Levedi Member


  • Could it be the studio where you workout? Do you itch at other times when you exercise at home? Are you putting on powder or something before you work out?
  • This happens to me a lot - especially when I have all day meetings where breakfast and lunch are provided. My strategy is to eat breakfast at home and only take fruit off the buffet for breakfast. At the lunch or dinner, just take one serving of whatever you eat and load up on whatever veggies they have. If it's a sit down…
  • I'm around 220lbs and I was running slowly, but regularly until I got a stress fracture in my left foot. My chiropractor said not to jog at all because it's bad for the joints. My regular doctor said to get better shoes and use the ellipticals, stationary bikes, and swimming until I was fully healed. I'm splitting the…
  • This happened to me when I did WW! I was so upset I cried. The good news is that it does grow back. My doctor said my hair loss and hair dryness were probably caused by two things. 1) I wasn't eating my healthy fats - so my good cholesterol also tanked. 2) I shocked my body by losing weight too fast (which also made it…
  • You said it, sister. :)
  • I'm on a low dose of Paxil and it works perfectly for me, but it might be part of my eating problem. I'd rather deal with that than panic attacks though. I tried Prozac and it was ugly - even on a very low dose I zoned out for half an hour at a time and had weird, extremely vivid fantasies about bleeding to death. Whatever…
    in Zoloft :( Comment by Levedi April 2012
  • Awesome! My uncle makes real maple syrup in Vermont and my dad has diabetes - they'll both get a kick out of hearing this.
  • Try a different gym - see if you can get a refund on membership. Or tell your trainer he/she isn't motivating you correctly - help him or her communicate with you better. I signed up for a trainer this year for the first time in my life and I told him straight up that if he called me lazy or yelled at me, I was walking…
  • Bump
  • Lots of good advice on here already, but I just wanted to encourage you. From what you've said, you are under a lot of emotional stress and dealing with some big shifts in your life - BF disappearing on you, Asperger's assessment, etc. Therapy can also be really hard, even though it's worth the effort, it's still effort.…
  • Not to be mean, but maybe you are bragging and she's just tired of it. It doesn't sound like she's sabotaging you, just asking you to be more sensitive to the fact that this is not the most exciting thing for her and perhaps you are coming across as bragging. I'm genuinely happy for my friends when they get engaged, but…
  • I sympathize - I'm a night owl too and I lived above my own landlord once. He was a very light sleeper. Can you do Pilates and exercise ball routines? And take up racquetball at the gym so you don't get stuck doing nothing but treadmill. I wouldn't hesitate to ask the neighbors to keep it down when they're screaming at…
  • You shouldn't run barefoot on a treadmill because it's dangerous for your toes - if they get caught on the edge of the belt they could literally get ripped off. I know it sounds unlikely, but accidents do happen. I'm all for barefoot running - I used to hike barefoot. But for your own safety you should run on a trail or…
  • I'm an English professor with a specialty in medieval literature. I love my job! It's hard work and it took a long time to get here, but I don't regret it at all. I love to teach and mentor students and I love to write, so it's the perfect job for me.
  • This is a major signal that something might be wrong with your hormonal balance that's keeping you from losing. I had the same problem at about age 26 - broke down in the doctor's office crying about how I was doing an hour of intense workouts for an hour a day and eating 1300 calories a day without losing. She immediately…
  • Listen to the midwife! And the rest of the people saying you should get it checked out. But no need for an ER visit - really that's only for life and limb threatening emergencies.
  • Try taking Yasmin - it's birth control, but its got an anti-androgen that most BC pills don't have. Don't take Yaz - it made me gain 20lbs in a month. Nothing stopped me gaining weight until I went on Yasmin. It's not easy to lose the weight once it's on, but the Yasmin does help a lot. Check out your other meds to see if…
    in PCOS Comment by Levedi December 2011
  • Honey, no. This is very bad for you - your metabolism will crash, you'll stop losing weight because your body thinks you're starving to death and you'll probably start suffering headaches, irritability, and confusion (all signs of low blood sugar and inadequate nutrition.) This is the sort of crash dieting that MFP is…
  • I'm really sorry to hear that. *hugs* I'll pray for you. :heart:
  • Depression (oh food, you're my only friend!), feeling alone, and when my asthma flares. I know - that last one is odd. But I developed the habit in college of eating when I was staying up super late studying, so I associate food with extra energy. Asthma flares make me feel weak and sluggish, so I tend to eat as if that's…
  • I count calories, veggies and exercise. Eating the right amount of vegetables seems to naturally balance out my cravings for extra fats and carbs, it makes me feel more energetic and that helps me get enough exercise, which also lowers my cravings and stress. Also, it's easier to keep track of "did I eat 3-5 servings of…
  • Oh yeah. I think that's a big part of why I regained the 50lbs I lost on WW. i still felt like a fat person disguised in a skinnier body so giving up on the healthy eating felt like going back to my real self. I had to adjust my thinking about myself before I could tackle the weight loss again. Some days I feel like I'm…
  • I've found that a certain amount of food is necessary for me to feel full - perhaps you don't need to cut calories, but to burn more of what you're eating. Dieting without exercise is also more likely to lead to rebound weight gain. What you're eating looks great.
  • I don't think there's a specific maximum. As long as you're getting your other nutrients and keeping to your calorie goal, you should be fine. Maybe track your protein if you're concerned - Greek yogurt does have a lot of protein in it so you might not need as much protein from other sources if you're eating a lot.
  • It sounds to me like you're at the point where you need an expert trainer / nutrition consult to fine tune an already good routine and determine fine goals. Also, you might not need to lose fat - a certain level of body fat is healthy and will protect your joints, etc. You're obviously doing a lot right. Keep it up!
  • Welcome! Keep it up - it's worth it. :)
  • You should have your doctor do a blood test to check your androgen levels. A hormone imbalance can prevent weight loss even when you are dieting and exercising. You might need something other than the duromine.
  • Definitely ask your doctor, especially if your cycle is normally regular. Stopping your period can result from shocks to the system (losing too rapidly), malnutrition (too few nutrients, or missing some particular ones like iron), exhaustion, and too little body fat. Or it could be something else entirely that you need…
  • Thanks guys - I may ask my doctor about shifting my meds, though I don't actually have a lot of options left. My best option is to move out of the LA basin; it's just too polluted here. But until I get a job elsewhere, I'll have to fight the asthma battle pretty much daily. Feh.
  • I'd like to agree with you, except I know from experience that attraction isn't just about a person being nice inside. It's the total package. I've been asked out by thoroughly decent guys and sleazeballs and a whole range in between. The attraction factor was a combo of looks, personality, and timing. It's not fair, but…