that long since I checked in. 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 D/W DONE 4/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 100+oz 3) Run 3+ days per week I got out twice on Thursday 5.77 miles total 4) Reach my step…
  • @2020pinktogo Glad to hear grandma made it through OK. Hope she is kind to your mom during her recovery. @catvlmack Nice job on the holiday weight. That's always a tough one. @skipper111 I know all to well how a good nights sleep can affect you. Glad you got the rest you needed. @jdelaroy OMG the holiday candies are…
  • My track record so far... 1) Keep within my calorie goal 5/7 D/W DONE 3/7 2) Drink a min of 75 oz of water PER DAY. DONE 100oz or more 3 days running 3) Run 3+ days per week We have a rain delay, 3 days now, so I used the elliptical for a few minutes today. 4) Reach my step goal of 14k EVERY DAY ! So far so good, gotta…
  • I am ready !! I am actually enjoying a little reprieve thought to be honest. All but the 100 day accountability challenge are now on a break and its kinda nice not having to check in on all of them ATM. I DO miss the thrill of the challenge though. And the excitement of were we would be going and all the info that is…
  • @michelleywardell be sure to get enough water and fiber every day that will help with the regularity problems. @mari_moulin I have done 30 day shred back when i first started this journey and decided it was time to return. I enjoyed it after i got used to the moves lol. I have also done a lot of her other videos, they are…
  • You can update your weigh any time you like as long as you make sure to do it on the MILESTONE days. The spreadsheet will only recalculate for the MILESTONE weigh in though.
  • You are SET !!
  • Good evening everyone. Today has been OK i have been having to many treats but i think i am doing well with TOM in the house. Water intake is great. No workouts yet this week but i will get those started in a day or 2. If i survive this week i am good till next month when the survival of the fittest comes back for another…
  • OK a littl late to the party AGAIN but i am here. My start off has been BLEH due to TOM showing up Yesterday. I am working on just keeping myself in check for this week, then i will get going on the real work for the next 100 days.
  • Are you using the app or the web version. If you are on the app you need to have a google sheets program to edit the spreadsheet.
  • ok i got you logged in but you need to put in the amount you want to lose during the next 100 days. Just click on the block in the proper column and type in your numbers and hit enter. Good to see you here B)
  • I got my steps today !! I got out to walk a LOT ! Food was better today than yesterday by FAR, i couldn't stop eating yesterday, TOM is due any day now so i know "WHY" at least. I also need to get myself off chocolate AGAIN !!! (((SMH))) I have an addiction and i need to pay more attention to what i am doing when my MIL…
  • I have a BIG to do list if the weather would ever straiten out. This weekend is a ME weekend of activities so the Sunshine will be on my face almost the whole time. BUT I have a garage that needs emptied out and re-organized in the worst way and i need dry warmer days to get it done. I am HOPING those days will come SOON…
  • CONGRATULATIONS !!!!! <3 o:) :smiley:
  • My Easter will be a bit blah, all my babies and their babies live too far away. :'( BUT we are supposed to have a PERFECT weather day B) so our pan is to get out for a nice LONG hike somewhere.
  • My day has been great so far. Work was nice and slow and then i finally got my new nails done for Easter. NOW i need to find a way to get more steps (11,281 so far, goal is 14k) and burn some calories today, the weather outside is QUITE FRIGHTFUL today. Maybe i will bring my elliptical out of retirement .. lol TOM is due…