Synchronicity Member


  • A lot depends on whether the person is morbidly obese or not. The morbidly obese can tolerate extreme calorie deficits and do deplete fat stores for energy more efficiently (I think) than a non-obese person. I'm not entirely sure of the biochemical mechanism behind all this. I'd have to do some more research. It's a pretty…
  • If you can get past the intimidation factor of using free weights, I recommend Strong Lifts 5X5. Very very basic. Good work out. You can do it two or three times a week. Google it... it's easy to learn... and not much reading involved. Also, stage 1 of New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women is good. I think the other stages…
  • Mmm. I disagree. I weight train and I'm fairly big. I also weight trained with a partner for a while... she was morbidly obese. I don't know her weight, but since she was much larger than me, I'm guessing she was close to 300. She was (is) an amazing woman and she lifted heavier than I could. She did have to make some…
  • Eggs are fine... UNLESS you happen to be predisposed to high cholesterol due to genetics. For most of us, dietary cholesterol is no big deal. We make cholesterol anyway, so if we eat it, we either make less or we get rid of the extra we don't need in our feces. And you are correct that recent studies and recent opinions…
  • Why do you think oil is "junk"? Because it has a high caloric value? Oil has a number of benefits and can be part of a healthy diet, especially if that oil is rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Head over to the Mayo Clinic website or WebMD for some good, basic info on healthy fats.
  • Anger at your self doesn't really accomplish anything. It doesn't make it easier to lose weight. It doesn't help you exercise. More often than not, it leads to other negative emotions like disappointment and even depression. I'm not a cognitive therapist, so I can't really teach you how to re-direct your thoughts, but I…
  • You are not doomed to gain weight just because you are on Paxil. Some people do. Some don't. Paxil doesn't cause weight gain by itself... meaning that as far as we know, its not actually altering your metabolism and making you pack on the pounds. It is more likely that Paxil increases appetite. If you track what you eat,…
  • You will not find one that you can rely on for an accurate prediction. Why? Because way too many factors go into determining weight fluctuations on a day-to-day basis: water in your plasma, tissues, and bladder, the actual weight of food in your intestines waiting to be digested, the fecal material in you waiting to be…
  • Good book. I liked stage 1. After that, it got too complicated and I switched to Strong Lifts 5x5. But the info on why women should lift is great.
  • This. I left MFP and am back after a long absence... and its the same-old, same-old. Good people try to help with quality, scientifically backed information. Many other people try to help with pseudoscience and anecdotal evidence (which is not evidence at all). People get frustrated. Some get overly harsh. I've gotten…
  • Caffeine is a stimulant too, and gives people an 'edge' too.... but Caffeine is socially acceptable despite there being some (modest) risks related to caffeine consumption. And while we're at it... Wellbutrin can increase motivation and performance... So can Provigil and related compounds... My point? Human beings use…
  • Going out on a crazy limb here... but propagating the species/survival of the fittest requires a mate that isn't going to kill me before we can reproduce :) If he (we) can laugh at the ups and downs in life, both at each other and at the insane little beings we're bringing into the world... well, I figure that ups my odds…
  • Dropping the weight down isn't really about the calluses... those will come with time and you'll probably form those faster at higher weights. For me, dropping the weight down and building back up was about giving my grip-strength a chance to catch up with the rest of me. I didn't decrease weights a lot... just enough that…
  • Light therapy has been a big help for me too.
  • I had this problem too when I first lifted. I dropped my weights down, then slowly rebuilt... my problem was just that the muscles in my hands had not strengthened as quickly as the rest of me. It's hard to be patient, but... I personally prefer the patient approach to straps. Straps do not improve hand-strength (or so I…
  • It's not really a "how long" thing. Your body is constantly synthesizing (anabolism) and breaking down (catabolism) molecules, including the fatty acids that you store in adipocytes (fat cells). I don't know exactly how long it takes to assemble a fatty acid chain and attach it to glycerol and shuttle it to storage... but…
  • (My opinion: The same as many above but I'm procrastinating writing a test for my students, so...) 1200 calories/day is not enough to enjoy Thai curry or chocolate cake in moderation while still getting all the necessary nutrients for a happy, healthy life. This makes me sad. And if I'm only eating 1200 calories a day, I'm…
  • Patience. You are going to have your ups and downs. We do not know all there is to know about human metabolism... so it's really just a guessing game as to why you gained a little this week and lost last week. It could be water retention. It could be you didn't burn as many calories as you thought you burned and/or that…