khoshgeleh16 Member


  • So sorry for your loss - I know exactly how you feel. My father passed away ten days ago from pancreatic cancer, and I sort of hopped off the wagon about 2.5 weeks prior - with taking care of him 24/7 for those few weeks, I only half-heartedly tracked my food and I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight back : -/ I'll just…
  • I prefer contacts for most cardio things - my glasses bounce around in Zumba and while running, and are deeply annoying when you get sweaty - but at the gym, I don't really mind. Especially if I'm just doing weights, where I'm unlikely to dislodge them and they won't get too sweaty and icky!
  • I've had a pretty good time with OKCupid, but you definitely need to learn how to filter the messages you get - so many copy/pasted messages from guys with 30% match ratings who clearly haven't read your profile, or creepy dudes who jump straight to sex talk without so much as a "by your leave". Once you learn how to…
  • Oh, man. Loaded question. Any particular style of dance you're wanting to do? I've been on a serious shaabi kick lately - "El Khokha" by Riko & Dina in particular, and anything by Amina (surprise!). I'm also loving this shaabi/debke mashup by Amina & Hisham which really…
  • Yes, absolutely this. A properly-sized sports bra with encapsulation + compression is *essential*. I wear a 38H/36HH and I have absolutely no problems with bouncing, much less chafing, when I run. The Panache Sport is my favorite, but you could also try Shock Absorber (mostly wire-free but still very effective) or Freya…
  • My starting weight reflects my heaviest weight, which I reached a year ago and about eight months before I started on MFP. I use it because it marks the start of my quest to get in better shape, and the losses I achieved in those eight months (about 12 pounds) still count as losses! Either way you choose, I definitely…
  • Oooh, I need this in my life and diary! Especially love that it's already meat-free! \o/ Chickpeas are the greatest.
  • I started on MFP at 267 (having been at 281 six months previous) and eating ~1860 a day, and I'm now eating 1600 (+ exercise calories, so usually around 2200-2500) a day at 232lbs. You absolutely don't need to start out at 1400; there's no need to restrict yourself quite so severely, and in fact unsustainable restrictions…
  • I'm 5'8 and started running regularly when I was 267 - right now, at 234, I'm running 15 miles a week and training for a 10k (on top of quite a bit of other exercise - Zumba, walking, dance, weights). So far, I've had no problems with my knees at all, which is especially remarkable given that I have a pair of exceedingly…
  • CHEESE. I don't think there's been a day I've logged when I haven't eaten some form of cheese. Sometimes three. Eggs, apples, peas, and Quorn/other veggie protein products are pretty much the only things I eat constantly. And I do love a good crisp (aka chip). Sweet chili flavoured, preferably.
  • Good shoes, take it slow (use a C25k app if possible), and make sure you have a really supportive sports bra.
  • Practice. Lots of practice. Even women don't get bendy like that without working at it, and a lot of guys simply don't work at it, because flexibility is classed as "feminine". If you want to see big dudes that lift heavy weights and are also ridiculously bendy, look at ice hockey goalies.
  • It's good that you're aware of this and trying to avoid it, because that line of thinking leads straight to eating disorders and an effed-up metabolism - speaking from experience. Slow and sustainable is a much, much nicer route even though it takes a long time. The scenic route, if you will.
  • I generally eat about 2200-2500 calories a day (netting 1600 at the 1.5lb/week level) and have been consistently losing since I joined MFP at the end of October. Admittedly I walk for transportation and do a lot of exercise besides, so I'm able to achieve pretty large burns on a regular basis... You could even probably…
  • Distance, for sure. 5k isn't very satisfying anymore, and 10k is still a bit of a challenge, but I'm really enjoying longer distances more than I thought I would!
  • Your size should actually be pretty easy to find at Nordstroms or online - or a local specialty bra store (NOT Victoria's Secret). If you're in the US, Figleaves carry lots of stylish UK brands for larger busts. (Cleo by Panache is my personal favorite!) I'd also recommend checking out Bravissimo's Fit Guide and the…
  • I think this is pretty individual - I started out at a 40GG (at 281) and have gotten smaller in the back but my breasts themselves are not any smaller, so I moved into 38Hs and now am starting to wear 36HHs.
  • It's about fitness. Even when I was a 2-sport athlete in freaking excellent shape, I was considered "fat" by conventional beauty standards - I wore a size 10/12 at 5'8 and 176, which drove me into a fun few years of battling with eating disorders. "Thin" is literally physically impossible as a goal for me and I refuse to…
  • I burn 500 just walking - if I get my 10k steps in I've usually burnt 500 easily, though it takes about an hour and a half at normal walking speed. An hour of Zumba is around 650-800 depending on the intensity, and a 6.5 mile (relatively slow) run yesterday netted me 1100, per my HRM. (Of course, I am both very tall and…
  • I've only been a vegetarian since 2008, but I've never liked meat - even as a very small child, I hated the taste and the texture and my mother had to force me to eat the stuff. One of my earliest memories, actually, is biting down on a piece of gristle in a hamburger and being completely disgusted. So I avoided meat,…
  • I'm 25 and my first goal is a 96-pound loss though I think it may end up being more in the 105-110 range.
  • I can't do a lot of jumping around, so my preferred workout DVDs all tend to be dance ones - ballet/barre, bellydance drills, various Latin cardio things, some Polynesian. I'm also a big fan of Pilates for quick bits of exercise, but I use Blogilates videos instead of DVDs for that!
  • Yeah, I tried that approach, but it only resulted in burnout and feeling terrible about my abilities as a runner. The apps really made a difference for me - kept me from pushing myself *too* hard, if that makes sense?
  • Yoga's good, or if you're looking for pretty intensive stretching, I really like Fit & Bendy's contortion stretching DVD - it's an hour long and it takes you through exercises for splits, backbends, and other "extreme" positions. It's helped me get my straddle splits back to something reasonable-looking, which is saying…
  • I started C25k at the end of October, finished it in early February, and am now on my way to training for a 10k - I'm running about 4.5 miles at present, when I could barely run two-tenths of a mile 6 months ago!
  • Having seen some things at local haflas that are, quite frankly, embarrassing, and occasionally downright offensive, I think she has a point. I don't agree with a lot of her "evidence" - I doubt any of the dancers she names would self-identify as "brown", for one thing, and Fifi Abdo is literally the opposite of "modest",…
  • My old figure skating dresses. I still have a couple in the closet at my parents' house and, though they are horrifically out of fashion (one has purple metallic fishnet sleeves, I mean...) I was in ridiculously good shape back then.
  • I'd log things like pickles and I always log sauces, but there's no way I'm going to log every individual spice I use a dash of, or every mug of tea (which is literally just hot water with leaf flavor!). It's impractical and likely to make logging even more tedious than it needs to be, and it hasn't caused any problems for…
  • Honestly, I've been running since I was ~260 pounds (and I'm only 236 now!) and I've never had a problem, even though I'm dreadfully slow. It's much more psychological than real, I promise!
  • I've not actually lost anything in the cups yet - I just need a tighter band, which means (annoyingly) that I've got even less of a selection now than I had before. Relevant numbers - at 5'8 and a pretty large frame - at ~281 pounds, I wore a 40GG - at ~240-260, I wore/still wear a 38H - now in the 230s (and presumably for…