Rosyone Member


  • Is there any reason you can't use one program to determine what and how much to eat and the other just for informational purposes, to give you a different slant on what you're doing? I did that with the South Beach diet and MFP for a while - following SB pretty much to the letter and then logging my meals here after the…
  • I do both in turn. A couple of weeks of South Beach phase 1 will break the sugar craving/binge cycle and reduce the risk that I'll get up in the middle of the night to bake brownies. Then I can ease into a modest deficit with confidence that I'll be able to stick to it.
  • My sister is 5'9" and I don't think she's ever weighed as much as 130 lbs in her life, pregnancies aside. I'm a couple of inches shorter with smaller hands and feet and a more rounded build, and for most of our adult lives my "set point" weight has hovered around 5 pounds higher than hers. So I was the heavy sister,…
  • I quit in December, 08. What I did was scatter a box of nicotine patches around all the places where I knew I'd be during the day - in my desk at work, under the keyboard of my home computer, in the car, and so on - so that I'd have the comfort of knowing that nicotine was always within easy reach if I really REALLY needed…
  • A photo of one of our toddlers taken on a beach vacation years ago cured me of thinking my thighs were too massive. The child was the subject of the photo and it was taken from down on his level, with just the lower half of my standing body visible off to one side. I was astonished by how slender and shapely my legs looked…
  • Try making it less mindless. Plan for and budget the calories for a bedtime snack.
  • Age: 58 Height: 5'7" Weight: 130 1,390 calories + 75% of exercise calories. Set on "Lightly Active" to lose a half pound per week Tomorrow will be my 2nd weigh-in since beginning the diet on the 5th and I have a feeling that I won't record a loss this time. Last week it was 3 pounds of what I assume was mostly water…
  • The bit about retaining lean mass is very much an issue for her now, or should be. Muscle is more easily retained than regained. OP, if you're at all active then you should have some good quality muscle just from hauling those 270 pounds around. Look at the photos in the "Success Stories" forum and you see that a lot of…
  • I ask for a takeout container with the meal, then divide it in half before I start eating. That way I end the meal with a closed container and an empty plate.
  • Or caffeine withdrawal if you've cut way back on cokes. Do you drink coffee?
    in Why? Comment by Rosyone December 2013
  • My final arbiter in such situations is the USDA database at Their value is only 1 calorie away from yours at 139 calories for 84 g (3 oz) of "chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, meat only, cooked, roasted."
  • I'd think that if you don't know how much water is lost in cooking, it would better to weigh the meat BEFORE cooking when the contribution of water as a percentage of the total weight of the chicken is at its most consistent. Wait to weigh it after it's cooked and you have no practical way of knowing the percentage of…
  • If you find that a GF diet doesn't help, try eliminating nightshade vegetables for a while - potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers. They can trigger flare ups in some people.
  • You'd be hard pressed to find a low impact cardiovascular exercise routine that's worth doing and would be much easier on your body than this one: It's based on walking, but she varies the steps so that you aren't putting your muscles and joints through the same repetitive…