chelledmal Member


  • After seeing this over and over the past few days, I realized I completely didn't see my own information that was already there until just now! Haha! Sorry about that Katrina! :tongue: :laugh:
  • Ronya- So sorry you're not feeling well. Being sick and throwing up doesn't seem like a fun combination. Hope you feel better soon! Stacy- I've never used cloth diapers myself, but my cousin does and loves them. She bought a one size fits all brand. I think she said her favorite was "bumgenious" They have inserts I believe…
  • Welcome to all of the new ladies! You'll love the encouragement and helpful advice given here! It becomes quite addicting!!! Just jump right in! Melissa- I would second what Julz said about the blood flow. I've also experienced this with both pregnancies. And pairing that with my vertigo is no cup of tea. I've just got to…
  • Sounds like you've been well informed then. Yay for smelling like breakfast! There is a tea that's supposed to help, though I can't remember the name. I can't help much with the latching issue other than recommending ,as the last resort, a nipple shield in case you are to have inverted or flat nipples causing the problem.…
  • I can read it just fine! What a good idea :smile: Here's my information: Michelle- EDD 2/5/12- Will find out the gender soon- 1Boy
  • A friend of mine posted this last week: A couple people wanted my recipe for my low cal, low fat banana bread. Seriously does NOT taste any different! Here it is: 3 bananas, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup of margarine (I use light) 1/2 tsp cinnamon (Mix all that with your mixer) then add 2 cups all purpose flour, 1 tsp baking soda 1/2…
  • I know! I love that! One of my best friends that was behind me 2 weeks last time just found out she's pregnant with me this time around 4 weeks! It's always nice to have someone to share your stories with!
  • Exactly! My mother had me when she was 40. Kinda made her proud to be sporting a brand new baby and breastfeeding at that age! I have a TON of friends that are planning on having kids up until they just can't! My best friend just had hers, and she's 32 with 3 other children. You'll do great! Both of you! :)
  • Name: Michelle Age: 21 Location: Houston, Texas Baby #?: 2 Due Date: February 5, 2012 Baby Sex: haven't found out yet! Baby Name: We haven't even began to think about that yet! Occupation: "Household Management Specialist" RESPONSIBILITIES: The rest of your life. Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until…
  • Hi everyone! I hope ya'll don't mind if I jump in! :smile: I had my firstborn last July so now my big boy is a toddling 1 year old! My husband and I are expecting baby #2! I am almost 11 weeks along. We are thrilled to be bringing more fun and entertainment to our household come February. During my first pregnancy, I ate…
  • I am currently still breastfeeding my 12 month old though I believe God's telling my body it's time to give it up since it seems my milk is drying up. Good luck this time around! Not every mommy tries again after their first child if it was a difficult experience. Practice makes perfect! And once you have it down pat it…
  • I had my first prenatal appointment tuesday! Nothing too special..she couldn't find the heartbeat yet and we didn't do labwork because my veins move around and have a tendency to "bend" so she's going to wait until I have more volumes of blood at my next appointment when I'm 14 weeks. Filled out all the paper work which…
  • I made my first prenatal appointment for Tuesday!...I guess I'll be getting paperwork, labwork, and maybe check to see if she can find the heartbeat?! It's always such a reassuring sound <3 With my first I found out the gender at 13 weeks, so I may not have too much longer to wait til we can find out for this one! I have…
  • Sorry ladies about all the heartburn. I haven't had any yet, but boy did I last time! I used Tums all the time but I did find one thing that helped a lot when tums didn't... Papaya! I'm not sure if eating the fruit would help but you can buy papaya enzymes at the store in a chewable tablet. Papaya is a natural digestive…
  • Like I said, there are certain precautions you have to take. But yes, I agree with medicine as well for interventions and saving lives!
  • I don't really think being overdue was a bad thing. Maybe there's something about your baby that needs some final touches that you don't know never know why the baby is still "baking" haha! I think sometimes we tend to rely on doctors to say when our baby should be born instead of just letting the miracle of…
  • It was me! haha! Thanks for all the information ladies. My midwife just checks up on my diet a couple of times through the pregnancy, so I think I'll be okay since i've been through this before. I just wasn't sure about tracking it on here...I think I'll just watch what I eat and leave it at that.
  • Awesome! Glad I have someone to go through this with til the end! With my track record though...I'll probably bake my bun for another 12days after my due date! hahah! I have home births, so I don't use medication to induce so I wait...and wait...and wait! lol
  • P.S. My name is Michelle :) mdbibb89= m(ichelle)d(awn) b(ibb)--my maiden name 89--the year I was born I haven't been logging my food either. Just so I'm not the only one haha! I'm just eating when I'm hungry though I'm at the stage where I eat 10 bites of something and feel full but then I'm hungry an hour later. Trying to…
  • I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range…
  • Well, you could always try an eggplant parmesan.
  • You inspire me. I've lost all but the last 10lbs of my baby weight but my son just turned 10 months old. I have been eating tons of protein dairy and produce for the past week. Hopefully I'll see more results soon! Congratulations on your accomplishments hun! You work has payed off! :)
  • Same here! Those exercises make a difference though. I jumped on a trampoline with my best friend's kids a few weeks ago and really did pee myself! It's just a fact of life that unfortunately hit me at 21!
  • Toyota Prius! We usually average about 45 - 50mpg! LOVE IT! Definitely the way to go :)
  • I did the 30DS but it took me 37 days to complete it. I was really only doing it to see how it worked so I wasn't really eating the best things. I only lost 5lbs BUT I lost 13.5" total inches!!! I'm on my round 2 this time started yesterday. Excited to keep seeing results!
  • I read somewhere that if you do the first level log it as circuit training 20 minutes...second level 25 minutes...and 3 level 30 minutes. What I have been doing instead of that though is just counting my pulse for 10 seconds every 20 minutes of my workout multiply those numbers by 6 and then average the numbers together.…
  • The second looks best on your body type and it would less to worry about when it comes to wrinkles and your bustle.
  • Same goals here!
  • Thank you so much for answering my question! I will continue to read the book and look more into it. I might even go ahead a start the basic foundation of it like getting rid of white bread and refined sugar and continue to use MFP to count my calories. Ethan is 9 1/2 months old now so I am only nursing him 5ish times a…