JojoInTheForks Member


  • I actually set the alarm on my phone several times a day so it reminds me to hydrate! And, since I also don't like plain ole water (unless it's a very hot day), I throw some fruit/veg in the bottom of the water jug in the fridge; sometimes cucumbers; sometimes berries. Adds a mild flavour that makes it easier!
  • @KMC55 The struggle is real. I've been eating "healthy" and at a deficit since June 1st and I still ate a piece of fudge for breakfast and weighed in 2 pounds higher this morning than I did yesterday morning. Thank the good lord for people like you who are facing similar battles as it makes things a whole lot easier to…
  • It's Tuesday so that is weigh-in day for me! But first, a few catch ups! @jennor8or A Mid November start creates great habits heading into Christmas! Welcome aboard, I hope you find this group as wonderful and helpful as I have! @goal06082021 I can relate to the family history and I LOVE your goal of being nice to…
  • It's amazing how quickly this conversation can get away from you when you are MIA for just a few days!! I have read every update and am rooting for all of us! I'll be more present this coming week for sure! @changeforeverlj Just gotta!! It's oftentimes difficult to hear criticism of ourselves but you took what…
  • Good Tuesday morning ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful week! @MaxCat1000 Taking food on the go may seem a little awkward at first, but you get used to it. Even if I'm just running errands, and I know it will take me over the time I usually eat my lunch, I'll pack it! I'm notorious now for having my lunch bag in my…
  • It has been awhile since I've caught up with all of you, so bear with me!! @MuttiNM I have been following your success as we are close in weight right now and your determination and goal setting is so inspiring to me!! @Tarzan37 I'm starting a home work out schedule now that the weather has changed here too. Not always…
  • Well I live in Canada and our Thanksgiving is in October!! And my Christmas decorations came out this week! After the year we've had, it's nice to see the lights and feel the peace and nostalgia that comes with them! I will start baking this weekend and Christmas prep at my parents' house! In my husband's native Dominican…
  • I have been on a wee bit of a roller coaster the last few days...and I did attempt to post here yesterday but it poofed and so here it is the 4th of November and just checking in. Starting Weight June 1, 2020: 242 pounds Starting Weight November 1, 2020: 192 pounds I have been at 192 pounds for 2 weeks, despite doing…
  • I'm not one of those people that can eat certain foods in moderation. Like pizza, like candy, like baked goods. I cannot keep them in my house. I will bake for a dessert for a dinner party but then it all has to leave my house that night. (I try to send the remains home with whomever has been dinner guest). I made one tray…
  • I have been plugging away...not seeing a scale drop but things are fitting looser and looser. And it has become a trend that I lose in the first few weeks of the month and not at all in the last of the month so I'm cognizant of that. Even still, I have tightened up my logging/food choices and added in some more exercise…
  • @xofarrah Wahoooo! What a whoosh! You should be proud of yourself cause your hard work is showing itself on the scale. Good for you. @KMC55 welcome aboard; always nice to hear about people on such similar journeys! @heatherbluebell 8 pounds in two weeks is beyond amazing! You must be working sooo hard and that's something…
  • @changeforeverlj Thank you for your encouragement. It feels great when someone 'gets it'. I'm so proud of you for sticking with the running and doing so well with it!! Look at us, a world apart, in opposing seasons and yet each other's cheerleader! Your manager was mean, by the way, but happy you could bounce it off!! I…
  • This whole weight loss thing is really a mental game...for me anyway. I go weeks at a time following my food/exercise regime and i am proud of myself for the hard work and pleased with my success. Then, BAM out of nowhere, I find myself in the doldrums wondering if any of this even matters or if it is even making a…
  • I never thought I'd be the person that likes a big heaping plate of broccoli either but I fills me up and has very few calories. I spice it up with popcorn seasonings (addicted to the white cheddar). Is it my favourite thing to eat? Not by a long shot. But it fills me up and gives me nutrients and is very light on…
  • I can't handle being hungry. But because I need to lose weight, I eat at a deficit. Some days are easier than others. I need to be careful with my choices...a full sized plate of cauliflower/broccoli with a side of grilled haddock comes in pretty low on the calories, for example. Maybe there are ways you can tweak your…
  • @changeforeverlj I am so proud of you!!!! Remember that feeling of accomplishment cause you earned it!!! That is the biggest step up there is in the couch25k program and many many people have to repeat weeks (not that there is anything wrong with that!) so reward yourself well! Canadian Thanksgiving is relatively similar…
  • I have been after dear husband to put a new hole in my belt (he has this welding thing that makes a perfect hole and takes like 2.5 seconds)...he took so long to get around to it that I had to get him to add another one straight away! Puts me in about 8 inches from where I started :smile:
  • Good Monday morning all you lovely ladies! It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada so from us to all of you, whether you celebrate or not, happy Thanksgiving! @changeforeverlj I followed your lead and weighed in a day early too ahead of our Thanksgiving meal! As you prep for that 20 minute run, I'm soooo impressed that…
  • Hey @torih941 Your vent could have been plucked from my brain! Every single week I feel like I battle with the scale. I do everything right and yet things don't budge..until they do. What I have found helps me get through the impatient, blah days when I get so frustrated is two fold: I print off the report of my weight…
  • Congratulations @MuttiNM on onderland!!!!! I dont even know you but am beaming with pride!! It is quite an accomplishment and I hope you take time to really celebrate it!!
  • Originally my husband said, "I give it two days". Which, of course, meant I had to do it forever hahaha. But truly, he has become a very important part of this process. We live together and eat together and share a life of course my success is his success too! It would make me very sad to be sabotaged by…
  • I think everyone is different. I had a hundred pounds to lose. I've lost almost 50 and today was the first day I couldn't fit into any pants other than leggings.
  • Just yesterday I made the comment that I think another 10 pounds or so and I'd be naked. Well....getting ready for work this morning, not one pair of pants I own fits me any longer. Like not at all doable. I am sitting in my office today with jeggings on LOL. I will invest in some tights and pantyhose on my way home from…
  • Congratulations Anniebr! 100 pounds is certainly a milestone...I hope you have a good treat planned for yourself when it officially clicks over!! I'm just about half way to a hundred myself and if I reach my goal of 100 gone? Well this Mamacita is headed for the islands!
  • Boo :disappointed: I'm sorry he didn't put in the effort so you could have the birthday you envisioned. Maybe he takes you but just hangs out while you do the hike...I know it's not as fun solo but I'd rather do it myself than not do it at all and just build up resentment! Especially if it'll make it worse if he comes…
  • Do you have a friend that could do the Falls trip with? Then meet hubs for dinner? Then no one is offended; you still get what you want; and you still get to enjoy time together on your birthday! I'm like you...I'd want to teach him a lesson. But in the end, all that winds up happening is YOU miss out on a fun thing for…
  • haha thanks everyone @changeforeverlj What a wonderful experience for your Dad...and you; especially after the tumultuous week before! So this week was a little frustrating and I was cranky for a lot of it. But I watched my calorie intake and I did my was begrudgingly because I expect weight loss to be linear…